Hell's Hold

Breaking Ground

Alright, sure, Amber was clearly playing with fire, but it was a risk she was willing to take to get the job done.

She knew that the wheels in the boy’s heads were turning - it was clear in their eyes as they vacantly looked towards one another. “Listen,” Sam began to somewhat organize his thoughts as Dean just contently stared at the blank wall behind her. “We don’t work well with others.”

“So what, if I piss off Dean his guardian angel will come after me or will daddy dearest strike me down?”

Dean’s eyes zeroed in on the smug look plastered across her face. “Seriously!? Who the hell do you think you are?”

The room fell silent and Amber felt the rage that was radiating off of Dean. She actually was a little frightened at the outburst. After the last two years of her new life, you’d think it would take a lot more than someone to scream at her to make her heart race, but Dean did it in a matter of seconds.

There was no way in hell that he would find out though. “I told you. I’m Amber Bei; the girl that you saved years ago.”

Dean scoffed and took a step back, not once taking his eyes off of her. “I never saved that girl.”

The trio uncomfortably stood in the room with nothing, but the sound of heavy breathing. Something in Dean had snapped; something that Sam wasn’t even sure he was ready to see. Amber was just awkwardly looking down at her run-down boots and for a brief moment look more like she had the first time they had met than the badass she wanted to be.

“I need some air.” Dean spun around and walked out the door, making sure to slam it as hard as he could.


The air was crisp against Dean’s face, but he could hardly feel the faint burning. He was absolutely livid! How dare some young wannabe hot-shot try and use Castiel and his father against him? It was bad enough they had left.

They had left. Left him with more questions than answers about the life he was leading. Sure, Dean was barely getting by in life – it was a miracle he was still alive, but he often felt some regret for the way he treated others. It sucked that the Winchesters had a tendencies to overact before really thinking about their words.

He took a second to pause and see where he was. After doing a full 360, he realized that he couldn’t see the cabin anymore. Part of him was concerned, especially with some sort of creature snatching up people, but a much bigger part of him was more than happy to be away from that cramped cabin.

The trees were tall and skinny, but thick with pine needles and other leaves. In the distance, Dean could hear the faint sound of running water – probably from a stream given how several of them ran through the mountains. The grass was a vibrant green, but it stood out more against the remaining patches of snow scattered across the earth. The only thing that was giving him an eerie feeling was that there was no wind.

Just to be safe, Dean popped his index finger in his mouth and slowly pulled it out making sure to point his palm outwardly in front of him, but he felt nothing. Now he was beginning to feel slightly nervous about being out in the open; alone.

“Creepy isn’t it?”

On instinct, Dean quickly turned as he reached for his gun, but was disappointed to see that his waistband was empty. In a slight panic, he looked at the figure approaching him feeling his blood boil as she got closer. “Why are you following me?”

She laughed slightly, “Hate to burst your bubble, but Sam went looking in the opposite direction. I just so happened to find you first.”

“See, somehow, I find that creepier than there not being a breeze.”

Amber just glanced at her boots again and shrugged. Dean was pretty surprised, given that from the moment they formally met today she had been nothing, but full of smartass remarks. “Listen -”

Before she could even begin to form the next word, the trees began to shake around them. Dean took a protective step towards the woman as they frantically glanced around trying to see through the pine needles that were falling from the sky stinging any exposed skin. The tremor only last a couple seconds though, before the pair realized they were tightly clinging to one another.

Dean quickly removed his arms from her small frame and coughed, hoping to cover the slight blush that was beginning to spread across his cheeks. “What the hell was that?”

Not even fazed by their contact, Amber just shrugged. “That’s the second time it’s happened in the three days that I’ve been here.”

“We need to find Sam.”

“Dean,” Amber put her hand in front of him, stopping him from stepping around her towards, what direction he thought, was the cabin.

“Amber, we can talk about it later.”

She just shook he head, not taking her eyes off something in the distance. Dean cautiously followed her gaze to find someone just standing off in the horizon. From where they stood in the clearing, it looked like that person was looking directly at them.

“Should I wave?” Dean whispered.

“No, I don’t think that is a good idea.”

Dean opened his mouth to inquire, but the person turned to the right and took off at an inhumanly fast pace. He was also pretty sure that they weren’t wearing any sort of clothing; which it odd for Colorado weather.

He turned to look at Amber, but found her several paces ahead, in the opposite direction that he was going to head. “Where are you going?”

Without turning, she shouted against the sudden gust of wind, “I’m going to cabin to grab the guns. We need to find Sam. Fast.”

As he ran to catch up, something was eating away at his thoughts. Something wasn’t right here in the mountains meaning they defiantly needed to get out as quickly as they could; preferably before nightfall.
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Sorry this has taken me forever to update, but it's here! I hope you'll tell me what you all think. c: Also I'm not sure how to add a image divider thingy now.. can anyone help me out with that?

Please don't be a silent reader!