Learning to Fall


"So Frankie," Gerard said, swishing the bottle of wine to see how much was left. "It's getting pretty late, how about we go inside?"

For some odd reason, Gerard's current proposition made me sigh. It had been such a great night already, I had the best time playing those games with the kids, and it was nice getting to meet Gerard's brother. Now, hanging out with Gerard and just enjoying the two of us being friends and spending time together was perhaps the best part of the night, and I wasn't quite ready to go inside and go to bed just yet.

"There's enough for about two glasses left," Gerard continued, handing me the bottle so I could see for myself that there was indeed just a tiny bit left of the wine. "How about we pop in a movie and finish this baby off?"

Now that proposition made me smile. "Let's do it."

And with that, he quickly hopped up and held his hand out to help me up. "Thanks, Gee," I said, grinning at him as I passed by him, leaving him with a funny look on his face.

"You know Frankie, that's one thing I've been meaning to ask you," he said, following behind me, shutting the door behind him as soon as we were both in the house. As I noticed him kicking his shoes off, I did the same and looked at him, signifying that he had my full attention. "Go for it."

"I noticed that Sophia has been calling me Gee, and now you just did, too. Nobody has ever called me that before, so why is that that you and your little girl are calling me that now?"

I couldn't help but giggle. "You know, I noticed this too, so I asked her about it the other day. She said she remembered that your name started with a 'g', but she couldn't remember your actual name, so... she just started calling you 'Gee'. I guess the name kinda stuck, I think it suits you."

He stood there with a thoughtful expression on his face, then nodded before pouring the remainder of the wine into the two empty glasses. "I think it does, too," he smiled, giving me my glass, clinking it with his. For some reason, my grin only got bigger.

"I um, wonder what the girls are up to," I quickly said, trying to make that stupid grin wipe off my face, which of course only made my smile even bigger, which caused my cheeks to blush. Must be the wine, I thought, grinning lopsidedly as I took a nice long sip.

"Ah, I don't know," Gerard slurred a bit, returning my same not-so-little grin. "We should definitely check on them."

He took off towards the stairs, me following quickly behind him. We walked towards Ella's room, which was eerily quiet. Gerard attempts at being stealthy was quite hilarious, considering he was making more noise than he normally would be trying to creep around. I giggled at this, to which he replied by putting his finger over his mouth as he shushed me rather loudly, which of course made me giggle even harder. I tried my best to suppress my laughter, and together we peeked our heads into Ella's room, and simultaneously let out a very loud "aww" at what we saw.

Our girls were sprawled out on Ella's bed, curled up on top of a sea of stuffed animals. "I don't think we should disturb them," I squeaked, my hand over my mouth as we continued to look upon our two sleeping beauties.

"Me either," he whispered, patting my waist to signify it was time to leave them be. He shut off the light and the nightlight came on, then shut the door until it was open just a crack. It wasn't until we turned to walk back towards the stairs that I noticed his arm was still around me, but I did nothing but grin and extend my arm across his back as well, as we walked down the stairs together.

"So Frankie, what do you want to do now?" he asked, wandering over to his rather impressive collection of DVD's.

"Umm, I'm not exactly sure," I replied, giving a small yawn as I plopped down on the couch, watching my friend curiously as he took out one DVD in particular and held it close to his heart.

"Can we watch The Holiday, Frankie? Pleeease," Gerard begged, his lower lip jutting out and everything. I thought this was particularly very adorable, considering the movie he'd chosen was indeed one that struck me as very chick-like, but I had a confession - those were my favorite kind.

"Yes, Gerard. We can watch The Holiday," I nodded, to which he immediately squealed and put the movie in the DVD player. He then rushed over to the couch where I was laying and practically jumped on top of me, missing me by just a matter of inches as he snuggled up on the opposite side, kicking his feet up on the cushion in the middle. He reached up on top of the couch and pulled down the blanket that had been resting there, covering himself up with it as he let out a very relaxed sounding sigh.

"You can kick your feet up and share the blanket with me too, Frank, I won't mind," Gerard said, kicking me gently in the side as he did so. I smiled, relaxing a bit as I did as I was told. He quickly leaned over and proceeded to tuck me in, which made me giggle because it actually tickled quite a bit.

"Snug as a bug in a rug," he smiled, kissing the top of my head quickly before retreating back to his side of the couch. I sighed happily, relaxation overtaking each and every bone in my body as I snuggled up against the pillow, and felt my eyelids start to quickly flutter shut...


"Erm," I groaned, snuggling even deeper into my pillow as I felt something wrap around me, leaving me completely and utterly blissful. I'd never felt more comfortable in my life. I then felt someone poking me, followed seconds later by a slightly louder voice that echoed the first.


My eyes quickly shot open as that second voice didn't register right away, and was met with the eyes of two confused little girls. I leaned up slowly, suddenly very cautious as to why I was staring at both Sophia and Ella, and even more cautious as to why they were eyeing me so intently.

I took a quick look around, my head spinning as the last night's events quickly swirled around in my head. The games, the talks, the drinking - Gerard. My face then grew pale, as I looked down on the side of me, realizing I had been using Gerard for a pillow!


"What?! I'm up!"

