Learning to Fall

Chocolate-Covered Kisses.

As Gerard and the girls were walking away, I took a look down at the cute little guy that was staring back at me with his huge hazel eyes. Logan was an exact replica of his father, with matching eyes and matching complexions. He wore a tiny grin as he cried out, "Fank look!"

While one of his little arms was wrapped around my neck, the other was stretched out towards the duck pond, as he began squealing excitedly, "Ducky, ducky!"

I giggled and got up from my crouching position, taking his hand in mine as we walked a little further down towards the area where a few ducks had gathered.

"Okay, Logan," I said, handing him a piece of bread for him to give the duck that waddled up to us. "Here."

Logan smiled brightly at me and accepted it. He tossed it in front of the duck, and started jumping around excitedly when the duck snatched it up from the ground where it landed and ate it. I knelt down next to Logan again, just to make sure he would be safe. The ducks were starting to crowd around us now, and they were beginning to make me a little nervous, especially since this little boy was my new friend's only son. Gerard left him in my guarding hands, and I'd be damned if I let something bad happen to him.

With that thought, I stood and scooped him up in my arms and scooted back a bit, to get away from the five or six ducks that had come up to us. Logan frowned a bit, but took the piece of bread I handed him, and threw it for the duck.

"Feed duck," Logan whined, beginning to squirm. I simply kissed his cheek and kneeled down again, placing him on top of my lap, but he continued to squirm.

"Okay pal," I said, allowing him to maneuver his way off of my lap as I handed him the last of that one piece of bread.

"Ducky ducky!" Logan cried, jumping up and down excitedly as one very white duck with a dark spot on its tail came up to us, which made my grip on him loosen just slightly. He held out the piece for him to take, and in the split second that I let go of him completely, another duck came charging up to us, making Logan shriek and scream at the top of his lungs.

My mind went on overdrive as I immediately clutched him up and rushed over to the blanket Gerard had set up for us earlier. I collapsed on it, falling to my knees as I held this screaming little angel in my hands.

I don't think the duck hurt him, Logan was just frightened by how it charged up to us, but still... how could I have let something like this happen to him? I breathed deeply and kept whispering for Logan to shh, rubbing his tiny back up and down, hoping that this would sooth him.

Within seconds I felt the blanket move beside me, and felt a pair of arms wrap around the both of us. I glanced up to see a very frantic Gerard, a look of worry etched across his face as he rocked us back and forth. Logan was still wailing, still clutching tightly to me as I clutched even tighter on to him.

I peered over at Gerard again, whose face I couldn't quite read at the moment. He was probably waiting for an explanation as to why the child that he left in my guarding hands was screaming at the top of his lungs... either that, or he was wondering how to kill me for being such a useless guardian.

"Ge-Gerard, I'm so sorry-"

"Shh, Frank its okay!" Gerard shushed, smoothing my hair with his hand. I looked up at Gerard again, this time in awe, and I swear it seemed like everything stopped for a second. Logan's shrieks had simmered down to a few heart wrenching whimpers and maybe a hiccup or two. Sophia and Ella were holding hands, glancing worriedly at me but then switched to encouraging smiles when they saw me look their way, and... then there was Gerard. Smiling at me and his child that still clung tightly to my chest.

"I told you he was a handful," Gerard said, smirking slightly as I accepted the hand he had extended for me to take, lifting me up from my kneeling position on the ground. At that moment, Logan's head snapped up and he finally realized his daddy was back in the vicinity.

"Dada!" Logan cried, nearly jumping into his father's arms as Gerard hugged his little body warmly. I felt something tug on my pants leg, and looked down to see Sophia eyeing me curiously, sitting on the blanket next to Ella. My heart melted and I immediately went over to the both of them, Sophia pouncing on me just as soon as I was close enough. As I was telling her how much I missed her, I couldn't help but notice the interaction between Gerard and Logan.

"Aww baby," Gerard cooed, kissing Logan's cheek. "What happened to my little Wolverine?"

"Duck mean!" Logan cried out, glaring angrily and pointing at the ducks that were located towards the edge of the pond a good distance from where we were settled.

"Awwww!" Gerard gushed, cuddling his face with Logan's, before looking straight in his son's sparkling hazel eyes. "Did Frankie save you from the mean duckies, Logan?"

"Fank," Logan smiled, nodding enthusiastically, as he held his arm out in my direction.

I glanced down shyly; the thought of 'saving him' never actually crossed my mind until just now. I looked back up at Gerard, who was busy attacking Logan's tear-streaked cheeks with kisses.

