The Blister Exists.

Look At What The Bats Dragged In

~Joey's POV~

While Corey was busy training Constance, I decided I should get busy trying to track down Wednesday. I dreaded this, knowing what our history was, and knowing Sid had no idea. I loved Sid, and I knew Wednesday would pick up on this and become jealous. After all, I never loved Wednesday the same way. He'd tell me how much he loved me, but I couldn't lie to him. I cared for Wednesday, but not in the way he wanted. Although he had great power, Wednesday was still human. He begged for me to change him, but I couldn't do that. If I did, there'd be a risk of him losing his power. That, and I wasn't ready to have a young vampire to look after. I'm still not ready. I know Corey has his reasons, but he's much older than I am.

“Sid, hand me that.” I said pointing to a black duffel bag. He handed it to me with a sad look on his face as I began filling it with clothes.

“Are you sure I can't come with you?” He asked me.

“Fuck. Sid, no you can not come with me. You don't know Wednesday like I do. He probably wont agree to this meeting if I'm not alone.” It was hard to explain this to him.

“There was something between you two, wasn't there.” He said after about 10 minutes of silent packing.

“Why would you say that?” I asked stopping what I was doing.

“Your body language.” Sid answered pointing at me.

He was right, and I knew there'd be no point in lying to him. Sid was extremely perceptive. That's one of the reasons I loved him.

“At least let me give you something to make sure you come back to me.” Sid said grabbing onto my hips and pulling me over onto his lap. He pressed his soft lips onto mine gently. I could feel him growing beneath me as I returned the kiss with more intensity and that was the beginning of the end of me packing.

❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦

The next morning, at exactly 4:59am I awoke. Hitting the alarm clock before it had a chance to scream and wake up Sid. I didn't have time to deal with saying goodbye. It wasn't as if I wouldn't come back. I quietly gathered my things, kissed him softly on the forehead, and made my way out of the room. In the hall way I saw Corey standing outside of Constance's door.

“What's going on?” I asked.

“No. Nothing.” He said sounding guilty.

“Are you guys just finishing up?” I asked noticing he was still in his gym clothes, or at least, what Constance had left of them.

“Oh yeah.” He said eyeing me over.

“I figured you'd be gone by now. What was you doing in Sid's room?” He asked me changing the subject before I could ask why he was standing outside of her door.

“Just grabbing my shit, man. I'm heading out now.” I answered. I didn't have to explain myself to him. If he didn't know what was going on around him, maybe he should spend a little less time worrying about fucking Constance, and a little more time paying attention to his clan. Or what was left of it. The Slipknot clan used to be strong, but now we were divided. This balancing act between rockstar and vampire was not as easy as most humans would fantasize.

“Safe trip, Jordison.” He said patting my shoulder firmly as if to tell me that he was still in charge. I guess I had been getting a little too snippy with people.

“I'll return with Wednesday as soon as I can.” I said after taking a breath. I wasn't exactly sure if I could get him to agree to this, but I had to try. I'll be honest, stopping a pure bread werewolf from killing a new born vampire, wasn't at the top of my to do list, and seeing Wednesday only to ask him for a favor, was even further down. However, I knew if something happened to Constance, Corey would never forgive himself, and Sid would be devastated.

I kept that in my mind as I made my way to my car. I was doing this for them, not for her. Don't get me wrong, I didn't have anything against Constance, I'm sure in a few years she'd make a great vampire... but right now, I wouldn't take a stake for her.

❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦

London, England. This is where I'd find Wednesday when he wasn't touring the US, or back in North Carolina. There was something about this place that Wednesday loved.

I dialed his number.

He answered.

“Joey.” I could hear the smile in his voice.

“I'm in London, Wednesday.”

“I know.” He replied.

“How?” I looked around and saw a black car inching towards me. “I see you.” I hung up the phone and pushed it into my pocket as I made my way to his car and dropped the duffel bag in the back seat.

“It's been too long, Joey.” He said as I buckled my seat belt. He brushed my hair behind my ear.

“Yes, it has.” I returned. I wasn't comfortable with him touching me, but if I reacted in a way he didn't like, he probably wouldn't return with me.

“I don't know about you, but I'm famished.” He said dramatically as he drove away.

As he drove to a dumpy little restaurant, I tried to sit as close to the door as I possibly could without looking too obviously uncomfortable. “Joey, have you eaten already?” He asked hinting that he smelled the human blood I had drank. Although he wasn't vampire, his senses were incredible.

“Last night.” I answered.

“fair enough.” Wednesday parked his car and we made our way inside where we were greeted by a tall hostess who looked tired of life in general. She led us to a booth and handed us our menus. I, ofcourse, didn't need one, but to keep up appearances I accepted it.

“Wednesday, I'm not here just for a visit.” I told him moving his menu from in front of his face.

“Of course you're not.” He sighed and looked out the window.

“I need your assistance.” I continued looking at him sternly.

“New album?” He asked pretending he didn't know what I was talking about.

“Wednesday.” I put my hand on his arm and he looked back to me.

“I need your help.” I knew it was wrong of me to play off his emotions like this, but I really didn't have much other choice.

“Have you guys made up your minds?” A waitress said walking over to us, not looking at us, and smelling of sweat... and regret.

“Yes, ma'am. For me, bangers and mash, and a glass of orange juice. My friend here, he isn't eating.” Wednesday ordered trying out his English accent. The waitress rolled her eyes and walked away.

Waiting for Wednesday's food was awkward. He asked me what I'd been up to, but I knew he was really asking who I'd been fucking. I didn't give him the answers he was looking for, but then again, he didn't right out ask me. The waitress left Wednesday's food and drink in front of him, then walked away. She wasn't going to get a very good tip.

I watched him eat, patiently waiting for him to finish.

“What is it you need, Joe.” He asked between bites.

“Corey got himself into a situation with a new vamp and a werewolf.” I began to explain to him everything that was happening back in California. I wasn't expecting him to take it very seriously, but when he started to laugh historically and draw attention to our table, I became infuriated.

“You're being serious?” He asked seeing that I wasn't laughing with him.

Gritting my teeth, I nodded.

“If I do this... you have to owe me.” He said before taking a long drink of his orange juice. His eyes looked at me as though he were trying to seduce me with his sucking skills. He wriggled his eyebrows.

“I will owe you.” I sighed and agreed. I was hoping that Wednesday had moved on, that maybe he was just fucking with me, but I had a suspicion that he didn't and he wasn't.