Status: on hiatus

We All Have a Little Insanity in Us

Intoxication, paranoia and a lot of pain

Logan stopped the bike next to the side walk and kicked the stand down. He helped Skye off the bike and escorted her up the pathway. The music was blaring and there were people everywhere.

"You want a drink?" Logan asked her.

"Yeah, I could use a beer." Skye said.

Logan wandered off to get drinks and left Skye in the living room. She looked around at all the people and smiled at a few who walked by.


"Oh, not you again!" Skye muttered.

I'm not going to go away until you listen to me. You need to go home.

"No! I will not go home, Liv! Just leave me the fuck alone! Would you? I'm trying to have a good time and you're ruining it!"

Skye looked around at all the people staring at her and realized she had just shouted that at no one.

"God, they all think I'm a lunatic now thanks to you." Skye mumbled.

The less people you are associated with here, the better.

Skye ignored her and walked off to the kitchen to find out what was taking Logan so long. She found him at the keg filling two plastic red cups.

"Hey, there you are. Here." Logan said, handing her the cup.

Skye downed the warm beer in one gulp and poured herself some more.

"Thirsty?" Logan asked.

"Nah, I just need the alcohol. I'm planning on getting drunk tonight." She said, downing her second cup of beer.

She poured a third glass before following Logan out to the back yard. Someone handed her a cigarette which she gladly took and took a long drag.

"What's going on with you lately?" Logan asked, taking the cigarette from her and taking a drag himself. "I heard you were yelling in the middle of the living room at no one. What have you been smoking? Are you high or something?"

"I don't know, Logan. I'm just fucked up. My life is falling apart."

"Does this have something to do with Liv?"

"Maybe? I don't know. I just don't know anymore."

They heard a loud noise followed by laughing coming from the kitchen. A girl with blonde and red hair stumbled out onto the grass.

"Freak!" Someone from inside shouted.

The girl picked herself up off the ground and looked up to see Skye and Logan staring at her.

"Julia?" Logan said.

"Who invited you?" Skye sneered.

"I-um-I-I..." Julia tried to speak but she was too scared.

Skye had always scared her. The two used to be friends in elementary school but once high school hit, Skye became the popular girl and Julia became known as the school freak. Skye, Logan and all the popular kids always called Julia names like 'freak' and 'emo' because she dyed her hair, listened to 'scary' bands and started cutting herself.

"Listen, Julia." Skye walked up to her and placed her hand on Julia's shoulder. "I suggest you leave. No one wants you here. Just go home to your satanic music and razor blades. No one cares about you or wants you here."

Julia's eyes filled with tears and she turned around and ran back into the house. Skye turned around, feeling proud of herself, and saw Logan smiling in approval. He threw an arm around her shoulders as she dropped the cigarette on the ground and stomped it out.

That was harsh, Skye. That poor girl did nothing to you. You don't know what kinds of things she's been through. Liv whispered.

Skye was too drunk to even comprehend the voice's words. She swatted the air by her ear, as if a bug had been buzzing around her, to get the voice to go away.

"I'm bored." Skye sighed.

"You wanna get out of here, then?" Logan leaned in to kiss her cheek but she pushed him away.

"Just take me home, Logan. I don't want to do anything tonight."

Logan and Skye walked out to where his motorcycle was parked. Julia was sitting on the curb, waiting for a ride. Skye jumped on the back of Logan's bike and looked back at Julia.

"Later loser!" Skye called out as the bike zoomed off.

Logan shouldn't be driving, Skye.

Skye was too intoxicated to know or even care that Logan, also, was too intoxicated to drive. Skye arrived home safely and stumbled into her house. She managed to get to her room and collapsed on her bed, completely passing out.

The next morning, Skye woke up around 10AM with a major hangover. She figured she would get up for an hour so her parents didn't get suspicious and would go back to sleep once they had left for the day.

Her dad sat at the kitchen table reading the newspaper. Skye sat down at the table across from him and he lowered the paper to look at her.

"Yikes. You look like death. Rough night?" Her father asked.

"Yeah, couldn't sleep. I kept tossing and turning."

"That's too bad. Well, I have some bad news."

"Oh no..." Skye thought. "He found out I went out last night and now I'm grounded. Great."

"That boyfriend of yours... Uh, Logan?"

"What about Logan?"

"He was found dead this morning on Parker Street. Actually, he was found on Parker Street, Jamison Way, and Service Road. The kid was strewn across the three streets. He got in a pretty bad accident. Police say he was drunk. An-"

Skye stood up and ran to the bathroom. She felt like she was going to throw up. This couldn't be real. First Liv and now Logan?

"No, no, no. Please tell me they have the wrong boy." Skye pleaded.

No, Skye. A new voice said. It was me. I may be dead, but I'm still here.
♠ ♠ ♠
10 readers, 1 subscriber! woop, woop haha chapter title credit: King For A Day by Pierce The Veil ft. Kellin Quinn. Comments? Subscribers? Maybe? (: