I'm Going to Lose it

Last minute

We walked out to Danny's car and he started it up. We were in the car for about fifteen minutes when he pulled up to the movie theater.

"Danny what are we going to see?"

"Danielle shut it and just follow."

"Danny dont you ever talk that way to Danielle."

"Sorry just please follow me and dont ask questions."

We followed Danny and Katie into the theater where thay already had the tickets ordered so they just picked them up while Dougie and I went and got the snacks and drinks. We met back up outside of the bathrooms so we could all try before the movie started. Katie and I went first while the boys sat at a table and we went to the bathroom.

"Katie how have you been? I feel like we dont talk anymore."

"Ive been good. How about you?"

"Amazing. Im so glad I found Dougie and Im so happy to have Chloe.How are you and Danny?"

"We are... talking. I dont know. Hes a nice person but I dont know how I feel about him. Considering what happpened between us. I dont know if I could see us together later in life."

"I get it but he really loves that and you know it. Your the first person that actually brought him happiness. Not only you but the baby. He is the happiest and you brought him that."

"I know but I cant help but think that I made the wrong mistake. I might have the baby and give it to him. I cant have a baby right now. I have one year left of college."

"Thats understandable. Whatever you choose remember I am here for you. Now lets get out of here so the boys can pee and we can watch the movie."

We walked out of the bathroom and the boys walked past us faster than I had ever seen. Katie and I took a seat and waited for the boys when a Mcfly fan walked past us. Danny and Dougie were walking out and Dougie came right up to me and gave me a quick kiss before grabbing my hand.

"So your the bitch that ruined Mcfly."

I looked at her suprised. I have met some fans that didnt like me but they have never been that rude to me.

"Excuse me what did you say to my fiance?"

"I said shes the bitched that ruined you guys. I am a huge fan of you but Dougie is ruining his life. Now Mcfly will never be the same."

Danny looked at me and could see the tears in my eyes.

"Mrs. You need to stop that now. Please leave us alone. You dont know Danielle and you dont realize that she has made everyone in the band so much happier." We started to walk away but the girl couldnt stop. I broke away from the group and ran. I didnt know where to go but I ran.
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Its a little short. I have shit to do but I will hopefully update again. COMMENT PLEASE