Status: Going to post more soon, hopefully you like them!

Life Through Cassidy's Eyes

The Beach

"Cassidy! I always seem to encounter you when it involves and injury." Cam smirks.

"Haha, I've noticed." I say giving him a half smile.

He gets up and dusts himself off. I put both of my hands on the ground and slightly push myself off the ground until his hand comes in front of my face. I look up at him and see the sun shining behind him, making him look like a god. I laugh and grab his hand. I start to check his muscles out and he's very fit.I see Scarlett running over with 2 slurpees.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought it was going to just be me and Cassidy. If I knew you were coming then I'd buy another one." Scarlett says worried.

"Don't stress about it, I have to continue my run anyways." Cam says trying to run off. Scarlett grabs his arms and hands Cam the 2 drinks. "I have to go, my mom just texted. It's really urgent." She runs off and I'm stuck with Cam.

He puts his head down and hands me a drink. I start to walk on the beach and he grabs my hand. I look back surprised and he smiles at me. I pull my hand away quickly and blush.

"Let's walk together." Cam says softly.

Me and Cam then start walking side by side on the beach. I take my sandals off to feel the nice warm sand. It's been 5 minutes already and no one has said a word. All that was happening was complete awkward silence. I see him fall to the ground disappear from the corner of my eye. I look down and Cam is sitting on the sand.

He pats the sand beside him and looks up at me smiling. I slowly take a seat beside him but not too close. He moves over a bit to sit closer to me, and until our legs were touching. I don't know if he's sending signs that he likes me or if he's just leading me on.

"I want to get to know you better." Cam says putting his hand on mine.

"What are you suggesting?" I ask pulling my hand out slowly.

"I don't know... I have a girl friend, but she's a cheer leader and tends to break my heart. I want to find a girl that will love me for me and not cutest guy in school or the captain of the football team." Cam says disappointed.

"Cam.. I." I stutter.

"A week ago, she cheated on me with my best friend. I tried to break up with her but she won't let me. I'm stuck with her. She's got me in her trap, I still love her and all but I'm tired of this." He says biting his lip and looking down.

"I... really don't." I start to tear up.

"Know what, forget about it. Sorry I even brought it up." Cam says wiping his tears.

"Come with me!" I grab his hand and drag him to the water.

"What about the slurpees?" He asks.

"Stop asking questions!" I laugh. "Whoever can stay in the water the longest wins, okay?"

"Wins what?" Cam says smirking.

"What ever they wish to win." I smile.

I start to walk into the water and I already know I'm going to lose. The water was ice cold, just by being 5 seconds in the water that was up to my knees I could die from hypothermia. Cam was going into the water without any troubles and I start to worry. We stand there helpless for at least 5 minutes, and my legs start to go numb.

I feel a splash of water hit my face and soak my shirt. I look over and Cam is laughing hysterically! I splash him back and he looks at me shocked. I smirk and splash him again. He glares at me and pushes me into the water. I get up and try to drag him down as well, for revenge. I put my leg behind his and trip him. He grasps my arms before he falls in, taking me down with him. Luckily, he took my fall because that would've hurt.

I push my hair aside and look at him. Our faces, only a couple centimeters away, water from my hair now dripping into his face. We stare into each other eyes, and he glances at my lips. I get up as fast as I can and run away. It's hard to run because the water is holding my feet from smoothly gliding. I hear splashing behind me and I try to run faster.

Cam grabs me from behind and locks his arms around my waist. He picks me up and spins me around and we both laugh.

"Think you can get away so easily from me? Remember, I'm the captain of the football team. Running is my specialty." Cam brags.

"Cam!" A girly voice shouts.

We both turn around to see a girl with long blonde hair and flawless skin. I recognize her as the girl who said that I was ugly. Cam lets go of me and walks towards her.

"Just hear me out, I'm so-" His words get cut off from her hand whipping him across the face.

"You're such a jerk. Why would you cheat on me with this little piece of trash?" My fist tightens and I grit my teeth.

"I wasn't cheating! I was just having fun." Cam claims.

"Oh! Now you guys are having fun! I see how things are. Humph." She angrily walks away.

"Hey, I'm sorry but I got to go." Cam turns around running after her.

I frown and walk home drenched in water. Every step I took left a footprint of water. Drops of water fall off me every second I go. I walk with my head down not giving a care in the world. My eyes start to burn as tears start to form in my eyes. I like this guy way more than I should. I wipe my tears away and start to run home.

