I'm Going to Lose it

Keep my heart beating

We spent over two hours at the shop's before realizing we were all hungry. Next stop food court.

We got our food and we went to sit down. It was pretty crowded but we were able to find a spot. It was different then at the mall's in Delaware. They have actual salt and pepper shakers on the tables. Ketchup bottles and mustard. I felt a small tap on the back of my shoulder. There was a guy with big grayish blue eyes staring at me. I couldn't help but stare at his eyes. He looked oddly familiar. I can see him but I don't know where I have seen him at.

"Miss can we borrow your salt and pepper please?"

"Yeah sure. You look familiar have I met you before?"

"I can tell you are not from around here. My name is Danny."

"O maybe we have never met. My name is Danielle and no I'm not from around here."

"Where are you from?"

"Delaware its in the U.S. You are in a band aren't you."

"Yes I am."

"Its Mcfly. I knew you looked familiar. I have your one C.D and it took me forever to get."

"O yeah which one?"

"Just my luck."

"Are you coming to our show tonight?"

"We just got in today. WE didn't know there was a show. Can we still buy tickets?"

"We sold out on the first day and who are "we"? How old are you by the way?"

"Almost all of us are 18. And "we" are my best friends and sister. This is Janel, Margarita, Brittney and my sister she's 21."

"Ahh nice to meet you ladies. Here."

He attempted to dig into his pockets and pull out something. He turned to the person next to him and whispered something in his ear. I think it was Tom but I couldn't tell. He then turned around and handed me a handful of things.

"What are these?"

"They are backstage passes for the show. I gave you five of them do you need anymore for your boyfriends or anything?"

"We are on this trip to get away from Delaware boys. Five should be good thanks. What should we wear?"

"Whatever you find comfortable. I mean there is no dress code."

"Yeah but I mean if we wear skirts is that too... I don't know slutty?"

"Skirts are perfect. Do you have a way to get to the show?"

"Yeah we can just call a taxi."

"That is going to cost a ton of money."

"Yeah but its to see Mcfly. We can handle it. We have this really nice taxi driver name Scott. Its OK. He even gave us his number so we can call him when we are done here."

"I can give you girls a ride back and to the show."

"No it's okay. We can get to the hotel and the show by ourselves."

"You American girls think you are to good to take handouts."

"HAHA you are funny Mr. Jones. Fine if you want to give us a ride thats up to you. I have to call Scott hough."

"Okay call Scott on our way out to the car. Get your friends. Let me say bye to mine."

"Are you sure this is no problem?"

"Its none at all."

"Hey guys you all ready to go. This guy named Danny Jones is going to give us a ride home."

"Danielle are you sure this is a good idea? I mean you don't even know him. He could be a killer."

"Yeah a killin rock star."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Brit, you know that band Mcfly. The one thats in the movie just my luck?"


"He's in that band. He's one of the singers and guitarist."

"do Our first day here and we are hanging out with the rock stars already."

The walk out to the car was probably the hardest part. Danny was being tackled by all of the fans. All the girls wanted a piece of him. I decided to call Scott once we got in the car so I would be able to hear him.

~ On the phone~

"Hey Scott, it's Danielle."

"O are you girls ready to be picked up?"

"Actually that is what I'm calling you about. Don't worry about picking us up. We met this guy and he is going to give us a ride home."

"No don't get into a car with a stranger."

"Mr. Scott calm down it's okay. I can call you when we get to the hotel if that would make you feel better. I trust him you can talk to him if you want to."

"No thats fine but call me when you get there."

"Yes Mr. Scott."

The ride was silent at first but after awhile it started up. The four girls sat in the back and I sat in the front with Danny. He is such a cute guy.

"So how long are you guys here for?"

"We are here for a month but depending on how we like it we may stay longer."

"How do you like it so far?"

"Hard to say because we have only been here for a day. But i mean We did meet you so its not to bad. "

"Well thanks but when we get to the hotel can I talk to you for a second?"

"Yeah thats fine."
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Let me know how you like it so far!!!