Status: Going to post more soon, hopefully you like them!

Life Through Cassidy's Eyes


I tried to hold onto Luke even tighter but he saw Cam and pulled me away from his presence. I stand still watching Luke walk over to Cam, not knowing what he would do. Cam looks slightly confused before Luke's fist pounds the side of his face. Cam holds the side of his face that got punched, moving his jaw around.

Before I can even take a second to blink and grasp the fact that Luke punched Cam, he returned the favor. Luke was on the ground, slowly getting up. I stood there, stuck in my body, not knowing what to do! Thoughts rushed through my mind of the possible things I could do, but it happened all too quickly.

Luke touched the side of his mouth, now looking at blood on his finger. Luke grunts loudly before pouncing on Cam, bringing them both down to the ground. Luke was on top of Cam, throwing punches at Cam's face so fast, not giving any time for Cam to react. I finally come to my senses after being shocked and I go over to Luke and grab him under his arms

"Stop it Luke! Stop, please stop!" I cry, still trying to pry Luke off Cam. Luke keeps going at Cam, ignoring my cries. A tear falls down onto Luke's arm and he gets some sense into him.

He stands up, off of Cam sniffling. He rubs his nose with his arm and smirks. He turns around smiling to look at me crying. He looks at me confused and grabs my hands.

"He won't hurt you ever again, I'm here to protect you Cassidy." Luke says wiping away my tears. I look down at Cam, rolling around in pain, blood covering his face.

"Hey! What's going on here?!" I man voice yells. I turn around to see the coach for Mustrone Academy. He starts running over, his face filled with shock after seeing Cam's bloody face.

"What happened?! Cassidy?" The coach asks me, now kneeling over Cam.

I look at Luke, the words 'don't tell' is written all over his face. I look down at Cam's face, still oozing with pain. "I didn't see anything, I just say those 2 fighting and I came over." I didn't want to tell the truth, I didn't want to be involved at all!

"Uhm, sir! I can explain to you what happened! Hallington High won and Cam over here got jealous and jumped me. He only has more injuries because I knew how to defend myself. I just got scared, and all my fighting skills came out. Personally, I think that it's a dumb reason to get worked up over one loss." Luke says very confident, hiding what happened.

"No..." Cam whispered, holding himself in pain. The coach nor Luke heard him, but me. I bit my lip, crossed my arms and frowned at the ground. Why can't my life just be happy?

"We will discuss this, after school! Both of you, Luke and Cam come to my office!" I sighed in relief knowing I didn't have to get involved. "Cassidy, you come too! You're the only witness. Now all of you, scram and go home. Cam, I will quickly get you washed up."

A knot creates in my throat, not knowing what to do. I start to walk home, when I feel a hand grab onto my wrist, turning me around. It's Cam, his face looked really bad. He had a black eye, the bridge of his nose looked purple, the side of his lip had a cut, and his face was bruised.

"I can't believe you..." Cam says softly.

"I didn't know what to do!" I shouted, not meaning to.

"You saw what happened, and you lied? I thought you were an honest person!" Cam says disappointed.

"I just didn't want to get involved in this okay? I am the cause of this and I don't want to! My palms get all sweaty just thinking about going to the coach's office to explain everything. There is so much pressure on-" Cam pecks my lips. "Wh-what was the for?" I stutter, surprised.

"You need to talk less, and what are you talking about 'you bein the cause of this'?" Cam questions me.

"Uhm, what you said earlier.. I kind of cried." I mumble.

"I know." Cam whispers to himself, trying not to make my hear his words.

"Luke happened to be waiting for me and asked why I was crying. I was way too mad to lie about what happened." I say in a guilty tone. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine, uhm... I didn't finish, back there. I didn't finish what I was going to say earlier." He takes a step closer to me and holds my face in his hands. His thumbs stroking my cheeks slowly, as his eyes scan my face. "Jealousy got the best of me, I can't see you with any guy other than me. Seeing Luke treat you in such a douche bag way, made me want to hold you tight, claim that you're mine so he would just stop! It's only been a small period of time, but I seriously haven't felt this way about a girl before. Butterflies soar in my stomach whenever I look in your direction. I love you, Cassidy." He leans in.

I grip his body tightly, able to feel the bandages around his torso. His lips against mine, moving together as one. I felt like this wasn't suppose to be, but it made me really happy. I just cherish the moment while I could, the more passionate the kiss got, the faster my heart raced.

"AH!" Cam screamed and pulled away quickly from the kiss. He put his hand over the cut on the side of his lips.

"Sorry!" I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Totally worth it." He says kissing me once again.

