I'm Going to Lose it

So much has happened

The flight wasn't as bad as I had been expecting. Us five girls going to London without any parents. It should be exciting. No one in our group really knew anything about London except the little facts you are taught at school. I did however know a few bands that did start in the U.K. That will always help me in a time of need right? My friend Margarita was sitting next to me and then it as an empty seat. Shes not suppose to be coming with us considering shes a year younger than all of us, but we are all so close we decided she could come. We had reserved a hotel room for one month. It was right in the middle of the city. Once the plane had landed we went outside and we were not prepared for it to be raining. We had called for a taxi and we were loading it all up. It took 3 taxis to get all of our stuff to the hotel. Hey, five girls means a lot of luggage. Margarita and I were in the same Taxi together.

"Hey Dani, aren't you so excited to be in London?"

"Yeah, are you?"


"Do you think they have any concerts or anything going on when we are here?"

"I don't know we can check it out when we get to the hotel though."

"True. I can't wait to see our hotel room."

"Me either I hope its nice."

As soon as Margarita said that the Taxi driver let out a muffled laugh. Now I am kind of nervous to know what the hotel looks like.

"What was that for ?"

"Margarita stop don't yell at him."

"No it's okay miss. I was just laughing because that hotel is not the nicest."

"It looked nice in the picture."

"Nothing is never what it seems. Where are you ladies from?"

"Umm. Delaware. Its in the U.S."

"Ahh I see. try it out for a night. I can't guarantee you will like it though."

"Is there a nicer place around here that is not to expensive? We rented two rooms there for a month. WE were planning on staying here while and we don't have much. Thats all we can afford."

"Well good luck. You girls might enjoy it. I'm just saying I never did."

"Great. We can try it out."

"Well I'm glad you are up for it cause here we are. Look take my number if you girls have any questions about anything call me. I had a daughter around your age and you girls should know that i will try to help you out with anything. By the way my names Scott."

"Well thanks Scott we will. You said you had a daughter what happened to her if you don't mind me asking."

"Dani, don't ask him that its not your business."

"No its OK she died in a car accident a few months ago."

"O we are so sorry to hear that."

"Thanks. Is there anything else I can do for you ladies?"

"Well we are going to go get food and go shopping. Is there like a mall or something around her?"

"Yeah if you go take your luggage upstairs and come back down I can take all of you there."

"Thanks we will be right back."

We all went and checked in. They handed us our keys and told us we were on the third floor. Great. We took the elevator up to the third floor and it was the scariest thing I have ever ridden on. The rooms were just as bad as the elevator. This month was going to be hell. It stunk and looked like it had never been cleaned. Now I know why Scott laughed. We all put our bags into the rooms and we walked down the stairs to go back out. Scott was waiting in the car for us. He reminded me of my dad so much. It was cute how he offered to help us out. The ride to the closest mall was not as long as I was expecting. Scott gave us a mini tour while we were driving around. About twenty minutes later we were at the mall and we were all ready to go shopping. Scott told us he would come pick us up when we were all done all we had to do was call him. I was so glad to be getting food. I fell like I haven't eaten in forever. Food Court here I come...
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I know it wasn't the greatest but I'm trying. let me know how you like it. I need feedback.