I'm Going to Lose it

Black and White

At 5 in the morning all of us decided to go to bed. It was basically all of the younger people still there. We were all going to pitch a tent in the field by the reception tent. Everyone had too much to drink, all but me Katie and Dougie. All of the guest that were left at the beach were trying to pitch tenets. Katie, Dougie and I were doing most of the work and as soon as we got the first tent up we noticed everyone was passed out on the grass. Katie was going to sleep outside and leave the two of us in the tent by ourselves but Dougie refused. He didn’t want his sister and niece or nephew to be sleeping outside so the three of us slept in the tent. I couldn’t sleep. I stayed up to look at the sky. Our tent had a “sun roof” so you could go star gazing. I was looking at the stars and I pulled my hand up so I could look at my rings. Inside of Dougie’s ring I had “Forever mine” engraved into it. It was platinum and had stars and diamonds engraved into it. Mine was a platinum band with diamonds all over it. I wonder if he had anything engraved into mine. I pulled it off to look at it. In the dark it was hard to read.

“It says “the one”.”

“Dougie what are you doing up?”

“I can’t sleep. What are you doing up.”

“I’m just thinking I can’t believe you are leaving soon and we got married yesterday.”

He leaned over to me and gave me a kiss.

“I’m so glad you are mine.”

“I’m glad you are mine too. You and Jack make my life complete.”

I gave Dougie a kiss and laid my head on his chest. He rubbed my head while my eyes shut.

~ Skip ahead to November ~

Dougie had been on tour the past three months but I was going to visit him. On November 27th he was at Wembley Arena and the kids and I were going to surprise the boys. I had not seen them for almost 3 months. We boarded the plane and caught a ride to the arena for rehearsal. I have never seen a building like the Wembley arena. Luckily the boy’s house was near the arena so they were going back to the house. Jack, Chloe and I walked up to the door and walked in. A security guard stopped me.

“Mrs. Do you have a pass?”

“No. I am surprising my husband.”

“I’m sorry Mrs. But who is your husband?”

“Dougie Poynter.”

“I am going to have to ask you to please leave. Only people with passes are allowed out here.”

“What if I call Danny? Would you let me in then?”

“No sorry Mrs. Not unless you have a pass.”

“OK thank you sir.”

I walked outside with Chloe on my hip and Jack holding my hand. I let go of Jacks hand once we got to a bench outside of the arena. I pulled my cell phone out of my number and dialed the all too familiar number.

“Ello Mate.”

“Hi Danny. Are you near Dougie?”

“No he is on stage.”

“Ok well listen. The kids and I are sitting outside of the arena. The guard wont let-.”

“Give me one second.”

And with that I hung up the phone. Not even five minutes later Danny came running out to me. I stood up and he pulled me into a tight hug. I could tell he was happy to see me. Jack ran up to him as well and latched on to Danny’s leg.

“Danny thanks for coming out here to get us.”

“Your welcome. I’m just glad all of you are here. It’s so exciting. Dougie is going to poo himself when he sees you. Why are you here?”

“We wanted to see all of you. It’s been almost 3 months and we miss all of you. Plus its thanksgiving and all of our family is going to our house and I don’t want to see any of them.”

“What’s thanksgiving?”

“It’s a holiday in the US and all you do is go and eat turkey and pumpkin pie.”

“Sounds fun lets celebrate it this year. When is it?”


“Well we can have a late thanksgiving then. Now it’s cold out here so let’s get you guys inside.”

We followed Danny into the arena and he talked to the guard for us. Once inside he took us into the stage after making sure no one was in there. The three of us walked to the front of the stage while Danny went backstage. He was getting ready to start the show and the kids and I were going to stay here during the show to see how long it would take Dougie to notice we were there. The show was starting off great. Danny did “Clouds” with reemer and then they came back out. We were right in the middle of Dougie and Danny. Danny saw us and smiled. Dougie didn’t notice us. During “Corrupted” Dougie looked over at Danny and saw him smiling really big so he followed Danny’s eyes out to the crowd. He saw us and forgot he was on stage. He stopped playing his base and he took it off of his shoulder. He hopped off stage and walked over to me. Danny was laughing while Tom and Harry were confused.

“Dougie mate. Your base is up here and so is your mic.”

Tom didn’t realize I was in the crowd until Dougie grabbed me. We kissed and it was a long hard kiss. I missed him so much and I never really did realize I missed him this much. I didn’t want to let go but I knew I had to.

“Dougie get back on stage. I’m not leaving you tonight.”

“No we are just getting to see each other.” He picked up Jack and grabbed Chloe from my arms.

“Baby give me the kids. You need to go back on stage. The kids and I will be here the whole time. We are not leaving.”

“Ok but one kiss before I go.”

I gave him a quick kiss before he headed back onto stage. The rest of the concert went by so fast. Dougie never took his eyes off of mine. After the show, Dougie hopped off of the stage and grabbed Jack and Chloe from me and stuck them on the other side of the gate. He then grabbed me and pulled me over. We walked hand in hand backstage. I was also holding Jacks hand while Dougie was carrying Chloe. Some people asked Dougie for his autograph so we stopped. They also took pictures of the four of us together. Soon after the concert ended we were finally back on the bus. I was attacked by Tom, Harry, Gio and Izzy. They were all so glad to see us. The bus took off to McFly village once everything was loaded. We are all going to sleep tonight and then tomorrow we are all going to have our first Thanksgiving dinner.
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Sorry it took so long for me to update. I had to help my sister pack. Shes going to london for the Lord Mayors New Years Eve Parade. GO KIDS..... Please comment