I'm Going to Lose it

My life

~1 week later~

We had come back to London so the boys could promote their new album. I was glad to get away and the boys were glad to be back. In 10 days, I would be Mrs. Poynter. I was glad tonight I was having Dougie and Danielle time. Dougie's mom came and picked up the kids so we could be alone.

"Dougie can you go grab some stuff to make a salad?"

"Yeah is that all you need?"

"I think so."

"OK call me if you need anything else."

He walked over and gave me a quick kiss on the lips before walking out. I decided to go talk to Danny since we don't get to talk much. I walked up to his flat only to hear the faint sound of crying. I didn't even bother to knock. I just walked right in to see Danny holding a paper.

"Whats wrong Danny?"

"Nothing is wrong. I am just so happy."

"Happy about what?"

I walked over to him and he handed me the paper he was holding. It took me a few seconds to realize what it was.

"When did you get this?"

"A few days ago. I cant believe I was an ass hole to her and she was planning on showing me this."

We talked for a little longer than an hour and I decided to go back downstairs and cook our dinner. I figured Dougie would be home. When I went downstairs to my surprise Dougie was not home yet. I decided to cook dinner any ways.

~About 8:15~

It took me an hour to get dinner ready and Dougie was still not home. I was getting nervous but Dougie was easily side tracked and so I didn't think anything of it. I decided to throw in a movie until he got back. I put in The Boondocks Saints.

~Around 10:30~

I just finished the movie. That is factoring when I needed to pause it. At this point I was extremely nervous because Dougie was still not home. I decided to call his cell phone only to find him not answer it. I had given up I need to look for him. I ran up to Danny's flat once again.

"What do you need Danielle?"

"Dougie isn't home yet."

"What do you mean? What time did he leave?"

"He left at 6 to grab a few things for salad. I have tried calling but he wont answer. I am scared and I have this weird feeling in my stomach. Can you help me go look for him?"

"Let me throw on cloths. Hold on."

Danny called the boys and we all decided to go look but Gio. She was going to stay home and she would call us if anyone called. I went with Danny. We decided to drive to the store and see if he was still there. On our way we ran into traffic due to an accident. The one car was so smashed it looked impossible for someone to survive. I know that car from somewhere. Only one person has that color car. DOUGIE.

"Pull this car over now Danny."

"What why?"

"Please Danny pull over. Please."

He pulled over and before the car fully stopped I hopped out. I ran across the road to the accident. I was almost at the car when a cop stopped me.

"Ms. you cant be here. I need to ask you to get back in your car and leave."

"That is my fiance's car. I need to see it. Please."

He refused to let me near it. Danny came walking up and grabbed me.

"Danielle lets go look for Dougie. Come on."

His grip was not tight enough and I was able to slip away. I ran to the car and looked into the window. I have never seen so much blood. I screamed his name and dropped to the ground. Danny must have realized and soon he was carrying me to the car. He put me in and walked back to the cop. It felt years until he came back. He got in the car and didn't say a word to me. Just got in and started driving. Everything he said sounded like someone whispering. He must have called the other guys and told them what happened. We soon pulled into the hospital parking lot.

"I am Danny Jones and this is Danielle Poynter. We are looking for Dougie Poynter."

"He is in surgery. You will have to wait in the waiting room."

"Thank you."

Sitting there felt like hours and I didn't know what to do. Danny called Dougie's family and they were coming. I sat there staring off into space. After awhile I felt sharp pains in my stomach. I was doubled over in pain and Danny noticed.

"Are you okay?"

I shook my head no.

"Do you want a doctor?"

I shook my head yes.

The doctor came over and brought me to a room. He asked me questions and I would tell him yes or no. He took a blood sample and left me in the room. At this point I broke down. My life was so perfect a few hours ago and now I don't even know if my fiance will pull through. The pain got a little worse and I finally just broke down and cried. Danny walked in and saw me crying and he got on my bed and hugged me. Not long after the doctor came back in. He gave me a concerned look and I figured something was wrong with me.



"Ms. Adams, I got the results back and it turns out you are two months pregnant."

I couldn't help but stare at him. I could not talk or move so Danny spoke up for me.

"Is the baby okay? She seemed like she was in pain earlier."

"It seems the stress is hurting the baby but nothing bed rest cant cure."

"Thank you doctor. One more question. Her fiance was brought in a few hours ago, Dougie Poynter and the doctors aren't telling her anything. Can you tell us something it would calm Danielle down a little bit. Please."

"I can go check and I will let you know. Ill be right back."

"Thank you doctor."

I was glad Danny helped me out but what am I going to do if its bad news? My life is now over.
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Comment please. I didn't mean to throw in a twister. It just kind of came up. Let me know how you like it.