I'm Going to Lose it

His heart has stopped

Our trip has been going very well lately. These few days have been amazing. Everyone forgot all of their problems and we were actually having some fun. I showed Danny and Dougie where I wanted to have the wedding at and they all loved it. I was glad things were starting to fall into place. Everyone went to stay at the boat but me. I had dress shopping on Saturday and I couldn’t have Dougie their. Dougie didn’t want me to stay their by myself so he had Danny stay home with me. So I was sitting in the kitchen when the door bell rang. I was busy cooking dinner when it rang so I had Danny get it for me.

~Danny POV ~

Because I was sitting and watching TV it was my duty to answer the door. I wish I didn’t have to open the door.

“What the hell are you doing here Danny?”

“Your sister and everyone came to visit so I came with them. We are getting ready for the wedding.”

She pushed her way in knocking me over in the process. I tried to help her and grab her luggage but she pushed me away and gave me a look that could kill. I couldn’t take it. I was finally doing well and then she walked back into my life and was so disrespectful to me and I did nothing to her. I couldn’t take this I was going to go sit into Danielle’s room. I needed my own space right this second. I walked into the kitchen.

“I am going to go sit in your room for a few seconds.”


I walked up to her room and you are probably wondering why I went into her room and not the one I have been staying in. The room I was staying in is Katie’s.

~Danielle’s POV~

Something had made Danny upset. I can always tell when he is upset by the way he talks and says some words. I decided to put cooking dinner on hold and find out what had made Danny so upset. I walked into the foyer to find the only thing that could have made him so upset. There she was lugging her luggage to the steps.

“What did you say to Danny?”

“Nice to see you to sis.”

“What did you say to Danny?”

“I just asked him why the hell he was here.”

“You ruined Danny. I hope you know that.”

“What are you talking about? He ruined me.”

“It takes two to tango. He wasn’t the only one that made a stupid mistake. He has been paying greatly for it. Did you know the day after you left he stopped eating? He lost over 20 pounds and once everyone noticed, Dougie had to stay with him and force him to eat. He has been so upset because he has yet to go to an ultra sound with you to see how the baby is doing. Every time my phone rings he stands right next to me and prays that it has nothing to do with you or the baby. Did you know that? Probably not since you are so selfish and only think about your self.”

I left her to think about what I just said and I walked up to my room to find the door locked. I got the key and unlocked it quietly. Danny was lying on my bed shaking uncontrollably. Seeing Katie has really hit him hard. I walked up to the bed and sat on the edge. I had learned over time that if he is really upset, you can calm him down by rubbing and patting his back. After five minutes he calmed down and rolled over on his back. He looked at me and seeing his eyes swollen and puffy made me get tears in my eyes.

“I miss her Danielle. Seeing her brought up all of my old feelings for her and makes me want her even more.”

“I don’t know what to tell you. I guess just give her some time.”

“I want to but I need to know how my kid is doing. I want to help her and be there for her like Dougie was with Hannah.”

“I wish Mike was like you, that’s all I can say. If you give her time she will come around.”

We sat in my room and talked a little longer and then we decided that we would go finish dinner. Although Danny was not the greatest cook I was going to have him help. It beat trying to get him to avoid Katie by himself. We walked downstairs and started cooking.

“Where am I going to stay now?”

“For now you can stay with me in my room.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m positive. It will be fine and when Dougie comes back we can figure something else out.”

“Thank you Danielle for always being there for me.”

“Your family.”
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Sorry it took so long to update. Comment