I'm Going to Lose it


Minutes later the doctor came back to inform us what was going on with Dougie and my heart was beating so fast I thought it might burst out of my chest.

“Mrs. Adams, the doctors told me it’s not to bad. He is in surgery not to fix his leg. His leg was crushed and they are wiring the bone back together. He has minor bruising all over nothing time won’t heal and he also has a broken arm and a broken rib. He should be out of surgery soon.”

I started to cry. Dougie is going to be OK. I want to see him. I need to tell everyone he’s OK.

“Is it possible for me to stay in his room?”

“I can go ask. Hold on.”

“Thank you.”

He left and I looked at Danny. I had tears prickling in my eyes. He too had tears in his eyes. He was sitting on my bed and stretched over to me. He gave me a huge hug and wouldn't’t let go.

“Danny, I can’t believe he is going to be OK.”

“Me either.”

“I need to let the others know. Can you bring them all to my room? I need to see Jack and Chloe.”


As soon as he walked out the doctor came walking back in.

“Ms. Adams, I just talked to Dougie's doctor and we both decided it would probably be best that the two of you did share a room.”

“Thank you so much. When can I go and when should he be out of surgery?”

“I will have a nurse bring you down when we are finished and he should be done soon.”

“Thank you.”

“You are welcome and I will check up on you later tonight.”

And with that he walked out the door and once again Danny walked in but with everyone following.

“I am being brought to Dougie and we can stay in the same room.”

I had a huge smile on my face. Everyone looked like they were still sad. They had yet to be informed on how Dougie is doing.

“Dougie broke a rib, an arm and he crushed his leg really bad so they are doing surgery to fix it. Doctors said he will be fine and if we need to post pone the wedding its fine, as long as Dougie is better. You guys can go stay at mine and Dougie's home. The doctor said he will be out of it tonight and they are keeping him drugged up. He should be waking up in the morning.”

They all had a smile on their face as they gave me a kiss. They walked out of the room all but Danny.

“I want to stay until they bring Dougie back to the room. Please.”

“That’s fine.”

The nurse came in and wheeled me up to the room. It was private with a door. I was glad to have Danny stay with me. I don’t know what I would have done if Danny didn’t stay. Not long after they wheeled Dougie in. He looked so peaceful. His face didn’t look bad at all. He had very small cuts on his face but other than that looking at his upper half he looked like nothing ever happened to him. Once he was brought in Danny walked over to him gave him a small hug and gave me a hug and kiss and walked out. I couldn’t help but look at Dougie. Our beds were pushed as close as they could go. I started to talk to him.

“Dougie, I know you cant here me right now but I thought lost you. Danny and I were looking for you and we drove by your car. I saw your car and I thought you were dead. I broke down and I cried harder than I have ever cried. You are the best thing that has happened to me. If you left me I don’t know what would happen. I might possibly die. Please don’t ever scare me like that. In the morning I have a secret to tell you. I love you Dougie. Don’t ever leave me.”

I never knew how tired I was until my head hit the pillow.

“I’ll never leave you. I love you too.”

~Few hours later (Dougie's POV)~

I woke up a little while ago and I feel I was hit by a bus. I looked to my left and Danielle was sleeping next to me. I went to rub my head and something hard hit me in the head.

“What the hell is that?”

I must have shouted really loud because Danielle started to stir. Her eyes opened and she looked at me.

“You’re awake?”

“Yeah why shouldn’t I be?”

“You don’t remember anything that happened?”


“You were in a car crash and you got banged up pretty bad. We are in the hospital right now.”

“I don’t remember that at all. Why are you here?”

“I have something to tell you.”

“Is it bad?”

“It could be.”

“What is it?”

“Dougie, I’m two months pregnant.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes when I was here waiting on you I got sharp pains the doctor ran some blood test and came back and told me. Only Danny and I knew and now you know. I was put on bed rest so they are letting me stay with you.”

“I’m going to be a dad?”

“You already are silly.”

“I know but I am going to be a dad again?”


I can’t believe it. I am having another baby. I am so excited. I wonder how bad I look right now. O well. I hugged Danielle and we fell back asleep.

“I love you Danielle.”

“I love you too Dougie.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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