
Cynthia.. Human, not Vampyre Mate.....

Tons of people sat down stairs, many more than I would've thought possible. " there a reason there are so many people here?" I asked Eric softly.

"Oh, yeah," he said. "I forgot to tell you I'm having a party. I glared at him than looked at my terrible clothing choice for the event. I pulled away from him but his grip held. "You're not going anywhere, love."

"I need to I look terrible," I muttered to him. He looked me up and down and nodded letting me go to change.

I ran upstairs and quickly changed into a pair of tight straight legged jeans and a long t-shirt. I quickly fixed my hair in the mirror and then ran back downstairs to find Eric.

I found him surrounded by girls. Not just girls either tall gorgeous model type girls. The kind that would make any guy turn his head to have a second look to see if he was delusional or not. Yeah, he was surrounded by those girls.

I frowned and leaned back against the wall with my arms crossed watching him. Luckily it wasn't long until he found me and pulled me into the middle of the chatting beautiful girls. What he did next though shocked me even more than a party and all the amazing girls that probably existed on earth all surrounding my fiance.

He pulled my close to him wrapping his arms tight around my waist and whispered softly in my ear, "I love you." Then he kissed me softly yet passionately on the lips. My hands slowly moved up his chest and onto his soft face as the kiss deepened. Then he pulled away from me and smiled.

I smiled back and whispered, "I love you too." I realized that all of the girls that were surrounding us were now stark silent allowing just the music to fill my ears. I felt a blush raise to my cheeks and pulled away from Eric ducking quickly out of the room.

I went and sat in the kitchen, it was mostly quiet so I didn't have much to worry about. There were just a couple other girls in there having their own small little conversations.

"So did you hear about Eric?" one asked the other.

"No, what about him?"

"I hear he's got his fifth fiance, as you know the other ones were all killed."

"Yeah, why do you think that is?"

"I hear, during full moons he goes rabid and rips their hearts out if they're in the same room."

That was it I didn't want to hear anymore I ran back upstairs and into Eric's room curling up on his bed. I'd have to get this whole fiance thing straightened out. I had to talk to Eric.
♠ ♠ ♠ << it's an rpg site i just started it if anyone's interested you may join me I could use a few literate people...