"Aww, there there," Gerard said softly, "I know what will make you all better, Logi-bear. Your sister has been holding your ice cream for you. Would you like some ice cream?"

Logan's face lit up at the mere mention of those two sugary sweet words, and he immediately wiggled down from Gerard and practically pounced on his sister. They fell over laughing, just as I felt Sophia tugging on my pants leg again.

"Here, daddy," she said, holding the very melted ice cream cone out for me to take. I giggled nervously, not really wanting to take it but decided it'd be best if I did.

"Thanks sweetie," I said, licking my finger to get some of the excess Cotton Candy flavor off of me.

"You're welcome, daddy!" Sophia replied brightly, as she pounced on Logan and Ella as well, the three of them giggling and rolling around on the blanket.

I heard Gerard cough from behind me, and I turned around to face him, sort of at a loss of words to say to him. I figure I should say something, anything, to let him know how sorry I felt about the Logan incident.

"Listen Gerard, I really am sorry-"

"Thank you," Gerard cut me off, throwing his arms around me and catching me completely by surprise. It took me a second to regain my composure, but I eventually hugged him back.

"For what?" I asked him, who still had his arms wrapped tightly around me. I was still completely shocked that he was taking this so well. I thought for sure he'd hate me and never want to speak to me again.

"You saved my baby," Gerard replied, breaking away from me just slightly to look down at Logan, who was now wearing his chocolate ice cream all over his face. He flashed his new ice cream smile up at us, blowing us each a kiss.

"I really wouldn't call it a 'rescue'," I argued, still slightly embarrassed the poor darling had to be 'rescued' in the first place. Gerard only shook his head in disagreement, however.

"Are you kidding me, Frank? You wouldn't call it a 'rescue', well, I certainly would! That mean ol' duck could have done anything-"

"NO, that duck couldn't have done anything," I replied quickly, cutting him off. "I wouldn't have let it!"

Gerard smiled widely at this and hugged me again, squeezing me extra tightly before he finally pulled away and sat down on the blanket next to his son.

"See? You did rescue him! That settles it!"

I stood there shocked for a second, before a small smile crept across my face. I settled myself back down on the blanket as well, finally able to relax for the first time since the duckling incident.

"Yay, a smile!" Gerard said, grabbing Logan and lifting him high in the air. "Frankie's our hero, isn't he Logan?"

"Hero!" Logan repeated, laughing and clapping his little hands together. I felt myself blushing furiously. I was in no way, shape, or form a hero. Gerard set Logan down, and he immediately ran to me and crashed his little body on top of mine, making us both almost fall backwards.

"Aww," I said, watching as Logan smiled up at me with that same ice cream smile as before. I heard shrieks from both girls as they also came charging at me, one from either side of me. I officially had all three kids climbing on me, but I didn't mind. I couldn't help but think this was the most fun I'd had in a long time.

"WAIT! Everyone stay like that!" Gerard cried out, scrambling to get up from his comfy position on the blanket across from me, rummaging around in the bag he carried with all of Logan's things in it. He retrieved his camera from within, smiling widely as we attempted to get situated. Sophia and Ella attached themselves to each of my arms, and Logan sat gently in my lap.

"Say cheese!" Gerard called out to us, grinning widely at us as he prepared to take our picture. "One... two...and..."

"Fank!" Logan called out to me, tugging on my shirt. I looked down at him, and that's when Gerard snapped the picture.

"...Perfect," Gerard said, smiling at us as he tossed the digital camera on the blanket. Ella squealed excitedly when she saw her father discard it. She snatched it up quickly, and both girls began to pose and take pretty pictures of each other, and of flowers, and whatever else they could get their little hands on.

I couldn't help but notice the toddler that was still lingering around me, trying his best to get my attention. I also couldn't help but notice Gerard eyeing us curiously, his head propped up on his elbow, his face turned into a smile.

"Hey, Logan!" he called out to him, a smirk on his face as his little boy turned to face him. "I think you should give 'Fank' a BIG OL' KISS!"

My heart stopped for a second, but just for a second as the little boy with the chocolate ice cream covered face tried to give me a kiss, but he couldn't reach me. I gave in, and leaned down so he could have better access to my cheek.

"Kiss Fankie, Logan, come on!" Gerard cheered him on, with great enthusiasm, might I add, as Logan gave me a big, sloppy, chocolate-y kiss on both of my cheeks. I could definitely feel the big chocolate-y patches that still lingered as a souvenir for me.