"Can I walk you home?" Cam asks shyly.

"I'd love that."

We started walking home, it was dark and my mom was probably worried. Halfway in the trip, his hand brushed mine before he grabbed it. I didn't do anything about it, I did like him. I liked Luke as well, my feelings were absolutely confused. I had no idea who to go for! I liked them both equally, even if I did just meet Luke. He seems really interesting and he's hilarious! Cam is sweet and caring, but over protective. I had no idea what to do.

"That walk was really peaceful and relaxing!" Turning to face Cam.

"It really was, I wish you would see me as a better boyfriend than Luke." Cam says frowning at the ground. He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and walks away.

Butterflies soared in my stomach just by looking at Cam, but my heart dropped when I saw him walking away without saying goodbye. I was utterly confused, on the edge of bursting into tears. I hold my head in my head and stand outside for a few minutes, leaning on the wall. I decide to go inside and think about this while laying down in bed.

*Cam's POV*

It was a few hours after I had dropped Cassidy off. My heart still aching in pain knowing that she might choose Luke over me. I tried being a sweetheart to her, I tried everything. I don't want to see her in his arms, my heart dropped just by the thought of it. Now getting sick to my stomach, tears forming in my eyes.

Thoughts rushed in and out of my mind, I tried to stay positive. There was a chance that I could end up with her! If I don't, I should cherish my time with her right now. I got up from sitting on my bed, grabbed my grey peacoat and headed out the door.

My hands in my cost pocket, almost reaching Cassidy's house. I took a death breath and tried to think of things to say to her! Well, first off she will probably be wondering why I am at her house so late. I will say, I wanted... No, needed to talk to her, and take it from there!

"Cam!" I turn my head in the direction the voice came from to see Scarlett in her pajamas, leaning against her open door.

"Uhm, hey!" I see my breath in the air, the nights in Mustrone were always cold. I continue my walk towards Cassidy's house.

"Going to Cassidy's house? Well, she's out." Scarlett claims.

"Huh? How do you know?" I asked, now confused.

"She told me! You must be freezing, come inside for some hot chocolate!" Scarlett gestured me into her home. I decided to take the offer since I was freezing and could use some hot chocolate.

I follow Scarlett into her kitchen, and look around. The place was huge! It looked very modern, with different shades of brown. I take a seat in a chair as Scarlett makes us some hot chocolate.

"Dang it!" Scarlett whines.

"What's wrong?" I ask but I'm not interested.

"I spilled hot chocolate all over my clothes, I need to go change." She winks at me before heading upstairs.

Uh, alright. Was all that passed my mind when she said that. I decided to finish the hot chocolates before she 'spills' them on her clothes again. I hear her walk down the stairs and I turn my head to face her. She has a tank top and short shorts on. I look away, not wanting to stare.

"Here." I say awkwardly.

"Awh, haha! You really didn't have to finish them up." She says smiling brightly.

"It's alright." I hand her a drink and she brushes her hand on mine. Gripping the cup while her hand is on mine, I look up and see her smiling at me. I let go of the cup and she quickly catches it before it fell.

"Let's talk in my bedroom, it's nice and comfy!" She says already dragging me upstairs.

"Uh, sure." What the heck was she going to do to me?

She gestures me to sit down on her bed, I didn't want to argue so I did.

"Why don't you take your jacket off?" She asks coming to sit down beside me. I took it off and tossed it to the side. I looked down at my hot chocolate, steam rising up to my face. I took a little sip of it and set it on the night stand. Scarlett followed my lead and did the same.

"What happened?" She said stroking my cheek, scanning my injuries.

"Got into a little fight after my football game. Heh, a guy made some dumb-" Scarlett places her lips against mine.

*Cassidy's POV*

I heard loud talking from outside my window, like they were purposely trying to get me to hear their conversation. I look out my window into Scarlett's window, only to find out that Cam was hanging with her. My heart dropped, but my mind overflowed with positive thoughts. I had to think positive, it could be because of a love interest.

I look back out the window, curing myself from my thoughts. I watched, and listened closely. They started speaking even softer, so I gave up on listening to their conversation. I started to stare at their actions, trying to figure out why Cam was there.

What Cam said to me earlier made me want to be with him. I was most likely going to pick Cam to be my boyfriend. I get carried away in my thoughts of Cam, until something whips my mind back in order. My eyes tear up uncontrollably, my heart drops, my stomach now churning. I felt sick to my stomach, I didn't want to see Cam's face anymore.

I closed my curtains quickly and lean back on the window. Trying to wrap my head around the fact. Cam and Scarlett... kissed.
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Hope you like it! :) x