Status: on hiatus

We All Have a Little Insanity in Us

Make it stop

Skye sat in front of the gray tombstone, tracing the letters on her boyfriend's grave. A fog began to settle on the graveyard.

Skye, babe, what's wrong? Logan floated down and sat next to her by his grave.

Skye looked over at him.

"This." She pointed to the grave in front of her. "I miss being able to hold you and feel your lips on mine."

I'm still here, I just can't do any of that stuff anymore. I can still talk to you, though!

"Yeah, I know..."

It's not enough, is it...

"I'm sorry, I need to stop being a downer."

"Skye? Is that you?" A girl's voice called out through the thick fog.

Julia slowly appeared and made her way closer to Skye.

"What are you doing here, Julia?"

"I was just... just visiting my grandma. I thought I heard your voice so I decided to come see if it was you. Who were you talking to?"

"Oh, uh, no one."

"Were you talking to yourself?"

"Well... Kinda..."

"Oh, I see. You were talking to Logan, right?"

"No! I mean..."

"I know what you mean. It's normal to come and sit by a loved one's grave and just talk to them, even though they can't respond."

"Oh, but they can..." Skye said under her breath.

"What was that?" Julia asked.

"Nothing. I'm not surprised to see you here, Julia. You must come here often. This your favorite place to cut? Do you blast your death metal when no one is around and form Satan worshiping circles? I bet death is very comforting for you."

Julia looked hurt. "I was just trying to help and be nice, Skye. Sorry..." Julia turned and disappeared into the fog.

Skye, that wasn't nice. Liv now spoke, but didn't allow herself to be seen.

"Come on, Liv. If you were here, you would be doing the same thing." Skye said.

Yes, but I'm not there now. Skye, I've seen things. I know a lot more about Julia than I used to know and you need to stop. She is going to be a big help to you later on.

"Oh, so now you're psychic? Is that it, Liv?"

Skye... Liv groaned. Why can't you understand? The world doesn't revolve around you. Open your mind and you'll see the truth.

"See the truth?"

When Liv didn't respond, Skye shrugged and headed back to her car.


Skye sat in her room talking to Logan.

"Logan," Skye whined. "Liv is telling me I have to be nice to Julia 'freak show'."

Well, I hate to say this, but, Liv is right.

Skye sighed and flopped back onto her bed.

Meanwhile, Skye's mom was walking by Skye's room to hear her talking. She figured Skye was on the phone but she poked her head in to see anyway. She looked in to see Skye laying on her bed. Skye's phone was on the dresser on the other side of the room. So... Who was she talking to?

Skye sighed and her mom quietly closed the door but kept one ear pressed against the wood.

"But... She's so weird! Come on, Logan."


"Oh, fine. I'll try and get to know her but if my popularity goes down, it's because of you... and Liv."

Skye's mother was worried. Her daughter was talking to her dead boyfriend? This couldn't be right. Skye's mother rushed down the stairs and into the living room where her husband was watching the evening news.

"Rob! Rob, honey!" She called out.

"What? What is it?" He asked, a little annoyance noticeable in his voice. "This better be important! I'm in the middle of a good news story!"

"Rob, our daughter. Skye."

"What about Skye, dear?"

"Well... I was walking by her room and I heard her talking. I figured she was on the phone but when I looked in, she wasn't. Then she started talking again. She was talking to Logan."

"But Logan is-"

"I know. So, I'm worried she was talking to herself. I'm worried about her, Rob."

"Anne, everything will be fine. I'm sure she's just dealing with the loss in her own way. Losing her boyfriend and her best friend in the same week must've been traumatic for her. She will be okay. Just give her time."

Skye's mother tried to believe her husband but in the back of her mind, she knew that there was something going on with Skye. And she was going to get to the bottom of it.
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