I'm Going to Lose it

Long day

~A month later~
I was 8 months pregnant and I was ready to have the babies out of me. Dougie has been staying with me at my parent’s house. We created a nursery in my sister’s room. She was moving to Baltimore so the room opened up. A few days after Christmas my sisters threw me another baby shower. Dougie and I had everything we needed for the babies. Everyone was shocked that we were having triplets. The doctor put me on bed rest but being the stubborn one I am I refuse to just lie in bed.

“Dani get back in bed.”

“No I want to walk to the kitchen and cook for everyone.”

“No come on sit down.”

“Dougie stop I’m not a kid I can do what I want.”

“Please Dani.”

“Dougie plahhhhhhhh.”

A sharp pain hit me in my stomach.

“Dani, What is it?”

“It hurts Dougie. It really really hurts.”

“What hurts baby?”

“My stomach ohhh god Dougie I think I’m having the baby.”

“Alright sit down and let me get everything we need ok.”

“Okay but hurry please.”

Dougie took off to get my suitcase along with telling my parents. They had decided that they would take the kids when I went into labor. A few minutes later my mom came rushing in.

“Honey is everything okay?”

“Yeah it just hurts. Mom I’m scared I can’t do this.”

“Everything will be fine honey I promise.”

“I’m a month early. Do you think the babies will be okay?”

“I’m sure they will be fine. Your dad and I will take the kids and closer to when the babies come we will bring them by.”

“Thank you mom.”

“You’re welcome now if you need anything or Dougie needs anything just let us know.”

“We will.”

Dougie came running up to us.

“I’m going to be a daddy. Oh my gosh the babies coming we have to get you to the hospital. YI don’t want you to pop that baby out here. Come on lets go.”

“Dougie calm down we have some time. The babies aren’t going to pop out this second.”

He took a deep breath and helped me out to the car. The ride to the hospital felt like forever. Dougie was speeding down the streets at least until I told him to drive safer. I was not in the mood for an accident.

~8 hours later~

“Dougie it hurts. How much longer?”

“It should be soon baby. Give it some time baby.”

He sat rubbing my head, holding my hand and giving me kisses on my head after I had a contraction. I squeezed his hand so hard and at one point I yelled at him until I was out of breath. I was hungry and tired. The doctors said I was almost there. They wheeled me into the delivery room. They were ready for me to start pushing.

“Dougie don’t leave me please.”

“Never baby.”

He sat by my head and we waited for the birth of our two kids.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long and sorry its so short. School has been keeping me busy.