Chemical Freaks

Haley Monroe is anything but ordinary. She's a teenager, trying to manage her life. However, with the way things are going on at school and the way her past is coming back to haunt her, will she ever be at peace with her present life? Or will it all take a toll on her and her best friends? [Gerard story!!!]
  1. Me And My Mind Loss
    You Seriously Want To Know About Me?
  2. The New Kid
    "Please, call me Frank. Mr. Iero is my father."
  3. The Boy, Frank Iero
    Oi, Kid. You Seem Pretty Damn Cool. For A Pip-Squeak, I Mean.
  4. Jesse’s Little Crush or My Little Crush?
    Crushes Are Called Crushes For A Reason.
  5. Zoning Out Mixed With Sharing Secrets = Disaster
    Ah, The Stupidity Of Others. You Gotta Love It.
  6. School Freaks Vs. Everyone Else = Bad Times
    Let The Violence Begin...
  7. Stupid Cheerleaders!
    How Much Cheer Is In A Cheerleader? NONE.
  8. The Office Is A Small World
    A Day At The Office Makes You Sick With Boredom.
  9. The Past That Haunts Me
    It's Okay. The World Is Only Burning To Death. No Big.
  10. Bad News And My Mom
    Bad News, Sleepovers, And What-Not.
  11. Let's Just Make Up Already!!!
    Settling Pasts, Strange Phone Calls, And Moonlit Walks.
  12. Don't Be Such A Loser, Gerard!
    How Protective Can You Get?
  13. Goodnight, Sweetheart
    I Love You, But What More Can I Do?
  14. I Swear, I'm Not Crazy Babe!
    I Hate How You Haunt Me.
  15. You And Me Can Dream Tonight
    These Dreams Seem So Real. (Gerard's POV)
  16. Your Heart And Your Knife Match
    I Always Forgive Her. (Gerard's POV)
  17. What A Life We Could Have Had
    When Your Lies Get In The Way Of Your Survival... (Gerard's POV)
  18. My Heart Won't Let You Go
    She Loves Me And She Never Loved You! (Gerard's POV)
  19. Oh, Take Me From The Hospital Bed
    Wouldn't It Be Grand To Take A Pistol By The Hand? (Gerard's POV)
  20. My Last Goodbye Was Hopeless
    Things Are Better If I Say, So Long And Goodbye. (Gerard's POV)
  21. School's Deathly Lesson On Acceptance
    The Battle Was An Uphill One. (Gerard's POV)
  22. Epilogue
    Years Into My Future. (Gerard's POV)
  23. What Was The Point? AUTHORS NOTE
    This is just from me. No need to be alarmed!