I'm Going to Lose it

Party People

I ran for awhile until I came across a park. I ran to the swing sets and just cried. There was no end. People walked by me and just stared. One lady even came up to me and gave me a tissue. I don't know why it upset me so much that that girl called me a bitch. I have been called worse. My phone buzzed the whole time I was running and even sitting down it was still buzzing in my pocket. I pulled it out to see Dougie was trying to call me. I didn't answer it just yet. I needed time to myself. I sat on the swings for awhile. Just crying and thinking. I finally decided to talk to Dougie. I looked at my phone only to find I had over 50 missed calls.


"Danielle where are you? You've been gone for over an hour. I'm coming to get you. Where are you?"

"I'm at a park. Its right down the road from the movie theater. I'm sorry."

"Its not your fault. Stay put Ill be there in a few minutes."


I was waiting there on the swing set for about ten minutes when Dougie pulled up and parked his car. He got out and sat next to me on the swings.

"Are you okay Danielle? Ive never seen you that upset."

"Yeah I'm fine. I don't know why I got that upset and I'm sorry for ruining everyones day."

"Don't worry about it. Lets go for a quick walk. We have to be back at the house soon though because we are going out to dinner with Danny and Katie."

"I don't know if thats a good idea. I don't know if I'm ready for that ."

"They have something important they want to show you. Please for me."

"I guess. Where are we going to go?"

"Don't worry about it. Just take my hand and walk with me."


I took his had and as soon as his hand hit my hand all of my worries and problems disappeared. It was almost like he had the magic touch. We walked together for a few minutes before we headed back to the car. We walked hand in hand the whole time. I didn't want to let go of his hand when we got in the car but I had to so I could buckle. But once we were ready to go he grabbed my hand and held my hand the whole ride back. He was my super hero. Every time I was in trouble or something happened he was always there to help me. We pulled up to the house and Dougie came to my door and opened it for me.

"You need a shower and then there is a special present for you."

"Where is it?"

"Don't worry about it."

I got in the shower and tried not to take a long shower. When I got out Dougie was standing their with a box and a bow.

"Whats this?"

"Open it."

I opened it and inside of it was a beautiful deep blue dress that came to my knees. It had rhinestones all over. He left so I could get ready. Once I was finished I walked out of the room and into the kitchen to find Dougie in a tux sitting with a Guinness. He didn't know I was their so I walked up to him and gave him a on the cheek.

"Thank you for my dress."

"Thats not all."

He pulled out three boxes form his coat. I felt like it was my birthday.

"This one is from Chloe."

I opened it to find a diamond bracelet.

"And this one is from Jack."

Inside the box were a pair of dangling diamond earrings.

"And last but not least this is from me."

It was the prettiest diamond necklace I had ever seen.

"What is all if this for?"

"You don't know what today is do you?"

"No what is it?"

"You'll find out."

Just then the door bell rang and we went to get it. It was Danny and Katie. We walked outside and found a limo waiting for us. The driver got out and opened the door for us. Danny and Dougie sat next to each other and talked while Katie and I sat next to each other and talked. Neither of us knew what was going on. We pulled up to a restaurant that looked very nice. The boys helped us out and we walked in hand in hand once again.


I looked around and saw some family members and friends. Mostly Dougie's. A little boy came running up to us and almost knocked us over. I was in complete shock. Tom was walking up to me and had Chloe in his hands and she was in the prettiest dress. She looked like a little princess. The little figure was Jack and he was in a tux.

"What's going on Dougie?"

"Its our engagement party. And Happy Mothers Day."

I cant believe I forgot today was Mothers Day. I gave him a hug. Once again my prince is to the rescue. I am so glad I found him. I gave him a big kiss and the people around us were whistling causing us to stop and look around. I went up to my mom and gave her a hug and wished her a Happy Mothers Day. Its been forever since I had seen them. Dinner was so good. Some of our family and friends made speeches. I was so much fun. Danny speech put me on the verge of tears.

"Danielle and Dougie what can I say about you two. Dougie I have watched you grow up almost. You have always been a strange kid. You and your lizards. I have watched you bring home girls and have your heart broken and you have broken many hearts. The night before you met Danielle you were so sad and we could barley get you to eat. You had your heart broken and I didn't think it could ever be fixed. What you don't know is the guys and I saw her at lunch the next day and invited her to come backstage to the concert. We wanted to cheer you up a little. When you came back in the room the day of the concert, we saw you smile. It wasn't just a regular smile either. You were happy. You had a look in your eye that said you might love her. Here we are only a few weeks since then at your engagement party. Danielle, the first night we saw you with him I was so happy for him. We have been through some hard times already. A week after you met I was actually jealous of you. You stole my best friend from me. I never told you but I'm glad you took my best friend from me because he is happier than any other girl has ever made him and our relationship is even closer. Dougie was going through a hard time when he met you but you made him forget everything when he was with you. You have had your fair share of hard times as well. And there will be many more to follow. You have a wonderful family already and I am so happy to see you guys happy and I'm happy to be an uncle. Congrats on the engagement and welcome to the family."

I walked up to him and gave him a hug. He made everything better and I knew I was being brought into the right family. Everyone else gave a speech but Danny's is the only one I will say because I didn't know a guy like him could say all of those things. We stayed for awhile longer and the kids feel asleep on each of us. This really is the perfect family.
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Let me know how you like it so far PLEASE. If you want a part in it let me know. I could use some people for the wedding. COMMENT PLEASE!!!!!