"Thaaaaanks, Logan," I said, delivering a kiss on his cheek as well, which made him giggle. I then turned my attention to Gerard, narrowing my eyes at the man who was currently laughing his ass off at me.

"Ahh, it's the simple things in life that are the best," he managed to choke out, still in between fits of laughter.

Just then, I got quite possibly the most brilliant idea ever.

"Hey Logan?" I called out to him, as my little friend looked at me with his big hazel eyes, like I had his utmost attention. "I think your daddy needs a kiss too! Go kiss your daddy, Logan!"

With that he took off for his dad, whose face had fallen from his elbow to the blanket itself, Logan pouncing on top of him. I glanced around for the girls and the camera because I'm sure the big chocolate masterpiece Logan was leaving for Gerard was something I certainly didn't want to forget.

And sure enough, when Logan pulled off of him, Gerard was left with chocolate covering the vast majority that was his face.

"Ella honey, take a picture of your daddy, quick!"

She squealed excitedly and took a few pictures of her dad's awesome face, as Sophia settled herself in my arms. I kissed her cheek and grinned big at Gerard, whose face was scrunched up at Logan.

"You know, you were right, Gerard..." I said, getting his attention.

Gerard raised a chocolate-covered eyebrow at me. "Oh? About what, buttercup?"

I pulled a goofy looking face and answered, "The simple things in life are the best!"

Gerard shot me a death glare, and then began to laugh as well.

"Yeah, yeah..." he muttered, fishing the baby wipes out from Logan's bag. Just as Gerard was about to open the package of wipes, Ella snatched them from her father.

"Wait!" she cried, startling us all pretty well as her face turned into a smirk. "Daddy and Frankie both have to take a picture with their chocolate covered faces!"

I couldn't help but laugh at how witty and charming this little girl already was, and she couldn't be more than four years old. Her blonde hair and blue eyes didn't match her father's, but dear God; she had the same mischievous smirk as him.

Gerard and I looked at each other and both sighed in defeat, realizing there was no way we were getting out of this one. He scooted closer to me, threw his arm around my shoulder and flashed an incredibly cheesy grin at his daughter. I put on a smile that matched his exactly, both of us trying our best not to laugh but failing miserably at it.

"You guys are so silly," Ella said, snapping the picture anyway. Both girls were giggling at how silly we really were being.

"I'm sure that one was a keeper," Gerard said, with his arm still draped along my shoulder. I nodded and agreed, "Definitely."

"Heeeere, Sophia," Ella said to my princess, after grabbing the box of baby wipes and handing one to her. "You clean your daddy up and I'll clean up mine."

Sophia took the wipe from her friend and began to giggle, wiping my cheek gently and with a great amount of care. I couldn't help but smile at how sweet she was being. "I love you, pumpkin," I said, kissing her forehead.

"And I love you, daddy," she replied, kissing my nose once my face was chocolate-free.

Not even ten seconds later, the lights all across the park came on, signifying that it was officially night time. I for one could not believe the time had flown by so fast. I checked my watch, gasping when I saw how late it had gotten.

"Gosh, Gerard, it's almost seven o'clock!"

"Wow, it got pretty late pretty fast," Gerard replied, switching his starry-like gaze from the lights back to me and smiled. "It's almost Ella's bedtime!"

He said that last part loudly, and received an exasperated "NO!" from Ella as a response. She marched over to us, and put on a pouty face. "It is not my bedtime, daddy."

"Now Ella, would I lie?" Gerard asked Ella, who was tapping her foot with her hands crossed defensively. He somehow managed to pull off an innocent looking face as he stood with his hands on his hips.


That simple response from Ella was enough to send me into a fit of laughter. Gerard set himself up for these things way too easily.

"Like you said, Gerard, it's the simple things..."

He rolled his eyes at my comment and smiled at me, reaching his hand out to help me up. I took it and hopped up, gathering up my messenger bag and the ice cream that lay on a napkin, completely melted and uneaten. I guess I just didn't have the appetite after having such an exhausting day, but I sure had one now. I collected and threw away the few little pieces of trash from the sweets that we had consumed, as Gerard gathered up the blanket and toys that were lying around that Logan had been playing with.

''Do you need me to help carry anything?'' I asked Gerard, seeing how he had Logan perched on one hip, a diaper bag on his other hip, and he was trying to figure out what to do with Ella's hand and the blanket.

''I um- no, I got it,'' Gerard smiled, struggling to balance everything, which didn't work out as well as he was hoping.

