Hell's Hold


She would find them.

One would think it shouldn’t be too hard to beat the Winchester boys at their game, but Amber was sadly mistaken. She had been travelling for what felt like months on end to reach new game before they had, but the hunt was usually taken care of when she got there or not much of a monstrosity to peek their interest.

The boys had a knack of getting up to their necks in demon hunting, but yet they always came out like it was nothing. They had to have a secret – some way of getting past all this evil without it eating them from the inside out. Some say it is possible, that maybe they really were these invincible humans, but Amber didn’t buy it for one second.

Not after what had happened to her parents.

“More coffee darling?” the same motherly waitress from earlier asked as she approached the booth eyeing her odd assortment of papers and maps.

Amber nodded her head, silently watching the woman pour the dark, tar-like liquid. The steam swirled in circles, floating until invisible against the ceiling tiles.

“Cream and sugar?” it was evident she wanted to hang around; possibly curious as to Amber’s destination.

“Just some sugar please.”

“I can’t help, but notice your trails,” shifting her weight she eyed the map once again. “You should avoid those mountains.”

Within two seconds, the young girl’s curiosity peeked; almost brimming over the edge. “Why’s that?”

The old woman shrugged, “I can’t say from experience, but there have been rumors circulating about campers disappearing. Everything left behind; including their boots.”

“That sounds like a story they tell around the campfire. How long has this been going on?”

“Mm three, four months? Story or not – I’d advise you stay away from that neck of the woods.”

“Yes ma’am.”

With a wholehearted smile, the waitress went off to the next table most likely pleased to avoid another missing person’s flyer to be taped against the front window. Amber stirred her cup of coffee a little longer as she stared at her map. Something didn’t sit right about townsfolk just up and disappearing like that. There was something much darker brewing.
Something that Dean and Sam will most likely have heard about by now, something that they wouldn’t be able to avoid if her trackers were right (they always were). Something that they would need to search for and do research about attacking.

A sinister smile began to play at her lips as she pulled the mug to her mouth taking a satisfying breath. She looked out the window to see the mountains just above the horizon.

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So far I like this - I may rewrite it if I feel like it's necessary, but for now I like it.

I was happy to see that even before posting this chapter I have 4 subscribers. c: Not as many as most, but I got all giddy over it.

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