Ella's cry for her daddy made Gerard quickly spring up, bumping into me in the process. He looked grumpily from the girls then to me, holding his head in the process as he let out a very loud groan. "Yes. Ella. What is it, sweet pea?"

"Why were you and Frankie asleep on the couch together?"

This query made Gerard's head re-appear from within his hands, as he looked from the girls to me with question marks written all over his face.

"We were watching a movie and fell asleep, sweetie," I replied for him, noticing as he instantly sighed with relief. "Right, Gee?"

"Right," he replied, still in a slightly grumpy tone as he collapsed his head on my shoulder, to which I simply patted his head and gave a small shrug. "So, good morning ladies, did you sleep well?"

"Yes, we did daddy," Sophia replied, kissing my hand and holding it close to her cheek. I gave them both a warm smile, but Ella never gave in.

"Daddy! You know what we're supposed to do today! Wake up!"

"Um, how about you and Sophia come with me, and you can help me make some coffee for your daddy?" I gave Ella a pleading look, hoping she would soften up.

She huffed, and finally muttered a "fine" under her breath. I quickly slid from underneath Gerard, replacing myself with a pillow and brought the blanket up all around him so he wouldn't miss me very much.

"Snug as a bug in a rug," I muttered, giggling as that memory of the night before came back slowly in bits and pieces. I grinned down at him, then followed the two little girls into the kitchen.

"So Ella honey, what is it that you have to do today?" I questioned, turning the coffee maker on and hunting around the big, spacious kitchen for coffee-making supplies.

"Well, daddy is supposed to take me to get stuff for my birthday party next week," Ella replied, shooting her father a dirty look. Her face then lit up as if she got a brilliant idea. "Sophia, you have to come to my party! It will be SO much fun if you come, you have to come!"

She and Sophia were now jumping up and down as I simply smiled at the two girls, and then it grew even bigger as I realized that I was in the right place at the right time. It actually couldn't have worked out any better if we'd have planned it this way...

"So, do you girls want anything for breakfast?"

After I had the girls set up with two bowls full of Fruity Pebbles, I poured two cups of coffee and made my way back into the living room with them, just in time to hear Logan make his presence known from his room on the floor above us. I sat the two cups of coffee down and smiled, realizing that since the girls were eating and Gerard was still sound asleep, I would have to go and get Logan myself. I couldn't have been happier with this, taking the steps two at a time as I bounded my way into Logan's room.

"Looogan," I called out to him, peeking my head in the door just slightly. His wails turned into whimpers as I made my presence known, as he finally registered who it was that had come to rescue him from his crib prison.


He was clapping his hands as I made my way over to him, obviously overjoyed to see me, shrieking my name repeatedly at the top of his little lungs. I reached over to pick him up, kissing my favorite little guy's cheeks as I attached him on my hip.

"Good morning, Logan!" I cried out, scrunching my face up a bit as he returned a bunch of sloppy kisses all over my face.

"Mornin' Fanky," he said sweetly, playing with my lip ring before burying himself in my chest. I simply giggled, and carried him out into the living room where I found Gerard as I'd left him, still fast asleep. I took a seat next to him, and placed Logan on top of him, watching and trying my hardest not to laugh as he attacked his father.

"Daddy, daddy!" Logan called out, shrieking in laughter as Gerard finally opened his eyes and broke into a smile at the sight of his youngest child climbing all over him. I simply sat back and watched, enjoying the sweet moment between the two of them. "Wait... how did you...?"

"Oh, good morning, Frankie!" he suddenly cried out, which caused me to raise my eyebrows at him just slightly, highly amused at how funny and downright charming he could be in the morning.

"Good morning, Gee!" I replied, just as cheerily.

"Thank you, aww!" he replied, hugging Logan tightly as he sat up with him, placing him on his knee. "You got my Logan up, didn't you? That was really sweet of you-AWW!"

He now had how hand over his mouth, and I couldn't help but beam with joy as he noticed his cup of coffee sitting there for him. "Frank... this is... wow, thank you!"

He sat Logan down on the floor then attacked me, hugging me with all he had. I somehow managed to reach my arms out from the man who clung to me, and was able to hug him back. I heard a very shrill giggle as I felt a tiny pair of arms wrap around me as well, and Gerard and I both peeked up from each other to notice Logan grinning up at us.

"Aww Logi," Gerard cooed, picking him up and setting him down in between us. "Isn't Frankie the best?"

"Fanky best!" Logan cried out, poking me in my arm, giggling excitedly.

"Well, if you think I'm the best now, I have some news, Gerard... some very good news, I think you'll be able to appreciate what I am about to tell you next," I said, Gerard's eyes becoming the size of golf balls as he replied in a very quiet voice, "What?"

"Well, Miss Ella informs me her birthday is next week-"

I was immediately cut off by a very big groan from Gerard, to which I simply smiled even bigger. "Gee, quit whining, listen to me," I replied, giggling at how much he was actually dreading this.

"I'm sorry Frankie, I just hate planning these things, and Miranda always puts this stuff on me! It's really hard doing this by myself, I-"

I put my hand over his mouth, and told him, "I can help you." I felt him grin from under my hand, so I released it to in fact reveal a grin.

"See, I told you Frankie," he replied, pouncing on me one more time. "You really are the best..."