Status: Going to post more soon, hopefully you like them!

Life Through Cassidy's Eyes

Cameron Hunter

I see the mysterious guy walking from down the hall. I wave hi to him but he keeps walking like he doesn't even notice me.

"Hello! How are you?!" I shout.

He still doesn't do anything! I waved, jumped, danced and he kept walking towards me like I'm doing nothing! Why is he acting this way? He's right in front of me and there is no one else around. I'm also pretty sure that I didn't do anything wrong. He looks determined and keeps walking straight at me. I am filled with confusion and don't know what to do about it either.

I feel his arms wrap around my waist as he pulls me close to him. I look up into his bright blue eyes as he glares straight at me.

"Did I do some-" My words get cut off by his lips pressed against mine.

"What was that for?" I ask in confusion.

He pulls me into another kiss then slightly pulls away. He stares into my eyes once again. His eyes speak to me saying that he wants another kiss. I lean in slowly, close my eyes and pucker my lips. His warm lips press against mine, and the moment was just perfect.

"Cassidy! This is the second time I've had to wake you up! You need to set you're alarm clock for every morning!" My mom shouts within the distance.

"Mom?!" I say surprised.

I rub my eyes and the sunlight shines straight into my eyes. I close my eyes tightly, then just ease the pain. I look at the clock but it was still blurry so I rub my eyes once again. The clock reads 8:00AM! I have school in 30 minutes! I'm going to be late! I rush everything and quickly put my hair into a bun. I rushed so fast that I forgot about breakfast but it was too late because I was already out the door.

I see Scarlett walking a couple metres ahead of me. I thought she usually got a drive. I decided to walk with her even though I was going to be late. I told my mom that I would walk with Scarlett and ran off. She was walking pretty slowly so I caught up in no time.

"Hey! I thought you usually got a drive? Oh well, we can walk to school together! Aren't you worried that you're going to be late?" I asked.

I look at Scarlett and she seems very bummed out about something. She puts her head down and walks slowly, crossing her arms. I place my hand on her shoulder and she looks up at me. Her eyes are filled with tears as one falls down her cheek.

"Oh my gosh Scarlett, what's wrong?" I ask despretly.

"My family is fighting. I can't take it. It has gone on way too long and I just can't." She wipes the tears that are now coming out uncontrollably. "I'm sorry." She sobs. "I just... hate the fact that my family can't get along. There has been so much commotion going on in the house it could be a reality show. There was so many broken plates.. glass everywhere..." She stops and looks up into the sky.

"Listen, I know how you feel. My parents have been fighting for ages. It is how a married couple acts. I don't want to make you feel worse but this could go either way. They could divorce.. or get over it and love each other again." I bite my lip, hoping she doesn't take what I said the wrong way.

"I know, but I miss my old happy family that we used to be." She wipes the tears once more and forces a smile. "But I guess this is the present now. I have to get over it. Whatever happens, happens."

"That's good. I'm happy that you are getting through this like a woman!" I look at her with a tough face.

"Haha, hey, I'm not that old!" She shouts.

"Those wrinkles on your forehead don't say that!" I chuckle, as she chuckles back.

"Thanks, I'm glad you're my friend." She pulls me into a hug so tight I could barely breathe.

"I wanted to ask something." I say awkardly. "Go ahead!" "What is the guys name, the one I talked to?" "Cameron Hunter."

Cameron Hunter? He has a nice name. I found myself repeating his name over and over again in my head. I soon went into La La Land and didn't even realize it. I started smiling to myself just by his name. I caught myself and started to blush. I look over and Scarlett is laughing to herself, I'm gussing that she saw me staring off into nothing. We reach the school, but by the time we reached the school, it was lunch.

I walk through the door, and everyone stares our way. I walked with Scarlett towards her locker because I have no where else to put my stuff. The young lady at the counter said I would get one, once thet found an open one.

"Cassidy!" An unfamiliar voice shouts.

I turn around and see that young lady from the counter. She starts to jog my way and all the perverted guys start to stare at her and whistle. I roll my eyes and start to think that I've never seen a young adult run or jog before. I giggle to myself and wait for her to reach me.

"There's an open locker for you. Follow me." She says pointing ahead.

I follow her closely, as I still don't really know the school. We turn multiple corners, run up and down the stairs. I am pretty sure that she was lost and didn't know where the locker was. I start to worry as we were walking towards the lockers where the 'popular' people were. All their lockers were in that section and I would absolutely die if my locker was there.

"Ew, that new girl isn't even pretty. If her locker was here I would die." A mean looking girl whispers to her other girl friends as they laugh together.

I look down in disappointment and wish I didn't move to Mustrone. We stop in the middle of the 'popular' group and the young lady starts to look at the lockers. I put my head down and bite my lip while shaking my head. The thought of my locker being with the 'popular' people got me feeling sick to my stomach.

"I think you're looking for this locker." A cute familiar voice said while opening a locker.

"I am, thank you so much Cam. We have been looking all over for this." The young lady says smiling at Cam.

