I'm Going to Lose it

Marching to the drums.

My parents were in shock. They just stared at Dougie and I speechless. Dougie was the first to speak up.

“We weren’t planning on having anymore just yet. I know you must all be shocked that we even had sex before being married. I didn’t mean for it to happen. I’m so sorry Mrs. and Mr. Adams. Please don’t be mad at Danielle for my mistake.”

“Dougie it was me too. I could have said no or stopped you but I chose to let you keep going. It’s my fault just as much as it is yours. And it’s not a mistake. It’s an unexpected present.”

Dougie must have liked my answer because he pulled my chair over and pulled me onto his lap. It was nothing gross. He just wanted to hug me. It felt great to be in his arms. It gave me the greatest feeling ever.

“Danielle and Dougie,” My mom finally spoke.” We are not mad at you both, we are just shocked. I didn’t think you and Katie would be having a baby at the same time. I am so happy for the two of you.”

“Thank you mom and dad.” I got off of Dougies lap and gave them both a big hug.

“By the way, where is Jess?”

“Shit she had band camp tonight. It’s over in 45 minutes.”

“I can go get her. It’s at school right.”

“Yeah are you sure you want to go. You have everyone here.”

“I can go. Danny will probably come.”

“I want to go see my baby sister.”

“Okay and Dougie is coming. Can you just keep an eye on the kids?”

“Yeah sure. You can take my car.”

“Thank you.”

I went inside to tell them what I was doing and everyone decided to come with us. All but Izzy. She was already fast asleep. Thank god my mom has a mountaineer that seats 7. Dougie hopped all the way out to the car while I helped everyone else get in. We got to the school within 10 minutes. The band was marching outside and we were able to watch some of it. I was so excited. There is something about the beating of drums that gets my heart racing. They walked past us and we all got out of the car to meet her outside of the band room. Everyone waited right around the corner until she came out.

“Danielle what are you doing here? I thought you were still in England.”

“Nope we came here earlier today.” Once I said we, everyone came around the corner. She squealed at the sight of everyone.

She gave Tom, Gio and Harry hugs and then ran up to Dougie nearly knocking him over. He dropped his crutch and hugged her back tightly. At this point he didn’t care if it hurt. He was glad to see her. They hugged for a minute before she hopped onto Danny. She and Danny have become very close. Our brother has never been the nicest guy and he always treated us like shit, so Danny has taken over the role of big brother for the two of us. Danny picked her up and swung her around.

“Hey Jess, just to let you know you are going to be an aunt again.”

“Wait why?”

“I’m having a baby.”

“Ahhh” She screamed once again.

She finally got back in the room to get her instrument and we all followed. My best friend was in the room so I went to talk to her with Gio not even thinking about the boys. Margarita, Gio and I were talking and having fun until we heard the band teacher yelling. The boys were beating on the drums and singing. Dougie was on the bells.

“Dougie, Danny, Tom and Harry, get away from the drums and bells. Get over here. You four are on vacation from instruments unless you are writing another song. The c.d just came out and you need to breath. Get over here.”

They all started to slowly walk towards me until the band director stopped them. Great they are in trouble now.

“Can you guys play that beat again for me?”

“Yeah sure”

They walked over and started to plat it. The band director asked the boys to come back so he could work with them on some things. He wanted to know how they knew so much about music and the boys told him. He was proud to have them in his class room. My phone started to ring and I answered it.

“Danielle, Jack woke up and he is not feeling good at all. He woke up and threw up. I took his temperature and its 99.8. Not to high but I think he wants to see you.”

“We are on our way home soon. I have to get the boys away from the drums.”

“So that’s a, I’m never coming home.” She laughed.

“We are coming.” I hung up with her.

“Margarita, I am going to have to take Gio from you. Jack woke up and he has a slight fever. He is asking for me and Dougie. Boys we have to go.”

“Hold on Danielle.”

“No boys, we need to go now. Dougie your son is sick and he wants you. You can come back tomorrow.” Once the words Jack is sick left my mouth, Dougie looked at me with terror on his face. He hopped out of his seat and tried to run over to me. He fell over and the boys ran over to him. I ran too but hey beat me too him. Dougie had tears in his eyes.

“Dougie are you okay?”

“My son is sick and all I can think about is a new song. What kind of father am I?”

“Dougie he has a slight fever and he is throwing up a little, but my mom said he will be fine. He just wants you to sing him to sleep.” Dougies look of fear faded and a look if relief took over. Tom and Danny helped Dougie up while Harry discussed with the teacher when to come back. We all walked out to the car. Dougie and I were hand in hand, same with Gio and Tom. Danny had Jess on his back while Harry carried Jessica’s instrument. We got home within a few minutes. Dougie hobbled up to our room. I walked up to find him laying on the bed with Jack laying on his stomach, singing Transylvania and rubbing circles in Jacks back. He is such a great father. I quietly walked in so I wouldn’t disturb Jack and Dougie. His voice is amazing and within seconds Jack was asleep. I laid down on the bed and the three of us fell asleep in that position.
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