Status: Going to post more soon, hopefully you like them!

Life Through Cassidy's Eyes

Luke Carter

I felt so horrible for Cam, that he got slaughtered at his football game. There was another side of me that was happy that Hallington High won. I wanted to get to know Luke better. At first he seemed like a jerk, but I swear that there's another side to him.

Cam was just staring at the ground, trying to ease the pain. I walk Cam into the guys change room, and luckily all the guys finished changing. I set Cam down on the bench near his change room locker and go across the room to grab the first aid kit. I turn around to start walking back to Cam and almost drop the first aid kit.

I see Cam taking his gear off and struggling to take his shirt off. I then back around to catch my breath. Breathe, breathe, I kept repeating 'breathe' to myself and calmed myself down. It's just a shirtless guy... A cute shirtless guy. Oh my.

I turn around and see Cam hunched over, wrapping only one arm around his chest. I walk over behind him and pull him up to sit straight. He groans as I straighten his back. I kneel in front of him, opening the first aid kit. I grab a big roll of bandages and start to wrap it around Cam's bruised torso.

"Why were you all worked up over Luke? He was just trying to be friendly!" I try to convince Cam to see him as a good guy.

"He was being a complete douche bag! Guys should treat girls with respect!" Cam says slightly raising his voice.

"All that Luke did back there was funny. You are just looking at your first impression and his image, but he is a nice guy!" I stand up.

"How do you know that Cassidy?! Huh?! Tell me! How do you know he's a nice guy. You barely know the douche!" Cam says while grabbing my wrist.

"He made me smile, if I knew that he was a bad guy. I wouldn't have been smiling when I was with him. He sounds like a great guy, maybe you should act like him more often." I crossed my arms.

"Fine, do whatever you want! I don't care, does it look like I care! You go off, run hand in hand with Luke. Ride off into the sunset with him. I don't care! But, if he hurts you, which he probably will, don't come crying to me." I rolled my eyes at him.

"You know, I thought I felt bad for you. Making the wrong decision, but... I feel sorry for Luke. Having to deal with you!" Tears start to form in my eyes but I had to stay strong and hold them back.

"I am really curious at myself right now, at why I decided to become friends with you. Why I even had the tiniest bit of interest in you. You're just a complete jerk, the biggest jerk I've ever seen! Ha, and you called Luke the jerk? Amusing, have fun with your life Cam." I turn around and start walking away with my arms crossed. Slowly turning into running away, tears streaming down my face.

*Cam's POV*

What did I just do? I facepalmed myself of how stupid I was. How I let jealousy get the best of me! Only if she stayed to hear the rest of my story. She has to know that those weren't my words! She would know that I would never mean those things. I saw Cassidy walk away, slipping away from hands.

I tried to get up and run after her but excruciating pain just pranced around in my body, forcing me to stay down. Cassidy... I love you, I can't believe I let you slip away. You were the only person that made me happy. Only if you stayed, to hear these exact words. Please don't leave me.

I hold my head in my hands, about to burst with tears. I grab my hair, tugging on it, screaming at the top of my lungs. I punch the bench, regretting what I said, what I've done. Why does jealousy have to make me this way? I've never felt like this about someone before, it was love at first sight. I frowned and sat on the bench in the locker room for hours.

*Luke's POV*

What a complete dumbass that guy was? I can't believe Cassidy actually cared for the prick. It's surprising really, I can't believe that I won the game though. I won the game, I won the game. I sang those words like a canary. I jumped up in joy, knowing I've got a beautiful girl that's mine!

Finally, all those years of searching for a perfect girl and I've got her. Hopefully no guys try to flirt or steal her away because I'll freaking beat them up. Only if I was a girl, I'd probably write about this in my diary. Should I get my own diary?

Dear diary, I met this gorgeous girl today. Brown hair, blue eyes, and completely cute. I wish that I met her earlier, I feel that my life is complete! I feel like screaming, like a little girl who just got a Barbie!

I should become an author, I thought that was pretty good! I look around and see my team mates staring at me.

"Why are you talking to yourself smiling?" My best friend, Matt says.

"I've... Gone... INSANE!" I pounced on Matt's backc making him give me a piggyback ride. "Wee!"

"What the heck dude?" Matt pushes me off and starts swatting his back like there were a bunch of wasps landing on it. I chuckle and go back to day dreaming about Cassidy. She's gorgeous, I can't wait to find more about her!

*Cassidy's POV*

I can't believe that just happened between me and Cam. My heart felt like it has been shattered into a million pieces, and couldn't be fixed. I walked out of there, making me look weak! He also probably saw me crying while I was on my way out! Ugh, life right now wasn't the best, I just wish I could be happy forever.

I don't think I could ever see Cam's face ever again. Tears keep streaming down my face, I couldn't help but just let them fall. I walk out side, arms crossed, with my head down. I just wanted to get home without people I know asking me what was wrong.

I push open the doors and continue walking. I feel hands grab my shoulders and massage them a bit. I put my head down even more, hoping they don't see me crying. The person turns me around, and lifts my head up with their finger under my chin.

I look off to the side, not wanting to see their face.

"Cassidy... Uhm... Erm, are you.. Okay?" I just stood still, not wanting to say anything. I turn my eyes to face the person, seeing Luke.

"Heh, that was a dumb question." He rubs the back of his neck. "Who did this?"

"It's nothing." I mumble.

"It's nothing? Someone made you cry, and that's a big deal." I give Luke a small smile.

"Cam.." I look down at the ground but scan Luke's clothes in the process. He was wearing a big leather jacket, a little too big for him, jeans, and sneakers. I feel his hands wrap around my arms and he pulls me into a hug.

His arms wrapped around my head, holding me close to his chest I can hear his heart beat. I then grasped onto his torso, holding him tightly, gripping his leather jacket.

"I will get him." Luke whispers quietly to himself angrily, but I heard. I really didn't want Luke to hurt Cam, but I was too heartbroken to say anything. I just held on tighter, and closed my eyes shut and let the tears fall freely.

I hear the door open and loud footsteps being dragged. I loosen the hug and tried to see who it was. It was Cam.
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Thanks for reading, all of you! :)