Status: Going to post more soon, hopefully you like them!

Life Through Cassidy's Eyes

A month later

Seconds, minutes, hours, days, all passed by in a flash. It's been a month now, and I've gotten no where with Luke. I've had no contact with Cam, Luke was my only friend. His secret admirer kept sending him letters, and I could tell Luke was slowly falling for her. My dumb feelings, I fell harder and deeper in love with Luke with every second I had with him.

Me and Luke have kissed a few times, but I felt nothing, nothing like I did with Cam. Cam looks so happy in the hallways with his football buds, and I'm glad he's moved on. Scarlett and Alex are still their annoying selves, but I ignore them. Life has changed so much, a month can change a lot.

Me and Luke sit down together on a park bench and stare at the beautiful scenery. Birds are slightly chirping, the sun was slowly setting, it was absolutely stunning. Luke grabs my hand in his and stares into my eyes, ever so deeply.

"Cassidy, listen... I like you, I seriously do! But... More as a sister, a sister that I've never had! What I'm trying to say is, I found out who's been sending me those letters!" Luke says ecstatic.

"That's great!" I say using excitement to cover up my crumbled feelings. "Who is she?" Like I really wanted to know.

"It's.. Her!" Luke jumps up from the bench, points behind me and starts waving. I turn my head around to see a girl with a vintage style, glasses, and brown hair. She looked absolutely gorgeous, I couldn't compete with that.

"This is Robin!" Luke says pulling her into his open arms.

"I can introduce myself, I'm Robin!" She places her hand in front of my face. I take her hand and shake it slightly.

"I'm Cassidy. You're beautiful." I smile at her, staring at the ground in pain.

"Thanks, so are you!" She returns a smile, showing her braces.

"Thanks, uhm, I think my mom is getting worried of where I am. I'll be off first, bye!" I turn around and start walking away from them, looking completely in love. I glance back and see them kissing, cherishing every moment of it.

I whip my head back around and close my eyes shut, regretting what I saw. I can't believe I actually had a chance with him, I'm just pathetic. I start to run home, I couldn't help my emotions. They were flowing out of me non-stop, my emotions screaming in my head. My stomach turning, making me feel sick to my stomach, my heart drops.

If I go home, my mom is going to ask why I am crying. I needed major comfort, but I had no friends other than Luke. I sat down on the ground, leaning up against a wall. Not giving a care where the heck I was. I wipe my tears away, and take out my phone. I look at my reflection, and I see that my eyes were still puffy, and cheeks still rosy red. I can't go home just yet, I don't want my mom to worry. I only had one place to go, even if it was my last choice.

I knocked on the door quietly, still not knowing if this was the right decision. I knocked even harder, repeating the sentence 'get it done and over with' in my head. I held my head in my hands and whipped myself to turn around. Before I could even take one step away from the house the door creaked open.

"Cassidy?" Damn. I turn around to meet the gaze of a familiar face.

"Hey Cam, I know it's been a while... But I need someone to talk to and I've got no one." I tried to clear everything up.

"Say no more, come on in. Make yourself comfortable." Cam gestures me in, why was he still so nice to me? I sit on the couch, and I sink in.

"Why is this girl in our house Cam?" A little girls voice says.

"She's a friend!" I turn to face Cam, in curiousity. I was so mean to him, why is he doing this? I look at Cam and he gives me a friendly smile before looking back down at the little girl.

"Cassidy, this is my little sister, Robin. Robin say hi!" Cam says so friendly. Why the name Robin? I was just trying to avoid that situation! That's why I came here, maybe coming here was a bad idea.

"Uhm... Robin, go upstairs and stay in your bedroom!" Cam says nervously, I guess he noticed me frowning to myself.

Cam comes down to sit next to me, trying to catch my gaze. I look up and ours eyes are now entwined with each others.

"Why do you look so sad?" Cam asks.

"Luke, he found another girl..." I look back down at the ground.

"I knew he was a douche." Cam tries to whisper to himself, but I heard every word. "What's her name?" Cam snaps back to reality.

"Uhm... Robin." I say awkwardly.

"Oh... Well, I'm sorry for my sister being named Robin?" He chuckles slightly.

"It's fine, I just really fell for him... I didn't know he would fall for another girl. Usually I would go to my dad and cry on his shoulder but you already know, he's gone." A knot starts to slowly form in my throat, I tried to hold back the tears but it was useless.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry about that..." Cam sounds guilty.

"It's fine, it wasn't your fault! I really should've listened to my dad and not date until college." I bit my lip and frown at the ground.

"Regret meeting me then?" Cam chuckles.

"No, I don't it's just..." I start to blush uncontrollably.

"I'm just kidding with you! I know how it feels to miss your dad. My dad is in the war, I'm very inspired from him! He helps out the country, every time he's with me I cherish it. When he's gone... I know this is cheesy but I always look at his picture before I sleep." His voice was starting to crack. I could tell a knot was forming in his throat, he looked up at the ceiling, forcing his tears to stay down.

The front door slams open, causing me to jump. A woman drops down to her knees, sobbing uncontrollably. Her face was drenched in her tears, her eyes puffy.

"M-mom! W-what happened?!" Cam stuttered, not wanting to know.

"Dad... War... He, didn't make it." Cam's mom starts to cry even more, now hyperventilating.

My heart drops, eyes shot wide open. I look at Cam, in shock, frozen, tears start to form in his eyes. He wasn't able to move.
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