Status: Going to post more soon, hopefully you like them!

Life Through Cassidy's Eyes


*Cam's POV*

I shoved Scarlett off of me, jumping up, off of her bed. I give her a frustrated look, frantically catching my breath. Scarlett gives me a strange look as I grab my jacket, getting ready to leave. Scarlett stops in front of me, using her body to block me from the door.

"Move, now!" I yell.

"What has gotten into you? I thought we had something going on!" Scarlett whines, trying to kiss me again.

"We have nothing together, nothing! I love Cassidy, and you can't change that." The words slip out of my mouth, not thinking before letting them fill the room.

"In love with Cassidy? What do you see in her?" Scarlett whines, throwing a tantrum like a little girl.

"She's your best friend! Why are you doing this to her?" I asked slightly confused.

"Haha, I guess Scarlett doesn't update you about her life. You say you love her yet she can't even let you know what's going on in her life?" Scarlett tries to meet my gaze, but fails. She was right, maybe Cassidy doesn't even like me... She can't even tell me the new things in her life. I frown at the ground, slouching, knowing everything Scarlett said was true.

"Just get out of my way." I shove Scarlett wish my shoulder, pushing her out of my way.

"Cam!" Scarlett screams and grabs my arm, gripping it tight. I whip my arm out of her grasp, and walk out her door. I decided to go to Cassidy's house, no knowing that Scarlett was lying. I wonder what happened between the 2.

*Cassidy's POV*

My heart shattered, dropped, and ached. I couldn't handle anything, I sat on my bed, with my knees up to my chest as I was hugging them. I heard a knocking on the front door but decided my mom would get it.

"Cassidy, could you get that please?" My mom shouts. I guess she wasn't going to get the door. I sniffled, wiped the tears on my face off, and held back the rest. I sighed, slid off my bed and dragged myself downstairs. Without any care in the world, I just opened the door, not caring if it was a murderer.

"Hey Cassidy, I knew you were he-... What happened? Why are you crying?!" Cam gasped seeing my eyes red and puffy. Was he serious? This has got to be a complete joke!

"Haha, you're kidding me!" I laugh angrily.

"What?! Why am I so confused?!" Cam starts to get worried.

"Is this some sort of joke to you?" I snarled.

"What the heck are you talking about Cassidy? Huh? Tell me, because I have no idea!" Cam screamed in my face, now bursting with anger. I winced, and backed up now feeling overpowered by his strong voice.

"Let's just put it this way, Scarlett's bedroom window is right beside mine." I say calmly, scared of Cam screaming at me.

"Oh gosh.. Oh gosh, no! Please Cassidy, that was a mistake! I just waltzed into Scarlett's trap! I don't like her like that, trust me!" Cam mumbles frustrated.

"I saw what I saw, just stop trying to cover it up Cam. I'm done." I say confidently, meeting Cam's gaze.

"So, you're going to go for Luke now, aren't you?" Cam says, frowning at the ground, moving his one foot in a circular motion.

"I guess it's my only choice. Good-bye Cam." I shut the door in Cam's face, not wanting to hear his response or see his face when I finished.

A part of me knew it was the right thing to do, but another side of me told me that I was making the wrong decision. I was still confused, but I can't turn back time. What ever happened, happened. I can't go back now, so I guess the choice is Luke.

I walk upstairs to my bedroom, once again. I really wasn't a big fan of problems, especially love life situations. I hug my knees on my bed, and let the thoughts just rush through my brain. I hear a buzz from my phone, but wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

I glanced down at the screen and it was from an unknown number. I slowly reached for my phone to see who it was. The text read 'Hello there cutie! - Luke xx :)" a grin starts to form on my face, knowing it was Luke. I texted him for the rest of the day.

The room was dark, with a bright light shining into the slits of my eyes. I groan and roll around on my bed. I stretch out my arms and legs, as I slowly open my eyes. My hand brushes my phone beside me, and I grab it. I check my phone and I've got 5 texts from Luke asking if I was asleep.

I fell asleep on him? Oh my gosh, I seriously didn't mean to! My eyes then slid over to the time '7:30'. I get out of my bed and do all my morning business. I go downstairs to a plate underneath stacks of French toast. I run over and shove one whole French toast into my mouth. I moan in its deliciousness, and continue to eat more.

"Hungry?" My mom asks laughing.

"Mom! You startled me!" I struggle to get the words out of my overstuffed mouth.

"Just keep on eating, I will wait for you in the car!" She grabs her keys and closes the door behind her.

