Status: Going to post more soon, hopefully you like them!

Life Through Cassidy's Eyes

Mustrone Academy

I slide out of the car and stand up tall. I lift my right foot to stand on the sidewalk. I hit the side and trip but I catch the balance. I dust myself off and straighten my clothes while trying not to blush. I can't help but stare at the school and freeze up with nervousness.

"Whoa, it looks like you're going to be sick" Scarlett claims.

I put my head down and point towards the door, signaling for us to just go. I feel hands wrap around my wrist and I get a powerful tug. I'm being dragged towards the school while I'm tripping over my own feet. I turn my head to see the group of friends as they are whispering amongst themselves and pointing in my direction. Were they talking about me?

"Well, we are finally here! Excited?" Scarlett asks.

I hear her question but avoid it as I'm staring at the group of guys wearing varsity jackets. I get striked with fear hivering up my spine. They are all laughing hysterically but all of them stop but one. The one boy that didn't stop laughing had his back turned to me, while all the other guys stare in my direction. Thoughts were racing through my mind and they weren't good ones either. The one boy stops laughing and turns around with the rest of his mates. A look of surprise falls upon is face when he lays his eyes on me.

"Those guys are the 'popular' as you would call it. I really don't think that you should get involved with them, they are nothing but trouble. Now come on, lets go to the office to get your schedule!"

She drags me down the hall on our right and I never knew she could run so fast! We slow down and walk through the office doors. I stand behind Scarlett awkwardly and just wait. Scarlett starts talking to the young lady behind the counter as I'm giving an awkward smile. I look around the office and it seems very modern. The teachers seem pretty nice as well but that's just my first impression!

"She will give you your schedule! So just wait here, I'm going to go to my locker for a bit! It's just around the corner!" Scarlett says as she rushes out the door.

"But wait I really don't want to.. ah forget it." I stumble upon my words.

Now all I can think about is being stranded here and not knowing where to go. I feel a tap on my shoulder and my heart starts to flutter with 100 beats per second. I turn around and in relief it was just the lady giving me my schedule. I polietely say thank you and wish myself luck trying to find Scarlett. I open the door to leave the office and someone bumps me but I held onto their arm so I wouldn't fall. I feel a muscular arm and I see a sleeve very familiar to the ones on the guys earlier. I look up and go completely speechless as well as wide-eyed.

"I.. uh.. so.. sorry.. I.. didn't.. mean.." I say as I'm trying so hard to find words that are at the tip of my tongue!

"Don't worry! It was all my fault! Sorry!" The mysterious guy says smiling at me.

"Haha, it's okay." I say as I'm blushing and giving him a cheeky smile.

I stand up straight in front of the very cute guy. I stare at his gorgeous light brown hair and beautiful bright blue eyes! I was starstruck of how attractive he was and how he was right in front of my eyes! He starts to stare at me in confusion and I start to get paranoid.

"Hey! You're the new girl I saw at the door aren't you?" He says with a smile formed on his face.

"Yeah, that was me." I chuckled.

He actually noticed me, and I don't think it was because of a bad thing either. He stares right into my eyes and his eyes glistened in the sunlight. My heart starts to race and my palms start to heat up. I can't like this guy at first sight, can I? Every second of that moment we had looking into each others eyes was precious. I brush my hair behind my ear and stare at the ground smiling.

"Listen, I have to go to football practice. I'll see you around!" He says running off.

"Okay bye!" I reply.

He runs down the hall to meet up with his buddies and Scarlett is standing there staring at me. She glares at me like she wanted to give me an hour long lecture. She starts slowly walking closer to me and lifts her arm. She starts running at me with her arm high in the sky like she wanted to smack me unconscious. I close my eyes tightly and curl my body up trying to protect myself. I feel her pull me into a hug and she starts jumping up and down.

"I told you not to talk to them, and you didn't listen to me. I hate you for that but I give you props for talking to the captain of the football team and cutest guy in school. I'm so used to being the underdog! I'm soon going to be a popular and I will get noticed!" Scarlett says in excitement.

"Listen, nothing is going to happen between me and whoever he is! I just accidently bumped into him while trying to get out of the office!" I claim.

"Oh my gosh, this is the first state of a romance! Denial, you're in complete denial and you can't say anything because I saw the moment you guys had with my own 2 eyes!" Scarlett squeals.

Scarlett bugged me the whole day about me and this mysterious guy. I didn't even know his name yet and she was already on the topic of us getting married. The day flew by and I didn't see the guy once in the halls or in class. I was really anxious once I got home. All that was on my mind was him and I had no idea why. I didn't believe love at first sight but I think that could be the answer to my problem. I got ready for bed and kept fantasizing about him and what would happen between us next. I smile to myself as I lay in bed, hoping for tomorrow that something will happen between us 2.
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Sorry if there's any spelling mistakes! Please give some feedback! I'm also sorry for slow updates. I tried my best.