I'm Going to Lose it

Not Alone

I woke up the next morning to groaning. Dougie was still sleeping. His arms were wrapped around me and I was so warm and comfortable I didn't want to get out of bed but the groaning was really loud. I got out of Dougie's grasps and walked out into the living area only to find everyone laying there groaning.

" Why are you all making so much noise?"

Danny was the first to respond. "My head is killing me what did you do to me?"

"You guys did it all your self. You were the ones that didn't stop drinking when we told you to."

"Can you get me some head pain stuff?"

"Where is it?"

"I don't know in one of the cabinets. I think over the stove."

"Give me a second."

"OK fine. Quick question for you."


"What did you and Dougie do last night?"

"What do you mean?"

"You are walking around in a thong and Dougie's shirt. Did you to sleep together?"

"Yes we slept together."

"Man Dougie is the man. Got you your first night. Did you enjoy it?"

"I am not answering that because yes we slept together but no we didn't have sex. I am going to get you Advil."

"Wait you didn't sleep together?"

He followed me into the kitchen and I kind of wish he didn't. I turned around at the wrong time only to find him naked.

"Holy shit why are you naked? When Dougie and I laid you on the floor you had cloths on."

"I'm naked?" He looked down and was shocked to find he had nothing on. "I don't remember what happened last night."

I ran into the other room and pulled all of the blankets off of my friends. If he did anything stupid with one of them. Sure enough the other person would be naked too. All of them had cloths on but my sister Katie. Oh my god this can not be happening. Katie was in a mess of wetness and stickiness. I screamed so loud. Dougie came running down the stairs to see what was wrong. He saw what I saw and was in complete shock. He couldn't say anything, just stand there and look. After about 2 minutes i covered Katie back up and ran to Dougie's room. How could Katie do that. I thought she was smart. What if she got pregnant? Oh my god my parents are going to make me and Katie come home early. How could she? Danny came walking in after giving me a few minutes to think.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to."

"Danny how could you? Why are you two so stupid? Do you even know if you used protection? I'm guessing from the mess that you didn't but I could be wrong."

"I honestly don't remember Danielle."

"Can you please leave me alone Danny?"

Danny left with a sad look on his face. I wasn't in the mood to deal with him. I heard the door close so I went downstairs to tell Dougie I was leaving.

"Hey Dougie"

"Hi Danielle. You OK?"

"No look I'm going back to the hotel I cant deal with this right now."

"Give me a second I will drive you back."

"You don't have to."

"I want to"

Dougie went upstairs to get dressed when I remembered I was still in my pajamas. I went upstairs and completely forgot that he was getting changed. I walked in and the first thing I saw was Dougie's nice butt.

"I am so sorry I was coming to ask if you had pants I could borrow. Sorry I should have knocked."

"You can see my butt. You are my girlfriend."

"I know but still."

"Well I'm done so you can look now. Here will these fit you?"

"Yeah thanks."

I threw on the pants and was out in the car as quickly as possible. Dougie took a little longer. He had to get all of his stuff together and he laid the Advil on the table along with some bottles of water for everyone so when they woke up they wouldn't feel as crappy. He finally came out to the car and we were pulling out of the neighbor hood when his phone started to ring.


"I'm taking Danielle back to the hotel can you just watch the girls and let them know what is going on."

"You need to talk to Katie about what happened."

"Look I'm not going to get into an argument about this right now you need to talk to Katie and see if she remembers anything."

I sat there with tears starting to form in my eyes. What if my parents do find out and they make me come home. I am going to lose the only good thing in my life. I think I love Dougie. And if I have to go back we will be so far from each other. How could Danny and Katie do this to me? At this point tears were flowing from my eyes and there was no stopping them. Dougie pulled over so he could comfort me. I noticed we were parked outside of a park. I opened my door and made a run for the swings. Dougie followed behind but kept a distance. He didn't know what was wrong with me. I was going crazy. Maybe I shouldn't have come. I thought it would be easy for me to run form my past.
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