I'm Going to Lose it

Dance on tables

I woke up the next morning to find Dougie still sleeping. I decided to go check on the kids. When I walked into their room though, there was not a baby in sight. I was about to scream when i heard a muffled laugh. I followed the sound. Inside of the kitchen I found Danny and Katie with the babies.

"Well look who finally decided to wake up."

"I had a late night last night OK. By the way congrats Katie on the baby."

"How did you find out?"

I looked at Danny and he looked to the floor. Almost as if he were a little kid getting yelled at.

"Danny told me.Is that OK?"

"No its not. I told him not to tell anyone."

"Why not its exciting."

Danny looked up and before Katie could say anything he spoke up for the first time.

"She doesn't plan on keeping it."

"What are you putting it up for adoption?"

"No I am going to get an abo-"

"You are not seriously thinking about that are you? You cant do that. Doesn't Danny have a say in this?"

"No hes done enough. Hes the reason I'm in this mess."

I looked over at Danny and he finally looked up. He had tears in his eyes ready to spill over at any moment. I was ready to go over to Katie and slap her. Danny didn't deserve this.

"Danny can you help me get the kids dressed?"

He was so upset he couldn't even talk. He just grabbed Chloe and Jack and walked to their room.

"Katie don't do anything stupid. Danny wants this. At least have it and give it to him. He wasn't the only one that made the baby. You made a mistake to."

I walked out of the room and into the kids room. I grabbed the babies and walked them into mine and Dougie's room. I was hoping he would be awake. But of course that was only hopeful wishing. He was still asleep so I took the babies and laid them on the bed. As soon as I got them situated I got on top of Dougie and put my lips to his.

"Dougie get up please."

"Honey its to early for this."

"Can you watch the babies? I need to talk to Danny."

"Whats wrong with him?"

"Ill tell you later. Watch the babies. They are right next to you."

I got off of the bed and walked back into the kids room. Only to find Danny sitting in the corner of the room in full tears.

"Danny talk to me please."

"I really wanted the baby. She wont give me a chance to talk to her about it."

" Shh take a deep breath."

"Why is she doing this to me?"

"Did you ask her to marry you?"


"What did she say?"

"She said no. She said we made a mistake and she wasn't going to ruin her life for a little mistake. It wasn't what she wanted. Thats when she told me she was getting an abortion. I cant think of her killing my baby. Its a piece of me."

"Have you tried telling her that?"

"She wont let me talk to her about it."

He was in tears and their was no stopping it now. I needed to talk to Katie but Danny needed someone right now. Just to sit with. I was giving him a hug just as Dougie came walking in and saw him crying. He handed me the babies and gave Danny a hug. After a few minutes in silence I finally spoke up.

"I'm going to go to the kitchen to talk to Katie. I am going to leave you guys to clean the babies diapers. They smell really bad. Dougie let Danny do it, he needs the practice."

Dougie looked at me like I was crazy. He must have been listening to us. I shot him a look and he gave a baby to Danny. I was walking out of the room and I heard Danny and Dougie talking. As I was walking to the kitchen I heard crying coming form inside. I walked in to find Katie sitting at the table crying.
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