I look up nervously as my hands start to shake. I look at Cam and he smiles at me while he's opening the locker beside mine. The young lady opens my locker and escorts me towards it. She leaves, then everyone around me starts to stare and whisper amongst each other. Cam puts his hand on my shoulder and gives me an 'it's going to be okay' smile.

I quickly put my things in my locker and scurry away. I bump into Scarlett and explain everything that has happened. She tries to comfort me but it doesn't work. I look at the clock and realize that I'm going to be late for class. I look at my schedule, and it says Science. I fold the paper back up and tuck it into my binder, because I'm going to need it for a couple of days.

Science is located on the floor above the one I'm currently on. I turn around and push the doors to the stairs that lead upstairs. Before I can even pass through the doors I get smacked in the back of my head. I hit the floor and my books are spread across the floor. I lean up against the wall, trying to ease the pain.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! I meant to throw that to my buddy!" Another cute, familiar voice yells.

I see a blurry imagine beside me picking up all my papers and books. I try to focus on who it is for a moment, until the pain stabs me in the head once again! I moan in pain and rub the back of my head. The blurry figure looks my way and walks over with all my items locked in his arms.

"Hey, it's you! It's pretty ironic how your locker is next to mine!" The voice says happily. Cam?

He sits beside me and looks at my head. I rub my eyes to get my vision a bit clearer. I look back at him and give a half smile. He chuckles to himself and looks at the ground.

"I'm Cam," He says while he puts his hand in front of me. I grab his hand and shake it. "Well to be clearer my name is Camer-" "Cameron Hunter, I know who you are!" He looks at me creeped out and in confusion. "Well, I only knew that because you're the cutest guy in school, as well as the captain of the football team! Everyone talks about you!" I try to explain. He smiles at the ground and shakes his head slightly. I blush like crazy that I probably look like a ripe tomato.

Cam stands up and offers his hand. I grab it and he tightly grips back, pulling me up. I brush myself off and straighten my clothes out. The pain comes once again, and I feel my head throbbing. I rub my head again and look down. I feel fingers lightly wrap around my wrist and pulling it away from my head. I look at Cam surprised as he puts his hand on the back of my head.

"Looks like you've got a goose egg on your head now." He says blushing. "I really didn't mean to hit you, my friends and I were just tossing around a football."

"Tossing? More like the throw of death." I say laughing. Cam laughs back and stares at me.

I look behind him to see his friends staring at us. How long could they have been there for? I frown at Cam and point behind him. He looks back and shrugs his shoulders. He sends me a smile after he picks up his football. He walks behind his group of friends and takes one last look at me.

"Oh, I'm Cassidy by the way!" I shout as loud as I can hoping he heard me.

"Good-bye Cassidy!" He replies. I smile.

The rest of the day just flew by. I didn't see Scarlett, or Cam after what had happened. I guess I've made some new friends. They are just people I talk to though. I don't think that they will ever become any closer than they already are. I get home and toss my bag off to the side and turn on the T.V.

"Home already? I wish you would just stay at school!" My mom complains.

"I love you too mom." I pull a funny face.

"So, made any friends other than Scarlett?"

"Uh, some what. They aren't close but I talk to them."

"Found a hubby?" My mom says elbowing me and smiling.

"Mom!" I shout.

"What? I'm your mom! It's my duty to know what guy I have to perform kung fu on if he hurts you!" My mom says putting her hands in a fist.

I shake my head and smile. I hear a knock on the door and I go to answer it. I look through the peep-hole and I see Scarlett. I unlock and open the door. I give her a tight hug, because I haven't seen her all day.

"Want to go to the beach? It's like a few blocks away." Scarlett asks.

"Hold on. Mom! Can I go to the beach with Scarlett?" I ask.

"Yeah, just be home before 9!"

I grab a sweater and head out the door. Me and Scarlett tell each other about our day and I saved the best for last. I told her about what happened between me and Cam and she freaks out. She screams so loud all the birds flew out of the trees. I had to explain every single little detail to her. She was non-stop smiling and I couldn't get her to stop squealing.

"I'm going to get a slurpee. It's across the street from here! Go to the beach, I'll meet you there." Scarlett jogs off.

I start crossing the street and I start to pay attention to my surroundings. Just in case of a creepy man trying to kidnap me. I see a lot of people I know from school on the beach and take out my phone. I look at it and pretend that I'm typing so I seem like I don't know they're there. I put my head down and stare at my phone walking forwards, avoiding all eye contact.

Someone smacks into my body so hard I couldn't breathe for a second. I hit the ground and start moaning in pain. Today is just not my day, everyone just keeps on hurting me. My phone flew out of my hands when the person bumped into me. I look in front of me and see a guy on the ground in a grey muscle shirt and black shorts. His hair looked very familiar, then he looks up at me.
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I tried my best writing it! I'm sorry if it has spelling mistakes or if I over used some words. I'm doing the best I can. Please give some feed back! I would highly appreciate it!