''Ugh, I'm going with Frankie!'' Ella scoffed, getting frustrated with waiting for her father to hold her hand. She stormed over to me and grabbed my hand, smiling up to me.

''Well let's go then,'' I said, smiling at the two pretty girls that were clutching my hand tightly. I glanced at Gerard, who was also grinning at us. He was finally situated, so together, the five of us began to walk across the park toward our cars.

When we got there, both girls let go of me and hugged each other tightly, squealing and talking excitedly like they hadn't seen each other in ages. I noticed Gerard having trouble with opening the door with Logan under one arm and the blanket under the other, so I opened it for him, considering my hands were free.

''Why thank you, cupcake,'' Gerard said, smiling graciously at me as he set Logan down. He immediately ran to me, and hugged my leg.

''Fank!'' he called out, grinning up at me with his arms stretched upward at me.

''Awww...'' Gerard said, peering over his shoulder as he was situating the blanket and bag in the backseat.

I picked the little guy up and watched his cute little face stare back at me. His fingers were tracing over my lip ring. This was something he had done to me the previous day, and I found it awfully adorable. I couldn't help but smile at the curious look he had on his face as he tried to figure out what this metallic hoop in my lip was all about.

''Okay Logan, time to say good-bye to Frankie,'' Gerard said, rejoining us once everything was put away.

''No!'' Logan screamed, scrunching up his face. He lunged himself against my chest, wrapping his little arms around me in the process.

''Aww!'' Gerard and I both cried out at the same time. ''He loves his new friend, Frankie...''

I clutched him tighter, and swung him around a bit.

''Oh, I almost forgot,'' Gerard said, patting his pockets. He pulled out a white business card and began to scribble something on the back of it.

''Here. That's my business card, and I wrote my cell phone number on the back, just in case you ever need anything, okay?''

"Thanks," I replied, grinning down at the card before I tucked it away safely in my pocket.

As I patted my pockets for something to write on, I noticed that Logan was playing with the string of my hoodie. He was just too cute. I smiled at him and pulled out a gas station receipt, thinking this will have to do. Before I could ask him for something to write with, Gerard handed me his pen and I scribbled my number down for him as well.

"Ah, great," he said, smiling at the piece of paper I just handed him. "You can call me whenever, like if you need me to get Sophia for you one day if you're running late or something. I mean it, don't hesitate to call me."

"Same here! Like if you need me to get Ella for you, or whatever," I said, turning my attention back to the cutie pie that was still in my arms.

"Thanks again for inviting us to come hang out with you guys. It was such a fun day!"

Gerard smiled big at us before he poked his lower lip out. "Logan, it's time to go. Give Frankie a kiss good-bye."

"Bye Fanky," Logan said, kissing my cheek, which received about the fiftieth 'aww' today from Gerard. He took his son back from me and began to buckle him in his car seat.

"Well guys it was fun, we should definitely do this again soon!" Gerard said to Sophia and me once Logan was secured, and opened the door for Ella to get in the front seat.

"It definitely was. Bye Ella," I replied, waving good-bye to her as she disappeared into the front seat.

"Bye Frankie!" she said, waving back at me.

"Oh, Ella! Wait!" Sophia cried out, rushing to her to whisper something in her ear, leaving me alone with Gerard again.

"Oh, say good-bye to me last, eh Frankie? I see how it is," Gerard scoffed, flipping his hair.

"Of course, Gerard. I saved the best for last," I replied, as a sort of awkward moment fell over us. He was biting his lip and seemed fidgety, like he wanted to do something but his mind was telling him otherwise. I couldn't help but wonder what it was, until he took a deep breath and hugged me tightly for a good minute or two.

"Thanks again for saving my Logan," he whispered in my ear, before pulling away. I have to say I was a bit shocked by this, the overwhelming feeling of the afternoon's emotions rushing back, among other things.

"You're welcome," I muttered shyly, almost positive that I was blushing. "See you tomorrow.."

"Definitely. Have a good night, Frankie! Bye Sophia!"

Sophia waved and rushed back to me, smiling brightly as she took my hand and waved good-bye to Gerard. She and I took off towards my car, which was parked just two spots over from where Gerard had been parked.

I got Sophia situated, and as I walked back toward the driver's side, I felt my phone begin to vibrate in my pocket. I got in and started the car before taking my phone out of the sanctuary of my pocket, and glanced at the caller ID, which revealed I had missed the call.

Nervousness immediately overtook my good mood, when I saw that the call was from ''Williams, Mark".

Why in the world was my boss calling me...?