I'm Going to Lose it

Unexpected Thanksgiving

I woke up at 5:30 so I could get to the store and get everything I needed. I left a note for Dougie and took his car. I was at the store for about an hour. Waking up early to go shopping meant no one was out. I got all of the stuff I would need for pumpkin pie, apple pie, turkey, stuffing, veggies and everything else. Once I got home I grabbed a few bags and walked into the kitchen only to be greeted by Dougie, Danny, Chloe and Jack.

“I woke up and you were gone.”

“I know I needed to get the stuff for dinner if we want to eat tonight.”

“Okay are there more groceries in the car?”


The two boys walked outside so they could get the rest while I started the turkey. Once the turkey was finished I started to make all of the pies. Because our oven was being used Gio said I could come over to their flat and bake the pies. It would also give us time to talk. By the time all of the pies were mixed and had to be baked it was around 10:30. I called Gio to make sure they were awake before having Dougie help me carry everything over. I thanked him once we got to Gio's and he left along with Tom.

“Thank you Gio for letting me use your oven.”

“It’s no problem. I’m glad we could help. Let me know what I can do.”

“All I need to do is put these in the oven. So how’s the wedding planning going?”

“Oh it’s going. I didn’t know it would take so long.”

“Yeah I know it takes a long time but at least the two of you are taking some time to plan it. Imagine planning it in only a little longer than one month.”

“I don’t think I could and have an amazing wedding like yours. How’s the baby?”

“Oh it’s kicking all of the time. Ill play a McFly song and the baby goes crazy.”

“Really I want to see.”

“Do you have one of the songs?”

“Yeah give me one second.”

She walked out of the room and put on an album and walked back into the room. She walked over to the table we were sitting at and I took her hand placing it on my stomach. The baby went crazy. You could feel it kicking and I could feel it flipping. Damn baby is just like Dougie. Gio started laughing really hard.

“Does it hurt?”

“No not to bad. Sometimes it kicks really hard and it does but that rarely happens. This kid is just like Dougie. You should have felt it last night at the concert. The kicking wouldn’t stop.”

“Does Dougie know?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Do you know what you’re having yet?”

“No Dougie and I decided not to know.”

“Oh ok.”

“I made an appointment over here for later today so I can have a check up and that way Dougie can come with me.”

We talked for about an hour. The pies were done so Gio helped me wrap them up and carry them back to mine and Dougie’s flat. Once we arrived I put the pies onto the counter and grabbed Dougie’s hand. We went to the car and drove to the doctors. Danny stayed home with the kids. We pulled into a spot and walked into the doctors hand in hand.

“Hi we are here to see Doctor Turner.”

“Okay have a seat and he will be with you shortly.”

“Thank you.”

We sat in the chairs for about fifteen minutes before a nurse brought us back and left us in the room for the doctor.

“Okay what can I do for you today?”

“We need a check up to see how the baby is.”

“No problem. How far along are you?”

“Six months.”

“Well let’s have a look.”

He put the jelly on my belly and brought the wand over.

“Have you had pains recently?”

“No why is everything okay?” I looked at Dougie with worry in my eyes.

“Everything is fine. It seems the babies are doing great.”

“Oh that’s go- Wait babies? As in multiple?”

“Yeah babies as in three.”

I looked at Dougie. He looked like he was ready to pass out.

“Dougie are you okay you don’t look to good.”

He was speechless. The doctor brought a chair over to him and he sat down quickly.

“We are having three babies?”

“It seems so Mr. Poynter. Haven’t the other doctors told you?”

“I don’t know have they Danielle?”

“No they have never told me how many. They just said the baby is fine.”

“Ill leave the two of you alone.”

“Thank you.”

Dougie and I just looked at each other with a loss of words. I could see the tears rimming his eyes. I couldn’t tell if he was happy, sad or angry. I personally was happy but scared how are we going to raise three more children when we can barely handle the two we already had?

~Dougie’s POV~

What the hell? Three babies. That is a lot of responsibility and I am not sure I can handle that. I am so scared. What is my family going to think? What’s the band going to think? What is Danielle thinking? I took a few seconds to collect my thoughts.

“Danielle what are you thinking?”

“I’m happy but i am really scared Dougie. Can we handle three more kids?”

“I want to have them but I am scared. What is everyone going to think?” I saw tears forming in her eyes.

“I don’t know Dougie I don’t know if we can handle these kids.” The tears started to freely fall. I grabbed her in a hug and held her close.

“Baby, don’t cry. We can get through this. Everyone will help. Hell maybe even Danny can come move in with us to help or Jazzie. We can get through this. I’m happy if you are happy. I love you Danielle and I ill forever love you” I pulled her face back to look at her in the eyes. I gave her a kiss while keeping her in a tight hug. My phone started to ring so I took one hand off of her back and dug my phone out.


