I'm Going to Lose it

Days of the Old

It’s been a month since the babies arrived and Jack and Chloe have taken a great liking to them. In one week Dougie has to go back to England to start tour and I started up school and work.

“Danielle are you sure its ok for me to go?”

“You can’t stop touring for the babies. Ill be fine. I have my parents and Jess. Don’t worry. My boss is going to let me bring the kids. I only work about five hours. You go tour and have fun. We will talk everyday and every night I promise and I will send you pictures all the time.”

“I’m going to miss waking up to you. You can quit school and come on tour with us.”

“Dougie, I want to finish school and then we can discuss plans. I’m going to miss you to. Mire than I think is possible. But remember during break I am going to visit you.”

“I know but that is still a long time from now.”

“Dougie it will be two weeks after you leave.”

He gave me a kiss and we were going at it for a few minutes before we heard a baby crying.

“Ill get it Doug. You stay.”

“No ill get it. I’m going to be gone and you will be stuck doing it. It’s the least I can do.”

~A week later~

Dougie left for England and I had my first day of work. I was sable to take the kids to work with me because my uncle was my boss and he knew the kids rarely cried. I have never met most of the people I am going to be working with so it should be interesting. My mom works in the same office so I will have her help if I need it. I pulled into the parking lot and called my mom.

“Mom can you help me get the kids in? We are sitting in the parking lot.”

“Yeah I’m coming now.”

“Thank you.”

Within minutes she was helping me get the kids out.

“Jack, Chloe hold hands and one of you grab grandma’s hand. Mom can you get Matt. Ill get Zack and Katelyn.”

“Yeah I can do that.”

We got the kids out and walked in. I knew most of the people in the other two companies including my aunt who was the receptionist.

“Danielle, bring the kids over here. I haven’t seen Jack and Chloe since your wedding and I haven’t seen the other three.”

“Jack, Chloe go say hi to Aunt Michelle.”

They both went up to her and gave her a hug.

“And this one in this hand is Zacky and this one is Katelyn and the one in my moms hand is Matt.”

“Dani they look just like you and Dougie. They are so cute.”

“Is Uncle John in his office?”


I went to my uncle’s office and we talked for a few minutes before I was lead down to where I would work. Some people I knew stopped me and talked to me about the kids. My uncle gave me a space with extra room so I could keep the kids near me. It was nice being able to work with them so close. Around 1 the babies started to get a little fidgety. I put Zack on my lap and put the other two near my feet and I started to rock them a little bit.

“You look like you have your hands full. Here I can take one for a little bit.”

“Thanks Nick. Take whichever.”

“Here I can take the other one.”


Work was fine the rest of the day. I was happy to head home though. Dougie should be getting in soon so I wanted to call him. Jack and Chloe had colored some and they were tired so I was going to feed them and put them to bed early. The ride home was quiet. I put on the Wonderland C.D and they all stayed quiet listening to their daddy and uncles singing. Once I fed them and put them to bed I got my phone out and dialed Dougie.

“Hey Doug.”

“Hey baby, how was work?”

“It was good the kids were good and everyone at work was nice and they helped me out when I needed it. How was the plane ride?”

“It was long but it was ok. I miss you and the kids already.”

“We will visit soon enough.”

“I know but I still really miss you guys.”

We talked for an hour before we decided to let each other go to bed. We were both really tired and I had work in the morning and he had a show that night.
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I tried my best. Not sure how good it is but its the best i could do considering I had a paper due tomorrow that i havent written.