A Train Crashed into the Wall Around My Heart...

Mile High

I stepped out of the bathroom as discreetly as I could and quickly closed the door behind me, as Alex was waiting his turn to escape quietly. Still being a little flustered, I wasn’t really paying attention as to what I was doing and almost immediately walked right into what felt like a brick wall.

“Hey…you have to watch-OH…wait – what are you doing here?” Considering the size of the chest I had walked into and then considering the size and color of the arms that had grabbed onto me so I wouldn’t fall…I had already guessed who I had just walked into…I was praying to God that I was imagining it, but that very confused, very sexy voice…just confirmed one of my worst fears of going on this tour with Alex.

“Hey, Hanes.” I muttered quietly trying to get past him and to my seat before Alex came out of the bathroom, but he still had a hold of my arms from when I ran into him. Oddly, his grasp seemed to tighten around them once he realized just whom he was holding on to.

“Hey…Hanes?” He mocked me loudly. “I run into you mid-air on our way to a tour of Australia…which you have no business being on…and all I’m going to get from you is ‘Hey Hanes’?” He at least seemed somewhat amused, but his mood could have definitely swung either way.

“Yeah…um…I’m sorry for running into you.” I started, again trying to step away. “I’m gonna get back to my seat now though…you know how I get on planes.” I tried to explain because he still hadn’t let go of my arms. I would feel much better about speaking to him if I didn’t know that Alex was going to follow me out of that bathroom any second. The very last thing that my new relationship needed…was involvement from Synyster Gates…on any level.

“Right, of course…” He chuckled. “Just after you tell me what you’re doing on this plane in the first place. I mean…are you following us?”

I looked right through him at that point. Unbelievable…I know he’s cocky, but assuming I’m following him to Australia just completely takes the cake. “You didn’t seriously just ask me that question did you Syn?” I asked incredulously.

“Well…yeah…I did.” He looked surprised himself at this point. “I mean why else would you be here?”

“You mean other than for you?” I laughed. I wasn’t very amused though; his attitude was really starting to piss me off. He just cocked an eyebrow at me, actually still waiting for an answer.

“If you must know,” I began snidely. “I’m here for Alex. Well wait…I should rephrase that so you can wrap your brain around it…I’m here WITH Alex. I don’t want you to think I’m stalking him too.”

His face immediately lost all color and his jaw set in place. “Alex…who?” He asked slowly.
“Brian…do not act like a moron.” I taunted. “How many Alex’s do you know on this tour?” He just started to mindlessly shake his head, all the while still holding on to my arms.

“As far as I know, I’m the only one.” I heard Alex speak up from behind me, as he put his hand against the back of my neck. This was just perfect. I was in the middle of a human tug-of-war it seemed, as both men now had death grips on different parts of my body. Thankfully, Syn let go first.

“Didn’t YOU just come out of that same bathroom?” Syn asked as he gestured behind Alex.

“Yes, Brian, I did…why?” I sighed.

“What do you mean why…that’s not what those bathrooms are for!” He stammered.

“Are you going to tattle on us then?” I teased some more.

“I didn’t know the two of you were that close.” He shrugged looking disgustedly at Alex who had now put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

“Does it matter?” Alex asked.

“No. I guess not.” He ran his hand through that thick black hair of his then looked back down at me. “Michelle’s not here.”

“Ok…is that supposed to matter?” Alex questioned him again more specifically. At this point I was becoming extremely uncomfortable and needed a way out of this.

“Well maybe you should invite her down…I’m sure she’d love Australia, Syn.” I stated directly but as nicely as I could. “Hey Bub, let’s get back to the seats…I’m getting queasy again.” I purred to Alex as I squeezed the hand that was around my waist and maneuvered us around Syn who still didn’t seem too ready to move.

We solemnly made it back to our seats, as I knew what was coming. We had been sitting quietly for about ten minutes before Alex actually said anything though.

“So…” He kind of sighed while grabbing my hand, but not really looking at me. I felt so bad. The problem was that I felt bad for both men. And feeling bad for Syn was not good…for Alex and me in any way, so that was definitely something I was quickly going to have to work through. I had had the feeling that Alex was hesitant about asking me out, about taking me on tour, and about being in a relationship all together. He had never seemed very comfortable with ‘couple-dom’ with any girl, not just me…and I’m assuming this was one of the reasons why.

“It really was just a high school thing, Alex.” I blurted out. I figured this was going to have to be sorted through before venturing any further on this trip. I got closer to him, to try and get my point across a little more and so that not everyone within shouting distance could hear us. He continued to hold my hand but still wouldn’t really look at me, as his gaze would fall on some random seat or the corridor.

“I know that…we all know that…but we’ve heard other things too…” He mentioned quietly, his muscles noticeably tensing up.

“Like what other things?” I feigned shock, but knew exactly what he was talking about.

“Like the fact that the two of you can’t keep your hands off of each other when you’re in each other’s presence…” He sort of coughed out. Honestly I was a little shocked now. I wasn’t aware the rumors had gotten that involved. I quickly became extremely pissed off, at who…I wasn’t quite sure yet. But I definitely didn’t like Alex’s accusatory tone just then.

“That couldn’t be any further from the truth Alex, but if that’s what you’d like to believe then that’s going to be your problem.” I stated matter-of-factly and finally got him to look at me as I took my hand out of his and put it back in my own lap as I stared hard at the back of the seat in front of me. My history with Mr. Gates was obviously going to get in the way of any relationship I wanted, one way or another.

“Hey…I’m sorry.” Alex grabbed my hand again and laced his fingers with mine, rather forcefully. He then grabbed mine chin and made me look at him. His attitude softened as soon as he saw the hurt that must have settled in my eyes. He leaned in and kissed the tip of my nose. “That’s just people talking out of their asses. I was pissed to see him acting so pompous back there, that’s all. I’ll take it up with him directly next time, instead of upsetting you.” I had to give this man credit; he was definitely trying harder with me than anyone (myself included) would have assumed he would that’s for sure. Now I felt I owed him an explanation.

“It was one time a few years ago.” I muttered uncomfortably, but he didn’t move or look away. “We were all out partying, like old friends and whatever. I’m not going to use the drunken excuse, but I had definitely had more than my fair share. We started talking, laughing, reminiscing…one thing led to another and I ended up on their tour bus with him. We were the only two on the bus and we thought the door had been locked. I wasn’t aware at the time, but I had assumed he and Michelle were ‘on break’ as they often were back then. Come to find out…I was quite wrong and found out the hard way, when she walked in on us. As I’m sure you can imagine, all hell broke loose…she eventually ran off in a huff and the rest is…well…grist for the rumor mill, so to speak.” I finished quietly, hoping he had taken everything in, as it wasn’t anything I really wanted to rehash.

He kissed me again, this time gently on my lips. “Well, thank you for clearing that up for me. Now I know the truth and understand I have nothing to worry about…enough said, babe?” I smiled gratefully and pulled him in for a deeper kiss this time. I was totally loving this man right now…but I was also getting an uncomfortable feeling from the pit of my stomach. I could have gotten really pissed earlier because there just might be some truth to those retched rumors and I was now praying to God that my path wouldn’t meet up with Syn’s again for the rest of this trip.