I'm Going to Lose it

Long time coming

Work has been dragging on for the past 2 weeks and each day became harder for me to take care of the kids by myself. I was struggling with work and school and I could not wait to visit Dougie. The people at work were helpful when it came to the kids but when I went home I was too tired to cook and clean the house. The babies started to wake up more and more during the night and I was being stretched thin. Tomorrow I was heading off to England to visit Dougie and the boys. My little sister was coming with me to help me take care of the kids.

"Jess are you packed?"

"Yeah are you?"

"Yup now I have to pack the kids and ill be ready. Mom is going to drop us off in the morning so we are going to stay at there place tonight. Can you watch the kids while I pack?"


I went upstairs to pack the kids stuff. Jack had insisted on packing his own bag. I was putting the last outfit in the bag when my phone rang.




"Oh hey its Danny. Are you ready to come out."

"Yeah I cant wait. I miss all of you guys so much."

"Aw We miss you too. When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning. Where are you playing tonight?"

"We are at Wembley. Dougie can not wait to see you. He hasn't been sleeping too well and now hes jumping off the walls because you are coming. How are the kids?"

"They are lovely. Cant wait to see there favorite uncles and daddy. And Jess cant wait to see you. Thats all she has been talking about with her friends."

"I bet. Well I have to go we are getting ready to go on stage. Give the kids a kiss goodnight and give your sister a hug from me."

"Will do. Have a great show and I will see you tomorrow."

"K goodnight."


Tomorrow could not come any faster. I miss my boys so much.
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Sorry it took so long to update. My computer was broken and I just got it back. Plus I have been busy with summer classes and work. Let me know what you thought and what you want.