I'm Going to Lose it

One last night

I woke up in the morning and smiled when I looked to the left and saw Dougie and to my right was Danny. All of the memories from last night came flooding back to me. Danny started to stir in his sleep. His left eye popped open and he looked at me and smiled.

“Last night was really fun. Thank you but I am starving so I will leave the two of you.”

“I’ll come with you. I’m starving and I know a great place.”

We both got up and brushed our teeth. WE were so hungry, we didn’t even have tome to change. I wrote a note for Dougie so when he woke up he wouldn’t be scared no one was around. I drove Danny to a local restaurant and we both ordered pancakes. Danny looked me straight in the eye.

“Danielle, last night was fun and amazing and I don’t know where it came from, but you are getting married. It can’t happen again.”

“Danny, Dougie and I wanted to do it. It was my choice. Being pregnant has made me so horny and I don’t know why. It was never like this with Chloe.”

“That’s because Chloe was not made out of love. She was forced on you and it was something bad that happened. Maybe that’s why. You guys have a great thing going and I can only hope ill have that one day.”

“You’re a great guy and you will find someone sooner or later, but right now you need to focus on the baby and getting its room together. Do you have any names picked out?”

“If it’s a girl I was thinking Kaylee Nicole and for a boy Tyler Lee.”

“Why Nicole or Lee for the middle names?”

“Because it’s yours and Dougie’s middle names. The two of you have been so supportive and you are like my brother and sister.”

“How did you find out my middle name?”

“I goggled you.”

“You’re funny. No really where did you find it?”

“I asked your mom.”

“Danny you are too sweet. I know you will find someone.”

“I hope so.”

Our food came and we devoured it within minutes. I had ordered some breakfast to go for Dougie. I knew that he too would be hungry. When we got back we were greeted by Dougie. He looked so cute with bed head.

“Here Dougie, we got you some food.”

“Thank you, now you two go get ready while I eat and then I will get ready. We have to go to your aunts for rehearsal. Tomorrow is the big day.”

He really is my world. I’m so grateful to have him, Jack and Chloe in my life. I walked into the bathroom and got a shower. Once I was done doing my make up and my hair, I went to my room to get dressed and pack my bag. Dougie and I decided to do the traditional thing and not see each other until the wedding day. WE felt it would make the wedding more intimate. It was going to be hard to go to sleep without Dougie next to me. I finished and walked back out to Dougie and Danny. They were both wearing Khaki shorts and short sleeve button up shirts. They looked so handsome. I was wearing a simple, aqua spaghetti strapped dress. We walked to the car and Danny decided he would drive. He wanted Dougie and I to have some alone time before we had to be separated. Once we got to my aunts, I was greeted by Jack. He looked so handsome in his outfit that matched his daddy’s. I picked him up and put him on my hip.

“Guess what aunt Jazzie let me do?”

“I don’t know what did aunt Jazzie let you do?”

He got really close to my ear and whispered into it.

“She gave me two bowls of ice cream.”

“What? Did you eat it all?”

He nodded and I talked to him. He was like his dad in so many ways.

“Let’s go get Chloe.”


WE walked inside only to be greeted by Katie holding Chloe. She looked so sweet on her pale pink dress. She looked nothing like Mike. Even if she did, I wouldn’t have cared because she was all mine. She rarely cried and was the easiest baby.

“Where’s Jazzie?”

“On the sofa watching T.V.”

I still had Jack on my hip and I whispered in his ear. I crept up to the sofa and put him on the floor. WE walked up and started tickling her.

“What’s this I hear about you giving Jack two bowls of ice cream?”

“Jack you weren’t supposed to tell her.”

We all giggled and Jazzie started to tickle Jack. After a few minutes we all stopped.

“Where is everyone?”

“They are all down at the beach making sure everything is ready.”

“I want to go help; did they leave anything for us to bring down?”

“Yeah by the pool house.”

“Dougie, Danny, Katie, I am going down to the beach. You can all come if you want.”

