I'm Going to Lose it

I'm giving it everything

I woke up the next morning to Dougie moaning and groaning. I am guessing the pain meds were starting to wear off. I feel so bad for him. Poor guy is not having any luck. My eyes fluttered open and I just caught myself staring at him. Looking at his face you could tell he was in pain.

“Dougie are you okay?”

He was in to much pain to talk. Instead he shook his head no.

“Do you want me to get a nurse?”

The phone was on my side so it was easier for me to call. He shook his head yes. I called the nurse and she came walking in. She pushed some buttons on a machine and she left. Dougie still looked like he was in pain but moments later he seemed to have calmed down.

“Feeling better?”

“A little.”

He gave me a smile and I couldn’t help but lean up and kiss him. It was hard trying not to touch him. I was scared I was going to hurt him if I leaned too hard on him. He tried to deepen the kiss but I pulled away.

“What are you doing Danielle?”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“I’ll let you know if you are hurting me.”


He was like a little kid. He shook his head yes and he grabbed my arms and pulled me up to him. I climbed up to him and I was straddling him. His hands started to roam up my shirt and I must say I wasn’t stopping him. We kept making out. The door opened.

“What the hell?”

I looked over and it was Tom and Gio in the door way. I looked at Dougie and his hands had fallen to the side. We both started laughing hysterically. How often do you get into a heated make out session while in the hospital? And then have your friends walk in on it.

“Glad to see you are both feeling better.”

“Tell you the truth Gio I am to. Dougie wasn’t doing to well earlier but he’s doing better now. You two can sit down if you want to. What has the two of you up this early?”

“Tom couldn’t sleep all night. He was nervous about the two of you. He wanted to be the first two in here so he could make sure you were ok. He wanted to call all night long but I stopped him.”

“Hey, I have to make sure our bassist is okay.”

She slapped him upside the head and we all started to giggle.

“Guys Dougie and I have something to tell everyone.”

“What is it guys?”

“Dougie you tell them.”

“Are you sure?”


“I want-“

“Will someone please tell us what is going on?”

“Jeeze Tom. Well Danielle is pregnant. We are having another baby.”

Tom and Gio’s mouths dropped. That was the most unexpected news ever.

“We are so happy for you guys.”

Gio just looked right at Tom.

“Tom I want a baby.”


“You heard me Tom; I have always wanted a baby.”

“Can we talk about this when we get home?”

“Hey guys I don’t mean to get into the middle of this but I’m sure Danielle and I can lend you our hospital room so you can try.”

“Dougie stop talking. We don’t want this room. We have our house and Gio and I will talk about this later. Not right now.”

“Just throwing it out there.”


“I’m done.”

WE all talked for a little longer. There was a knock on the door and more people walked in. Everyone stayed around for while. Dougie and I told everyone about being pregnant. They were so excited for us. The doctor came in and we decided to keep the wedding plans. Dougie should be out of the hospital in a week tops and I should be off bed rest. Life was getting back to normal. They all left when the doctor came so we could all talk in private. They all left for the day. I have had many fantasies and one of them was always having sex in a hospital room. I don’t know why. After the doctor left, I leaned back over to Dougie and I leaned close to his ear.

“I want you so bad.”

He grabbed my head and pulled me over to him. I climbed onto him and straddled him again. This time when we started to get heated I pulled off of him and I went to the door. Because it was a famous person, they gave us a lock on the door. I locked it and walked back to Dougie.

“Where were we?”

I straddled him again and started back on him. I started to nibble at his neck and I slowly started working my way down, ridding him of all clothing. I got down to his belly button and I started to suck. He let out a small moan. I continued to move further down and I stopped when I reached his boxer line. I stopped and looked at him. He started to fuss when I stopped. He grabbed his boxers and started to tug on them.

“No, I will take care of it.”

He let go and I took over. I kissed back up to his mouth and I started to grind my hips against his. I could feel him getting harder beneath me and I kept going. Groans and moans were escaping his mouth and I felt one of his fingers slip to my pussy. He started to rub me as I grinded with him. Within seconds I could feel him slip one, two, three fingers into me. It felt good to have him again. I flipped my body so he could work on me while I worked on him. His dick was so big at thins point. I put it into my mouth and took him all the way in. He bucked his hips but I was able to keep myself from gagging. He withdrew his fingers from me and replaced it with his tongue.

“O god Dougie.”

I let out a small whimper.

“Fuck Dougie that feels so good.”

He entered me after making me wait for a few minutes and the only thing I could say was

“Harder Dougie.”

We were at it for over an hour and when we finally stopped you could hear giggling on the other side of the door. I threw on cloths and helped Dougie get somewhat decent before opening the door. Danny was on the other side laughing hysterical.

“You two are like rabbits. You keep multiplying and yet you two can’t take your hands off of each other.”

“What are you doing here Danny?”

“I brought you two some cloths. And I am laying them down right here and leaving. I have heard and seen too much.”

“Thank you for the cloths you can stay we are done.”

“No thanks. Love ya both. Bye.”

“Bye Danny and thanks.”

“Get better Dougie and I will see you tomorrow.”


I walked back over to the bed and I laid down. The baby and Dougie were both making me tired so I feel asleep. Not before giving Dougie a kiss goodnight. He too fell asleep soon after.
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Sorry its really bad but its late and I am tired. COMMENTS PLEASE... or else I might put a pause on this story for now