“Danny what do you mean? We will be home shortly.”

“What’s going on Dougie?”

“It was Danny. Apparently Jack got into one of the pies and Danny doesn’t know what to do.” She cracked a smile and I was happy to see it.

“Lets go home Dougie.”

“Yes mama.” She got dressed and we walked out hand in hand. We stopped at the front desk where they gave us pictures of the babies. Once we looked at the picture we walked out to the car hand in hand and drove home. Once we got home we were greeted at the door by Jack. He had orange gunk all over him. Danielle couldn’t help but laugh. She looked at me.

“Are you ready for three more of those? I know they will be just like you.”

“Brace ourselves.” I laughed and we walked in. I went to the bathroom with Jack so I could give him a tub while Danielle went to finish dinner.

~Danielle’s POV~

I went into the kitchen and found Danny. He was sitting at the table attempting to feed Chloe.

“Hey I heard you ran into some trouble today.”

“Yeah. That kid is too much like Dougie. I like Chloe more. She’s like you. Just laid back and always sleeping.”

“Well there isn’t much more she can do.” I opened up the oven so I could check how the turkey is doing.

“Danielle do you need help?”

“No I can do it; I just need to pull it out.”

“Step away from the oven. You are six months pregnant you shouldn’t be carrying heavy things.”

“Okay, okay.”

I stepped away from the oven and Danny came over to pull the turkey out. I checked it and it looked like the turkey would be done in about an hour. Danny put the turkey back in and helped me grab all of the other stuff so we could finish dinner. About two hours later the table was set, the food was ready and all of the guest were over. Dougie and I were going to tell them during desert. We all sat at the table and started serving our food.

“Danielle this looks and smells amazing.”

“Well thank you Tom.” Everyone else said yeah. It was great to see our family together. Jazzie came over so she could eat over. We all gave thanks and dug in. After about half an hour everyone was stuffed and we had moved to the family room to watch a movie. I decided to start on some dishes so I could think. Harry had seen the movie so he snuck in behind me to help. Sometimes people just don’t understand that you want to be alone.

“Hey Danielle Everything okay?”

“Yeah i am just really tired.”

“You seem really out of it.”

“I’m fine really.”

“Danielle you can talk to me.”

“No i am fine Harry please i am fine.” I had tears rolling down my cheeks. I couldn’t stop and I couldn’t do anymore dishes. He came up and wrapped his arms around me.

“Danielle please talk to me.”

“Let’s go outback.”

We walked out back and sat in the chairs.

“Harry I’m scared about what you and everyone else will think.”

“Think about what?”

“You can’t say anything to anyone. Dougie and I are doing it later tonight.”

“I promise is everything ok with you guys?”

“Dougie and I are having babies.”

“I know you are. Wait babies? You guys are having twins?”

“Actually no. Babies as in triplets.”

“Oh my lord that’s a lot of babies.”

“I’m scared as to what everyone is going to think. Three more babies. All miniature Dougie’s. I’m dying as is dealing with Jack and Chloe. I don’t know if we can handle three more. Dougie and I can’t do it all on our own. Dougie did say we can have Danny or Jazzie help us.”

“The two of you will be fine. Everyone is going to be so excited because it means more babies to hold. We are all here for you both. If you need anything just call me. I will drop what i am doing to help you.”

We sat out back just looking at the sky before Dougie came out and picked me up.

“Dougie put me down I am too heavy for you.”

“No your not.”

“Dougie these babies add a ton of weight to me.”

“Your right, the four of you are heavy but I love you the same.” He put me down and we walked into the family room. Gio and Tom handed out the pie and ice cream. While all of us got situated. Once everyone had pie and ice cream, Jack grabbed the McFly greatest hits tour DVD and gave it to Tom.

“Hew Uncwle Tom. Can we watch dis pwease?”

“Sure little buddy.”

Tom put the movie in and we all started to eat. As soon as the concert started the babies started to kick. It hurt like a bitch. My face scrunched up and Gio laughed. Dougie looked at me confused by my face.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah it’s just the babies. Every time they hear McFly they go insane and kick. Look feel.”

He put his hand on my stomach and smiled. It was then that we decided it was time to tell everyone. Dougie paused the movie and they all looked at us.

“Come on why did you pause it?”

“Danielle and I are having babies.”

“What? We already know.”

“No I mean as in more than one. As in three.”

“Congrats mate.”

They all came up to us and gave us hugs and kisses. Dougie started the movie again and he laid his head on my stomach. The babies were going crazy and Dougie laughed. Everyone looked concerned and when they asked what was going on I told them and Dougie and I were soon surrounded by everyone wanting to feel. Tonight couldn’t get any better. At around eleven everyone left and the kids were already in bed so Dougie and I went upstairs and took a hot tub together. And afterwards we went to bed. I had such a great day with our family.
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Tell me if its an ok update please.