Before I even finished, they were all coming over to me. Dougie stood outside the door while I brought the golf cart over to him. It would have taken him forever to waddle over to us. We all loaded into it. Katie, Jazzie, and Danny were on the back while I drove. Jack sat next to me with Dougie on the other side. Dougie had Chloe in his arms. Dougie was getting a little fidgety. He decided for the health of all of us it would be better if he quit smoking. So he was trying cold turkey. I was so proud of him. I quickly drove us down to the beach. It looked amazing. Thank god I have such a great family. They made sure everything was perfect for me.

“It’s about time the three of you got here.”

“Sorry, Danny and I went out to breakfast and then we had to get ready.”

“I’m just kidding. Does everything look okay?”

“It looks amazingly perfect. Thanks everyone for making it look amazing. How were the kids for you?”

“They were good. They slept like babies.”

“Good what are we suppose to do now?”

“Just hang out. The rehearsal will start soon. Danielle come here I want to talk to you about something.”


I walked over to were my mother was standing.

“I am happy for you. You have come a long way. Your father and I went out shopping the other day so we could get you something nice to wear tonight. It’s up in one of the guest rooms. I want you and Dougie to come up with us.”

“Mom you guys didn’t have to get me anything.”

“We feel bad Dougie’s paying for the whole wedding. It’s our treat. Please take it.”

“Okay let me get Dougie.”

“Thank you.”

Dougie and I got onto the golf cart along with my mom and went up to the house. My mom took mine and Dougie’s hand and led us into one of the guest rooms. Inside was the most gorgeous dress I have ever seen.

“Mom this dress must have cost you a fortune. I can’t wear it.”

“Shut up and put the dress on.”

Dougie raised his hand slightly.

“Why am I here?”

“She will need some help getting it on.”


She left the room. I gave Dougie a funny look. I can put a dress on myself without any help. I got undressed and took the dress off of the hanger. It was a white strapless dress that went up a little above my knees. Under the bust line was a silky blue ribbon. I put it on and put Dougie to use. He zipped it up. Behind my dress taped to the closet door was on an envelope addressed to Dougie and I. I walked up to it and pulled it off. Once I was back on the bed I handed it to Dougie to open and read. I was peeking over his shoulder to read it while he read it out loud.

“Dougie and Danielle,
We know that paying for the wedding and
everything has sent you back some money. We know
you decided not to go on a honey moon because
you had no one to take the kids. So we got you
a present.
All of the parents.”
He pulled out another envelope. Inside were tickets to Italy and another note.
“We will all take care of the kids. You two
Just go and have a good time.”
We were so grateful to have such amazing support. Dougie and I were going to Italy two days after the wedding. The tickets were for one week. They got us a hotel and everything.

“Our parents are amazing.”

I leaned over to Dougie and gave him a kiss. He started to kiss back but I pulled away.

“No. Not today.”


“Dougie, not until tomorrow night.”

“You’re no fun.”

“Oh so last night was not fun for you?”

He smirked and I got off of the bed. I wanted to thank our parents plus it was time for rehearsal. I pulled Dougie up from the bed and handed him his cane. He was getting really good with his cane. I was proud of him. We found my mom in the kitchen and gave her a hug and thanked her. After Dougie was done we drove down to the beach and thanked all of the parents even Dougie’s step dad. We greeted all of our friends and families that were there too. The rehearsal went well. We had ten people in the wedding party. Katie was my maid of honor and Danny was Dougie’s best man. Jack was the ring bearer. After the rehearsal, my aunts, uncles, the moms, dads and grandparents all went back up to the house while all of us younger ones stayed on the beach. The boys took my uncles jet skis out. Yes we did have bathing suits with us. And Dougie’s leg was wrapped up.

“Can I go daddy?”

“Go ask your mommy.”

“Mommy can I go with daddy?”

“Yeah but put your life jacket on.”


While he went to put his life jacket on, I went to talk to Dougie.

“He can go with you as long as you go slowly and he sits in front of you.”

“Okay honey. Let go buddy before your grandma comes to get us for dinner.”

He gave me a kiss and walked to the Jet Ski with jack at his side while I sat with Chloe and Gio.

“Are you ready for the wedding?”

“I think so. What about you, have you started planning your wedding?”

“Not yet.”

And with that we both sat and looked out at the river. Our lives we perfect. She was lucky to have known Tom for so long. He treated her like she was a princess and I was glad to say I now had that too.
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Sorry it took so long. School has been kicking my butt. Comments please.