The Blister Exists.

Better Make Yourself At Home..

“Connie? Hey, wake up. We have to hit the road.” Sid said shaking me and pulling me out of a dreamless sleep. I looked around for Corey, but he was no where in sight. “Jesus, what the fuck happened in here?” Sid asked as he picked up a piece of what used to be a shirt, completely stained with dried blood.

I shrugged, and rolled out of bed on the opposite side of him. I pulled out a gray t-shirt, a pair of ripped up black skinny jeans, and green frog panties out of my duffel bag. Sid covered his eyes but smiled as he made a gap between his fingers. I didn't care if he looked. I found myself becoming less shy or worried about things I would have been in the past.. when I was still human.

Once I was finished dressing and washing my face, I walked with Sid out into the hallway, and an older cleaning lady walked into the room behind us. Just before we walked into the elevator I heard her screaming, and I laughed. I was losing what little humanity I had left, and I didn't miss it.

In the lobby, Corey was addressing the group. “I think we should hold off on recording the next album for now. Otep made a threat against Constance, and I think we need to keep our guard up. Joey, Sid, myself, and Constance are going to go to the mansion in LA. If you guys want to spend a few weeks catching up on some personal projects, feel free to do so. However, at any moment I might call you, so be prepared to get your asses there A.S.A.P.” The guys nodded and did not question his decision. I believe inside they were cheering. This would be a break for them, like a vacation of sorts. Outside, they wore excellent poker-faces.

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The flight to LA didn't seem to take much time at all, neither did the drive to their mansion. Corey didn't talk to me, neither did he look at me. Infact, he seemed to be avoiding me completely. Was he ashamed of what he had done? It wasn't as though I forced him into it, and if I recall correctly, he came onto me! So why the fuck was he acting so god damn cocky?

“You okay kiddo?” Sid asked me as I glared out the window in the direction of a young couple walking across the cross walk, holding hands. “Are you trying to set them on fire?” He made a joke, but I couldn't deny that.

“Yo, shut the fuck up.” Joey said from the seat behind us kicking his feet into Sid's back.

“Okay princess, fuck.” Sid said back to him.

Corey, who was driving, turned up the radio to drown us out. I didn't blame him. Sometimes, Sid and Joey argued like a married couple.

Once we were at the mansion, my eyes grew wide as two saucers. “This is your house?” I asked standing infront of the gates as Joey, Sid, and Corey walked up behind me carrying the bags.

“Well, we share it with a few... people.” Sid chuckled.

“They used to be people.” Joey chimed in.

“Used to be?” I asked raising an eyebrow at him.

“He means they're ghost, Constance. This mansion once belonged to the great Harry Hudini.” Said Corey, finally acknowledging my existence. “When we first came here, in the early 2000's, Joey had a few experiences which have made him a little apprehensive about returning.” He explained unlocking the gates and leading us inside.

“I don't believe in ghosts.” I said catching up to him.

“You also didn't believe in vampires.” He grinned walking faster. I stopped and took in the house, and the surroundings.

“Keep up.” He said looking back to me.

“You're just fucking with me.” I shook it off once again catching up with him.

“No. I'm not. The thing about ghosts is when they manifest, they take on two different forms. There's their human form, and their orb form.” He said. The other two guys remained silent. “You'll probably see more of them in orb form.”

“Uh huh.” I said not sure if I was believing him or not.

“Don't try to touch them.” Joey said looking bitter.

“Why?” I asked.

“Just... don't.” He answered. Everybody but Sid seemed to be in a crabby mood.

“Hello sir.” An older man greeted Corey. “May I take your bags?” He asked. Surely this elderly man couldn't handle all of them. Corey nodded and the man split in two. Literally. Vertically down, from the top of his head, to his groin area, he split. Each half of him grew an exact copy of the original man, and then they began to repeat the process until there were enough of him to handle all of the bags.

“Don't stare.” Joey said elbowing me in the side. I took a breath and nodded.

“So, where is my room?” I asked walking back up to Corey. I was hoping maybe this would jolt his memory some, and he'd at least acknowledge what we did.

“Mr. Pippin.” Corey called to one of the clones.

“Yes sir?” He answered.

“Please escort Constance to the room we had dressed for her.” He smiled as Mr. Pippin took my arm and walked me towards the great staircase.

We approached a purple door that stood out from the decor of the hall. One of the Pippin's was already inside hanging clothes in the closet. “Here you are madam.” Said the man who had my arm.

“T-thanks.” I said trying not to stare at him.

“Pippin! Come.” he said to the other clone.

Once alone, I took a second to appreciate the room. A large canopy bed dressed in
different shades of purple, and black, seemed to be the main eye catcher. There had to be at least fifty pillows on it. The walls were a dark shade of purple as well, with miscellaneous paintings. There was a large window with a loveseat sitting in front of it. I was grateful for the effort that seemed to go into decorating the room, but in all honesty it looked like something you'd see made in The Sims from someone who doesn't know what they're doing. As I walked around the room a bit, I noticed another door. It led to a private bathroom. I was excited to see a large tub which looked large enough to hold 5 grown men. A large vanity mirror was nice also.

“How do you like it?” Corey asked appearing behind me.

“Why have you been avoiding me?” I asked taking advantage of this opportunity we had alone and ignoring his question.

“I thought maybe the bed was a little much, but I figured if you don't like it, you can change it.” He said now ignoring my question.

“It's fine. Thank you. Now please, tell me what I did?” I caved following him into the room.

“You walked home, alone, that night.” He said before vanishing into the hallway shutting the door behind him.

I sat on the bed, dissatisfied with his answer. I decided I wasn't going to take that as an answer, and I made my way to the door. When I swung it open Mr. Pippin, or one of him, was standing on the other side with his fist up ready to knock. “Ma'am, master Taylor has asked me to advise you to stay in tonight. As it is a full moon tomorrow night, he has said you'll all need your strength.”

“Thanks, but I need to see him.” I said back feeling battle ready.

“No, ma'am. You need to stay here.” He pushed two fingers into my chest and I basically flew backwards. Without warning, my fangs popped out and I seemed to have hissed. “Yes, right.” He wasn't phased, and he walked in uncovering a mini fridge and microwave inside of my closet. That was an odd place of them, but I wasn't that surprised. “You have a fresh supply of blood here, and a microwave if you don't like it cold.” He said said with a smile.

“You do know, that as soon as you get out, I'm leaving.” I said as he walked back into the main room.

“Yes ma'am, master Taylor did anticipate that. He asked that I, or one of my brothers, be outside your door at all times until ordered otherwise.” He recalled.

“You've got to be fucking kidding me.” I said sitting back on the bed holding my head in my hands.

“No ma'am.” He answered.

“I wasn't... nevermind.”

“Ma'am, I suggest you have plenty to drink. You will need to be as strong, and as level headed as possible.” He said pointing towards the closet.

“Why?” I asked looking up at him.

“I can not say, however you should trust me when I say it's important.” With that last comment he left my room.