I'm Going to Lose it

A few of my famous friends

We got out of the car and Danny came over to help get stuff out of our car. He saw Chloe in the back seat and didn't know what to say. He reached in and unbuckled her. Everyone looked at him like he was an idiot holding a bundle of blankets. That is until I unwrapped her. They came over just so they could all get a peek. After standing their for about 10 minutes, we finally moved it inside. Dougie and I set up Chloe's crib in his room. After I finally got her to rest, I went outside to meet all of Dougie's friends.

"Danielle this is Lil Chris"

"Nice to meet you."

It went on like this for a long time. I met some people from a band called busted. Although I did hear they aren't a band anymore. I met some other people as well. About an hour later, I heard Chloe crying on the baby monitor. Danny beat me to her though and grabbed her. He walked out holding her as if she was his.

"Danny I can take her since she is my daughter."

"It's OK. Ive got her."

"What is up with you?"

He pulled me upstairs to his apartment. I guess to talk.

"What is going on Danny?"

"Katie found out, she is pregnant."

"O shit that is just great."

"I want to practice and now I can practice on Chloe."

"So you are going to stick around with the baby?"

"I would never leave her to deal with it on her own. I was thinking of asking her to marry me."

"Are you kidding me?"

"No. Look at the ring."

He reached into his night stand and pulled out a blue velvet box. I opened it and I found a simple gold band with a diamond right in the middle. It was perfect for Katie. I knew she would love it.

"How long have you had this?"

"I just got it today. Do you think she will like it?"

"I know she will love it."

"I want to call your dad first and get his permission."

"Well I can give you my phone and you call him. I will be downstairs and I will be taking my daughter."

"Thank you so much Danielle."

I walked out of the room so Danny could have his time to talk to my dad. This was so exciting. I was extremely happy for Katie and Danny. I walked back out to the party only to see Dougie and Jack being surrounded by people. I walked over to see what was going on only to become surrounded myself. I was so confused. I got out of that mass as soon as I could. I heard Dougie yell my name and when I looked at him, an isle was cleared out and it was a direct path to Dougie. No one was in the way. I could only see Dougie and Jack. He could only see me and Chloe. Thats when it happened.
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