Status: Posting as soon as I get stuff done

So Long My Sweet

You're Like An Angel But With Broken Wings.

My eyes were trained on the casket as it was slowly lowered into the ground. Sobs wracked through my body but I couldn’t look away. My hands folded and refolded the letter. When I woke up the morning she took her life I found this letter, a plane ticket and an address with a name. I pulled my coat tight against me as the wind kicked up. The white fabric clashed with the snow. I blended in with the snow, except for my shoes. I was taught by my mom at an early age that white was the true color of death but my mom was also raised in a very Egyptian like cultural setting. So she raised me like that too but not religion based. Religion basis was Christian. I looked just like her besides my eyes

She always spoke of my dad but never tried to contact him. She would always tell me he was away when I was younger. She never did tell me what he did and she never did tell me his name. All I knew was that he must have been too busy to worry about me or my mom. For the funeral we all flew out to New York since it was the state my mom grew up in. Me, a few of my moms friends and Kenneth Nixon, my friend were the only ones I knew there. My friend walked up and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

“So what’s in store for you next?”he asked leaning down more to hug me around my waist.

“Probably going to go where this ticket and address take me,”I sighed and rubbed at my eyes.

“Where is it for?”he asked

“Where is what for?”I asked.

“The ticket,”he laughed.

“Oh,”I replied,”it’s to California, I think.”

“You’ll still call and text right?”he asked slightly worried.

I laughed,”Of course I will, I would never abandon you, well besides moving all the way across the country.”

“Yeah but you promised to call and text me so I’m okay as long as you do,”he replied.

A hand tapped my shoulder and I turned. It was my mom’s best friend, Chelsea. “Hey,”she said really sympathetic. She pulled me into a tight hug and I broke down slightly but quickly composed myself. “I really wish I could take you in but your mom wanted you to go,”she sighed

“Might as well honor her last wish,”I sighed,”when do I leave?”

“You leave in about four days,”she replied.

“At least I have some time to say goodbye,”I replied and kicked at the snow.

“Not that much, we still have to fly back to Tennessee and then you have to fly out to Cali,”Kenneth said, butting in.

I sighed,”I know.” My body began shaking way more. Not because of the cold. Chelsea gave me a hug and walked away.

Kenneth pulled me into his chest again and asked,”How long has it been since you last ate?”

I played stupid and asked back,”What do you mean?”

“I know it’s not the cold making you shake this much,”he sighed.

“It’s been three days,”I mumbled.

“What?”he questioned in disbelief.

I sighed,”I said it’s been three days.”

“Please,”he begged,”promise me that you will eat more when you’re in California.”

“I’ll try,”I said looking into his eyes.

“Do more then try please,”he replied.

“I’ll only say I’ll try,”I retorted stubbornly.

“I guess that’s all I can ask,”he sighed and pulled me closer to him.

“I’ll miss you the most,”I mumbled into chest.

“What about Ryan?”he asked.

“You were my first friend when we moved down to Tennessee,”I replied.

“Yeah but you and Ryan are closer,”he retorted.

I just shook my head,”Oh silly silly Nixon.”

“Yeah yeah,”he sighed,”I’m really gonna miss you.”

“Well when you get really famous you can come visit me,”I replied as I unwrapped my arms from around him.

He grabbed my hand,”So I can only be famous to visit?”he asked.

“You know for someone just losing their mom, you don’t seem so sad,”I looked back as I heard my cousin say that.

“My mom always told me not to grieve or dwell on the past or we will not live long enough to see our full future,”I replied

She huffed and crossed her arms,”Still.” She walked off.

“Remind me why she doesn’t like you?”he asked.

“Because I’m awesome,”I replied.

Kenneth was about to say something when Chelsea came running up,”Rhea we have to leave now, the plane leaves soon.”

I groaned,”Okay, but give me a minute.” She nodded and her and Kenneth walked off. I walked over to my mother’s now covered grave and stared down at it. I sighed and crouched down slightly and said,”Hey mom, I know you probably can’t hear me but I never did get the chance to say I love you before you removed yourself from my life,”I quickly wiped at my eyes and continued,”I know you didn’t want to but that you were really stressed and all, I will always miss and love you no matter what.” With that, I stood up, wiped the tears from my eyes and walked to where Kenneth and Chelsea were standing.

Kenneth pulled me into a hug and Chelsea asked,”Are you guys ready to leave?”

“Yup,”I replied and removed myself from Kenneth’s embrace.

We left shortly after. We went back to the hotel where we were staying. I soon fell asleep in Kenneth's arms. I was awoken at 10 o’clock in the morning and rushed to the airport. I spent most of the time listening to my ipod. It mostly changed between old 80’s hair bands and Kenneth’s band, Framing Hanley. We soon landed and I was whisked away to go get my other stuff. We stayed one more night at my house. Kenneth woke up early the next morning and I was soon on the plane at 7 o’clock in the morning. I had a slightly bad feeling about California but I just pushed it down and found my seat. I grabbed my Ipod and flipped through the movies I had on it. I finally decided and turned on The Breakfast Club. Once it was over I hit shuffle and fell asleep to Still Of The Night by Whitesnake. I was soon awoken by the older couple sitting right across the aisle from me when the plane landed. I smiled and thanked them. I grabbed my small bag from my the carry-on area. Walking through LAX I quickly spotted and ran to grabbed my luggage.

I hailed a cab and handed him the slip with the address on it. He looked slightly confused but nodded anyway. He handed back the slip and took off. I put my earbuds in and turned on my Ipod. Faithfully by Journey came on and I sang along with it silently. The driver soon pulled up to a mansion. I handed him the money and stepped out. I grabbed my two bags as the cab drove off.
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So the story is slow right now but it will pick up soon. This is my side project while I finish up the trilogy that I am writing (which y'all should go go check out haha). Bare with me because it might take a little bit to post chapters but I already have 4 and a half written so I'll probably post every few days so that I have time to write.

So comment what you liked, disliked and/or what I could've done better.