I'm Going to Lose it

Good night

I was so happy to see Dougie smiling. From what the guys had told me he hasn't smiled since the break up. So I was glad to know we were the ones to bring a smile to his face, even if it was due to us falling and making us look like idiots. After we all laughed for a good ten minutes we started to get up. I had no luck though. Somehow I kept falling. I guess I was really stuck between some of the girls.

"Here give me your hand." I did as Dougie said and he helped pull me up.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome. Where are you girls headed to?"

"We were on our way backstage before a certain someone decided to fall and take us all down with her." I glared at Janel because now I was looking and talking to Dougie while being drenched in soda. I know she didn't mean to though.

"You have backstage passes?"

"Yeah but I think I am going back to the hotel instead. I am so sticky right now."

"Come back stage I have some clothes you can borrow."

"No I don't want you to have to go out of your way."

"I don't want you to miss the show. Let's go the guys wont mind."

"Are you sure?"

"I am positive."

We all followed him into the backstage area. I could see the other guys just sitting around backstage and Danny turned around when he heard the door open. He saw us girls and he had a priceless look on his face.

"Guys these girls had a minor accident outside and they need changes of clothes. Can I borrow some from you guys."

"Yeah Doug. Go on in and grab some. The girls can stay out here while you get them all clothes."

"OK I will be right back girls. Don't leave me."

"We wont I promise." As soon as Dougie left, Danny hopped up out of the seat he was in and he ran up to me.

"What the hell happened to ya?"

"Well we had a tripping accident and we grabbed each other causing a huge mess of soda. Its OK thought because we got Dougie to smile?"

As soon as I said smile Danny's Jaw dropped to the floor. It was almost as if to say it was impossible for Dougie to smile. I mean surely he smiled. At least he will now that I'm around. Everyone laughs at me whether they want to or not. About five minutes later Dougie walked back in with a huge pile of clothes.

"Well I grabbed a bunch of everything. I wasn't sure what you wanted."

"Well thanks. Do you have a room we can change in?"

"You can all change right here." I knew Danny would say something like that.

"We would but we wouldn't want you to go horny or anything before going on stage because non of us are going to finish you off."

All of the guys looked at me like it was odd for me to say something like that. All of my friends looked at me and they were all on the floor laughing. See I have one of the dirtiest minds. You could say anything to and I can make it dirty, Even if its not even close to being dirty. Thats just how I am.

"What am I not suppose to say something like that"

"No your not. Your a chick."

"Yeah so. Girls have dirty minds too. Anyway do you have a place for us to change?"

"Right over there." Dougie pointed to the door over to the left.


We went to the room. The girls were still laughing a little bit and telling me how they think Dougie likes me. Apparently because he gave us cloths, it means he likes us. I thought it just meant he was really nice. We spent the next hour in a half just talking. Dougie didn't talk much but I was OK with that. They went on and put on a great show. I was amazed at how well it was. Before the show they asked us if there was any specific song we wanted to hear and I requested " Not Alone". I feel like I can connect to that song. It was flawless when they sang it. I had Margarita request "Silence is a scary sound". I just wanted to hear Dougie's voice. It amazed me so much. I always wanted a guy that could sing. After the show we went to the closest pub they had. Thats when Dougie and I finally had a chance to be alone and talk.
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