The Blitz

A week later

It's been a week, three hours and seventeen minutes since my mothers death. We all seem to be moarning in our own ways. Father is lying on the sofa, a can of lager in one hand, and a picture of mother in the other. He has been drinking. A lot. And crying. A lot. He hasn't changed his clothes since the night. He also hasn't spoken to us very much. If it wasn't for my poor cooking skills we would probably have starved to death by now. James as a different way of moarning. He has been getting into a lot of scraps at school. My sweet little brother. My brother who wouldn't swat a fly. This little boy, beating up people twice his height. I must say, i am slightly impressed. But its wrong. I tried to talk to James about it, but he just brushed me aside. He said they had it coming. I looked at him sadly. James and I looked nothing alike. He was blond while i was dark. He had blue eyes, while i had brown. We were both small and skinny though. But on him it looks better, more innocent. On me , it looks like i was raised on the streets and had nothing to eat. I heard the clock chime 5:00. Homework was done. I was out of my uniform. It was time to start dinner. I walked into the kitchen and pulled out a saucepan. I opened the cabinate. Barely any food there. I reached for the rations book we had. This bloody war made nesessitys in short supply. I was going to have to go to the shop again. I walked down our shabby hallway, when i heard the door bell ring. I opened it and i saw a man, with a teenage boy at the door. The man was tall, and well built, pale skin, freckles and ginger hair. He spoke with a strong irish accent "Excuse me, lassy. Is Hugh Hayes here?" I nodded and said "He is in the sitting room. Why do you want him?" Then man looked uncomfortable "We have some business to discuss Lassy." he edged around me and strode into the sitting room without another word. How rude! To come into someones house, demand to see someone andf won't tell anyone why! The teenage boy stood there awkwardly. He was quite tall and thin , he had blue eyes and chocalate brown hair. He didn't look at all like the rude man before. He opened his mouth and said in his strong irish accent "I-I-I-I am sorry about my father, he tends to be straight forward." I nodded at him "It's okay, what does he want?" I said. He bit his lip and said "It's something about the war, they are looking for knew british recruits " I gulped "A-And what does that have to do with my father?" I said shaking. I knew exactly what it had to do with my father. My father was a soilder, i had just hoped.....
The boy looked at me "Um, well your father has been called into war.."
Just right there and now, i broke down in tears
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This sin't as lomng as my first chapter but i hope you like it :3