I'm Going to Lose it

Lost in this moment

It had been a few days since the party and I was glad someone remembered. It was my first mothers day and I was glad to have my family around. Katie and my family went home three days ago. I was glad they left when they did and glad they took Katie. Her and Danny were constantly fighting and arguing. She had decided she would just have the baby in Delaware and Danny could come and take it. I know Danny was sad she left but he was glad he would have the baby. We had most of the wedding planned. We just had to go visit Delaware so he could see the place and we could order everything.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah Dougie give me one sec. Let me go talk to Danny really fast."


I walked up to the top part of the building. It was nice having Danny so close. He always wanted to watch the kids which was nice for when we were both tired and needed sleep. I needed to talk to him about Katie since he was coming with us the Delaware. I knocked and waited for him for a few minutes and I heard him rustling around for a few minutes. A puffy eyed Danny opened the door and I engulfed him in a huge. Danny had been through so much he needed the support.

"Are you feeling okay today?"

"Today is not a good day for me."

"I wish today was a good day."

"So do I."

"Danny are you going to be okay staying at my house. You can stay with my brother if that would be better."

"Why wouldn't I stay at your house?"

"Katie might be their. I'm not sure if she went back to school for summer courses. "

"Ill be okay. Maybe I can talk to her and make everything okay between us. She left on bad terms."

"I know. Maybe you two can. But for now, Dougie is ready to go. Are you?

"Yeah let me go grab my bag."

"Okay I'll be right here. Actually I'm going to grab a coke from your refrigerator and a scone from your cabinet."

He laughed and walked away. I had grown very fond of scones since I came here and they all keeps scones at their houses just for me.

~Many hours later~

The plane ride was very boring. Danny and Jack were playing and Dougie was sleeping. I was glad to see Danny cheer up. Every time the kids came around he cheered up. I think thats why he was always taking my kids. The plane landed and Dougie was still sleeping and Chloe was starting to fuss. I picked Chloe out of her car seat and started to pat her back while giving Dougie a kiss on the lips. Dougie's eyes slowly opened and he tried to deepen the kiss. I wasn't going to let him do this on the plane so I pulled away as fast as I could.

"Hey I was starting to enjoy that."

"Sucks for you. Pane landed we are all leaving. You are more than welcome to stay."

I winked at him and started to walk away but not before he slapped me on the ass.

"Keep that up mister and you wont get supper."

A smile played on my lips but I didn't let it show through. He smiled at me and got up. He grabbed all of the carry on and I had Chloe in one hand and her car seat in the other. Danny was holding Jacks hand and his carry on. As soon as we got off the plane I knew I needed a caffeine fix.

"I'm going to star-bucks."

I started to power walk and I knew I was walking to fast for them to keep up. I saw Danny pick up Jack so he could walk faster. I got inside of the Star-bucks and ordered a drink for everyone but Chloe. Of course I got Jack a Chocolate milk in a cup instead of a coffee. He always wanted to look like a big kid so I always got him things in a cup. He looked so much like his daddy and acted like his daddy too. I also ordered a ton of scones for later. Once I ordered all the drinks I sat down and they were going to bring them all out. Dougie and Danny finally reached us and sat down. Once the drinks were delivered we sat at the table for awhile just talking. We never rushed because it was always so crowded. After ten minutes we decided to walk to the luggage claim. WE gathered all of our luggage and I turned around to find a sign saying "Mrs.Poynter".

"You are too good for me."

"I don't deserve a wonderful girl like you."

We walked out to the limo and the driver put all of our luggage into the car. I was glad to be home. The ride home was not that long and the whole time Dougie and I held hands. I was lost in this moment and I never wanted it to be over. I looked Dougie in the eyes and he had the greatest sparkle to them.The moment was made even better when Jack spoke.

"Mommy, Daddy, Uncwle Danny whaw aww we?"

"We are visiting your grandparents."

"I thowt day lived neaw us."

"We are visiting mommy's parents."


We pulled up into the drive way and I hopped out and ran to the garage with Dougie and Chloe. Danny ran out after us with Jack. I knocked on the door and my mom appeared. She screamed and gave me and all of the boys a hug. After standing outside for a moment we all finally walked inside.

"Is dad home?"

"Yeah hes downstairs."

"Well is jess home to watch them. I don't want to bring them down with us."

"Yeah shes in her room."

I walked upstairs to her room and the boys followed with the kids. I was giggling. They looked like babies seeing something for the first time. They were not use to my house and it was cute watching them. I got to her room and grabbed Jack from Danny. I knocked on her door.

"What do you want?"

I whispered in Jacks ear.

"Ant Jesswe?"

The door opened so fast that Jack almost fell over. Jesse saw Jack and picked him up giving him a big hug. Thats what I loved about my family they loved Jack like he was theirs. Jesse's friends were all fans of Mcfly because of Jess and they saw Danny and Dougie and were ready to pounce.

"Alexa and Kelli this is my nephew Jack, Sister Danielle, Niece Chloe, Soon to be brother Dougie and Soon to be brother Danny."

Everyone referred to Danny as brother. Same with Tom and Harry. I grabbed the boys hands before her friends could attack and walked downstairs. My mom led us to the basement.
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Heres an update for you all...