Status: Going to post more soon, hopefully you like them!

Life Through Cassidy's Eyes

Settled In

I am on the highway driving 120km/h towards Mustrone. I'm looking outside my car window staring and admiring the beauty of nature. I started to think about my friends and all the great memories we had. I started to get teary eyed, and my vision went blurry. I blinked and a tear rolled down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and used all my strength to hold back the rest of my tears. I tried to think positive and how this has happened for a reason. I thought, what if this was meant to be? What if I will be okay? I'll make new friends, won't I? What if I don't make new friends? What if this new school is the worst school ever? What if I-

"We're here!" My mom says trying to sound happy.

"Wow, this place is huge mom!" I said.

"Well, now it's time to get un-packed so grab the bags." Mom said.

I got out of the car and looked around. I sighed, now knowing that this is reality and it's actually happening. I walk to the back of the car and grab a couple of bags. I stumble and almost drop a bag but I caught it. I slowly walk to the door, trying not to drop any bags.

"Let me help you with that!" A girl's voice shouts.

I look back to see a girl with straight black hair, bright blue eyes, pale skin, wearing a red hoodie and white jeans. She takes some bags from my grasp and throws them over her shoulder.

"I'm Scarlett Chambers. I'm your next door neighbor! There's a room in your house that has a window next to mine, choose that room!" Scarlett happily says with a cheeky smile.

"Haha, thank you. I'm Cassidy Larkspur, i'ts really nice to meet you! This made me feel really welcome! I promise I will choose that bedroom. Can I ask you something?" I said curiously.

"Yea, shoot!" Scarlett said.

"What school do you go to? So I have a friend at school tomorrow." I said feeling guilty.

"I go to Mustrone Academy! It costs a fortune, but the people, even the teachers are completely amazing! It's really worth going to.... I have no friends there though. I'm considered as the geek really. You sure you won't mind becoming friends with a geek like me?" Scarlett says looking down, not proud.

"Of course I won't mind! As long as I've got a friend to hang with that day." I said smiling proudly at her.

She smiles back with a friendly smile and then we both walk into the door. we look around the room, amazed. The place was huge! In front of my was a hallway leading to the kitchen and on the left was a staircase leading upstairs and to my right was a door leading to the living room. Everything looked so modern, cozy, and up-lifting. I drop all of my bags on the ground and walk down the hall to the kitchen. It was so empty but the whole place looked amazing! After about 2 hours we finally settled in with all the furniture put into place. I plop myself onto the couch tired.

"Ugh, I'm so glad that's over!" I grunted.

"Haha, well I really should get going! Hopefully I'll see you at school tomorrow! Bye!" Scarlett said as she's walking out the door.

I turned on the T.V and watched Much Music for hours. My mom made dinner but she knew I just wanted to relax and stay still for a while longer, so she didn't call me to eat. While staring blanklessly at the T.V screen, I started to drift off and not even notice.

"Cassidy! Get up and go sleep in your bed!" My mom shouts.

" Ugh, fine!" I scream.

I drag my feet across the floor and pull myself up the stairs. I feel horrible and tired so I instantly went to sleep as soon as my body touched the bed. I am sound asleep, nothing to bother me. My eyes slightly open and all I see is black blurriness. I roll over on my bed and look at my clock. The clock reads 4:30AM in its big, red, and bold numbers. I crawl out of bed and move my hair out of my face. I walk downstairs and spot my mom asleep on the couch. I slightly shake her, trying to wake her up. She groans very manly and rolls over. Not even bothering to open her eyes. Tired, I just gave up and decided to go back to bed. I drag my body weight behind me while going up the stairs. One by one, step by step. I open my bedroom door and turn off the lights. I make my way to my bed and stick one leg under the covers. I put my other leg under the covers and slide my whole body underneath. I lie on my back, staring at the ceiling. I can't help but think about my friends and how we had so many laughs together. A tear rolls down my right cheek. I can't help but pour my tears into my pillow. I roll onto my side and shut my eyes so tightly, refusing to open them. There I laid, slowly crying myself to sleep.

"Cassidy! Get up! You are going to school today!" My Mom shouts.