I chew furiously on the French toast in my mouth while grabbing my bag. I hear my phone buzz on the kitchen table and run to get it. 'Good morning gorgeous!' I laugh knowing I do not looking gorgeous right now. I clean off my face and head out the door. I see Scarlett getting into her mom's car as well and try to ignore her.

"Yeah mom, don't worry! I didn't do anything with that boy last night." I hear Scarlett shout very loudly on purpose. I clench my fist but decide to keep walking to my mom's car. "I just snuck a kiss!" Scarlett shouts, her voice ringing in my ear, the words playing over and over in my head.

"That's it!" I run over to Scarlett and smack her in the face. "You're a complete slut, I hate you! I have no freaking idea why I was friends with you! You and Alex are both the biggest sluts in school even though you guys are probably virgins!" I scream, letting the words flow smoothly out of my mouth, not thinking.

"Says the person with 2 boyfriends!" Scarlett screams back, clawing at my face.

"At least I have people that like me!" I slap her across the face.

She jumps on me, bringing us both to the ground. She's on top of my trying to punch me in the face. I push her off and grab her by the hair, hovering over her.

"Ow, ow , ow." Scarlett says wincing.

"Do one more thing to puss me off, and I won't go easy!" I throw her to the ground and huff.

I breath heavily, trying to catch my breath after pouncing on Scarlett. I couldn't take her anymore, I couldn't take all this drama anymore! All I want is a happy life, just smiling! I slide into the passenger seat and look at my mom. She looks disappointed in me. I frown and look out the window.

"I'm sorry mom, I didn't mean to its just-" I try to explain myself but get cut off.

"I taught my daughter so well." My mom shouts.

"Huh?" I am now fully confused.

"You stood up for yourself! I've always taught you to do that, not in the fighting way but you still stood up for yourself! I always saw something bad in that girl anyway! Up top!" My mom lifts her hand, with a bright expression on her face. I chuckle and slap my hand against hers.

We head towards school, not wanting to see anyone's face. If I saw Cam, it would be so awkward! Hopefully he isn't at his locker since our lockers are right beside each other. I walk into the school, and what a coincidence.. Cam was leaning on his lockers with his football friends surrounding him.

Cam had his head back against the locker and he didn't look too happy. I bit my lip, frowning knowing that I was the cause. My heart dropped seeing him frowning around his friends that were always laughing.

"Hey Cam! It's your girlfriend!" A guy with short black hair shouts. Cam looks over in my direction happy, but that quickly changes to a frown.

"Shut up." Cam says leaning his head back on the locker again.

"Fine, it's your lover. Hey Cassidy, come over here! Cam has-" He gets cut off by Cam punching him in the gut.

"Let's go." Cam says, his voice very strong.

"Ow.." The short black haired guy whines.

I walk over to my locker and and bang my head against it. I sighed loudly and punched my locker. I opened it and a paper flew out, making a soft landing on the ground. I bend down and grab the paper.

'I'm going to miss you so much, if you give me time to explain, I'd happily do it. Love you.. Cam.' My eyes glisten with tears gathering up at the bottom of my eyes. I sniffle and wipe my years away with my sleeve. I crumple up the paper and toss it in the garbage. Using all my power to hold back the emotions.

I see Scarlett walk beside me to Cam's locker. She slips a pink note into the holes of his locker and gives me a dirty look. Her cheek pink, and nose purple. I did that? Points for me, but I still felt a bit bad about it.

I didn't even concentrate the whole day, my mind was only wrapped around the problems in my life. The day slowly went by, I kept bumping into Cam and Scarlett in the halls everywhere. I think Scarlett and Cam are going to be in a new relationship. I'm happy about that, about Cam finding another girl. Even if it was Scarlett, I didn't care.

Since it was the end of the day I started walking towards the coach's office. I walk into the office and see Cam sitting in a chair, staring at the ground. He glances up at me, his eyes forming tears, and then looks back down at the ground. He blinks and the tears drop to the ground. I sit down in the chair across the room from him, and stare at the ground.

I hear the door open and look up in excitement, knowing that it was Luke. Luke gives a slight half smile and waves in my direction. I wave and respond in a huge grin on my face. He comes to sit down beside me, and we start talking.

I kept glancing over at Cam, I could tell that Cam was devastated. I felt horrible, my head was still spinning with confused emotions. Luke caught me staring at Cam and grabbed my hands. I gasped and looked in his direction. Luke gives me a cute smile and starts to slowly lean in.

I closed my eyes, waiting to feel his lips against mine.

"Hello kids!" The coach slams the door open and yells. Me and Luke both jump up, startled.