"No!" I demanded. I rolled in a ball with my blanket. I hear the loudest footsteps, stomping on the stairs and coming towards my room. My door slams open and crashes into the wall so hard I am pretty sure there is a crack there. I feel hands tightly grasp the blanket I'm rolled up in and there was a sudden tug. The blanket flies off me, but I fly with it. I land on my buttocks with a large thud.

"Well, ow!" I complain.

"Go on and get ready for school!" My mom yells. She storms out of the room and slams the door behind her. I get up, not bothering to make my bed. I open my closet and grab a white t-shirt, a Jack Wills hoodie, and some light skinny jeans. I head on to the washroom and take a quick shower. I get dressed and do the rest of my bathroom business that everyone has to do in the morning. I toss my dirty clothes into the dirty bin and plug in my curling iron. I walk downstairs to a table of pancakes! I take a big sniff of the pancakes and my stomach starts to growl.

I grab a plate of pancakes and drown them in a pool of syrup. I start to scarf the pancakes into my mouth as I try not to get syrup on my clothes.

"Wow, I've never seen you eat like that since we went to a buffet! It's not very lady-like Cassidy." My mom said.

"I haven't eaten since we've gotten here! I'm sorry for eating like a pig but i'm starving! Oh, my curling iron! Can you finish this up for me mom?" I said with a smirk.

I run upstairs and start to do my hair. I grab small little pieces each time and curl them ever so slightly. I quickly finish up my hair and look in the mirror. I start looking at myself and didn't even realize that I was making funny faces to myself.

"I'll wait for you in the car!" My mom shouts and then shuts the door.

"I'm on my way!" I shout back and grab my bag.

I put on my shoes and run straight out the door. I see Scarlett slowly making her way out the door. She glances my way and has a huge smile on her face! She starts running my way, her arms flailing, and her backpack swaying from side to side. Her arms open as she starts to get close while I'm standing there in shock. She gives me a huge hug , pulls me a way and smiles.

"Hey Cassidy! Isn't it beautiful today?! What school are you going to?" Scarlett said excitedly.

"I'm go-.. actually I don't know what school that I'm going to." I said puzzled. I look at my mom and she's smiling. "Mom, is there something that you aren't telling me?"

"You're going to Mustrone Academy with Scarlett!" My mom proclaims.

"OH MY GOSH!" Scarlett and myself scream on the top of our lungs!

We start hugging each other and freaking out even though we recently met. Scarlett gasps and looks towards me.

"What? Why are you giving me that look?" I said confused.

"I could drive you there, then show you around and tell you about people you should be aware of!" Scarlett jumps in joy. I turn my head towards my mom and she gives me a smile, signaling that I can go.

I rush on over towards Scarlett's mom's car and stare at it. It was completely beautiful! It was a nice dark red kind of colour and a mini van. I open the door and hop onto the beige, leather seat. I start lurking their car to see what kind of stuff they had in there. We start to back out of the drive way and no one is saying a word. When ever I'm in a car, I always stay quiet and admire the nature outside my window. I look at Scarlett, sitting in front of me and I notice that she likes doing the same thing. It looks like she's in a movie, or a music video just staring out the window so loose minded.

I see a group of kids laughing together and having fun. Tears start to form in my eyes as I remember my old friends. I look up, trying to forget about my friends and make the tears disappear. I can't help but blink and a tear rolls down my right cheek. I quickly wipe it with my sleeve so Scarlett wouldn't notice. I do everything in my power to just stop tearing up.

"We. Are. Here!" Scarlett said so happily. "Are you ready for this?"

"Haha, um.. Somewhat." I said holding the back the knot in my throat.

I look up and see 'Mustrone Academy' in big, bold cement letters. I imagined the school to be a bit newer than this but it looked huge! It was also a bit dirty but I guess every high school is. I look around and see a bunch of teenagers hanging in their groups outside. I can't help but just stare and smile. I slowly unlock the car door, get a grip of the car door handle and wish myself luck!
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the long update. I know this story is bad but please give me feedback. I would really appreciate it! If you want to give me suggestions on how the story should continue, feel free :)