"Alright, let's get down to business! Who started the fight?"

"Luke" Cam says softly. "Cam." Luke says, his voice strong. I shrug my shoulders, and stare at the ground.

"Come on Cassidy, you need to help out!" The coach says, putting emphasis on the 'need'.

"I don't know... Like I said, I didn't arrive there until they stopped." I said biting my lip, knowing I wasn't a good liar. I look at Cam and he's staring at me in disappointment.

"Fine, I guess we will just have to get the security camera and check what happened." The coach threatens us.

"I am telling you coach, even though you aren't my coach, Cam did it. He wanted to win really badly right? That's why he beat me up, that's why he pounced on me! He is just badly hurt because I know how to defend myself. Cam doesn't have a reason now does he?" Luke defends himself.

"Luke is right, sorry. I just didn't want to get in trouble. Sorry about making it a big deal. What's my punishment?" Cam says, sounding defeated.

"Cam, I'm disappointed in you. You're off the team, well for now. You can go to the practices, but can't play in the games. Once you win back my trust, you might be able to play in the finals. Meeting dismissed." Coach opens the door, gesturing us out.

"Cam.." I grab his wrist but he wiggles his way out.

I like him still, I like him a lot. I was still confused, seeing his sadness mad me depressed. I was the cause of his sadness, and I could take it. Luke grabs my hand and runs down the hall.

"Luke, where are you taking me? You know I have to go home right?" I say worried.

"Don't worry about it, I will explain to your mom later!" Luke smiles and continues dragging me to wherever he was taking me.

A few excruciating hours later, he started running up a hill.

"Luke.. I.. Can't.." I say on my last few breaths. I start breathing very heavily.

Luke starts to walk back down the hill and I drop to the ground. I feel arms brush the bottom of my legs, and then my back. I feel his arms lift my body up from the ground. I look up at Luke and I see his sharp jaw line. He's looking straight ahead and my face is right under his chin. I can see a smile forming on his face, as he probably feels my eyes scanning his face.

He looks down at my face, he's eyes glistening as his gaze meets mine. His face now a few centimeters from mine. This moment was perfect, he was holding me bridal style while staring down at me. He laid me down on the grass while we were at the top of the hill.

I slowly get up and look over the hill. The sky was painted with purple and pink. There were tints of orange every now and then but overall it was beautiful. The clouds were translucent and it fit perfectly in the sky. It was the most perfect scenery and I loved every second of it.

"Luke, this is absolutely-" His one arm wrapped around my waist. "Luke..." I stared into his eyes, surprised as he smiled at my happiness. He pulled me into a hug, a very tight hug. I buried my face into his chest, and grasped on tightly to his body.

"I know I seem like the bad kind of guy, but I don't want to take things fast. I don't like rushing things, I love to protect my girl and I'd seriously get heartbroken if I loved her and she left me. Hope you don't mind..." Luke pulls away from the hug and looks into my eyes.

"Yeah, that's totally fine. Don't worry about it!" I pulled him back into another hug, wanting to kiss him so badly.

We sat on the grass, with his arm around my shoulder. I loved this moment, it was absolutely perfect. I even forgot about all my problems in life. I look down at Luke's bag and see a note with very fancy cursive writing on it.

"What's this?" I pull the note of out the bag.

"No, don't touch it!" Luke squeals and tries to grab it out of my hand.

"Oh come on!" I start to read it, a love letter? "Luke's got a secret admirer!"

"You weren't suppose to see that, I've been getting them for a while now. I am trying to figure out who it is." Luke starts to rub the back of his neck.

"Oh really? Are you starting to like this girl?" I asked, curious of what his answer would be.

"Well, not really." Luke stands up. "It's getting late, I will walk you home."

We start to walk home, but I can tell that Luke is getting awkward. I felt bad for pulling that out on him, I guess if he liked that other girl, I wouldn't mind. I mean if he's happy.. I guess I would be as well. I thought this day would be great, but there is always something else that has to ruin it!

"Well good-bye Luke!" I kissed him on the cheek and closed the door.

I started to relax and listen to music. I decided to just relax for the rest of the day and let my mind go free. I wish I was the only girl in his life, but my love life is just insane. I hear a knock on the front door and rush down the stairs to get it. My mom's arm whips in front of my face, stopping me from gettin the door. I look up and she looked gorgeous, she had a red fancy dress and fancy make-up.

"What's going on?" I asked confused. My mom opened the door and hugged a mysterious man.

"Cassidy, this is Rob. He's my date for tonight." My mom gives me a slight smile.

♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, sucks. I know :(