I finally get home and Scarlett spots me out her window. She rushes down and grabs my shoulders.

"How did it go?" She says with a huge grin on her face.

"Pretty good at first.. then his girlfriend showed up." I say sadly.

"She's just obsessed with Cam! You don't need to worry about her one bit. You could take her down just by staring into her soul and make her feel uncomfortable!" She says staring at me uncomfortably.

"Haha, stop that! The stare works okay!" I laugh. "I'm just going to get some rest. See you tomorrow at school!"

I walk inside hoping my mom wouldn't see me and ask a bunch of questions. I run upstairs into the bathroom and start a nice. warm bath. I sit down in the tub and just relax, getting my mind off things.

"Hey Cassidy, someone is at the door for you!" My mom shouts.

It's probably Scarlett, but I told her I needed some rest. I guess it's about something pretty urgent! I get out, wrap a towel over me, and walk outside. I glance down and see Cam sitting on the couch. I gasp and quickly run into my room. I start to shake and get very nervous! I look out my window and see Scarlett at her window as well. I open my window and toss a paper ball at her window. She looks back and opens her window confused.

"Scarlett, Cam is here! What am I supposed to do, and why is he here?" I ask worried.

"Well first, put some clothes on. Who cares if they are pajamas, well... put on some cute pajamas and walk down drying your hair with the towel. That shows that you don't care he's there and that you're comfortable around him." Scarlett gives a thumbs up and smiles.

I close my curtain and get dressed in the cutest pair of pajamas I had. I start walking out of my room drying my hair with the towel, just like Scarlett said. I look down at Cam and he is looking my way with wide eyes.

"Oh, Cam! I didn't know you were here. If I knew it was you I would've at least put on some regular clothes, this is so embarrassing." I say blushing looking at the ground.

"It's fine, trust me! Nice pajamas by the way. Sorry about earlier... leaving you like that. I really didn't mean to. I get to choose my prize though." Cam smirks.

"What are you talking about?" I say surprised.

"I totally won, I stayed in the water the longest." Cam smiles and looks directly into my eyes.

"You did not! We both got out of the water at the same time! Actually, you left first because you had to go with your girlfriend, so I win." I say with the biggest grin across my face.

"Okay fine, what's the prize you would like?" He smiles, grabbing my hands and pulling me closer.

I turn bright red and stare at the ground smiling like an idiot. "Okay, never mind. You win, I can't pick anything. So, you can choose yourself." I say pulling my hands away from his.

"A date, my pick. I get to pick where, when and you have to go with it." Cam blushes, staring at me.

"Don't you have a girlfriend though? People are going to think that you're a jerk and I'm a slut for stealing a girl's boyfriend." I say frowning at him.

"People already know that I don't like her anymore. Everyone already knows that she cheats on me and doesn't even care about the relationship. Yet, she still wants to be with me because it keeps her popular. I don't care about her anymore either." He frowns at the ground, not wanting to talk about it. "Give me your cellphone! I'll put my number in it."

I give him my phone and he looks concentrated on putting his number in my phone. I stare at him and I can't help but smile. Does he like me back, or is he just using me? I guess we will see on our date, but if he is using me, he's a very good actor. He hands back my phone and smiles while walking out the door.

I rush up the stairs and halfway I tripped. I shake my head in stupidity that I actually fell going upstairs. I hurry up the rest of the stairs, open the window and scream out to Scarlett. She opens her window as well and we start talking. I explained everything that happened to her and she freaks
out, as always.

I continue my day as if nothing happened. I go down stairs to eat dinner and I see that my mom has prepared spaghetti for dinner. I open my eyes wide and smile the biggest smile I can pull. I take in a deep breath and take a seat.

"So, I see that you have a little romance with that boy. Considering that he held your hand and you 2 were blushing!" I give my mom a death glare. "What? It's hard not to pay attention when you guys are right there. I don't mind if you date him, he's really cute!" I start to choke on the noodle that I was slurping into my mouth. I cough like a mad man and can't seem to stop. I talk a huge chug of water and catch my breath. "Mom!"

I continue to eat my spaghetti while giving my mom a frustrated face. I finally finish and clean up my dish. After I brushed my teeth I went to go to bed. I tossed, turned, went into some strange positions but couldn't seem to sleep. I hear a beep from my phone and I go to grab it. I check the message, 'Goodnight beautiful.' is what it says. I look at who sent it and it reads 'Cutest guy in school <3'. I roll my eyes and smile at my phone. I grip my phone tightly and drift off to sleep.
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meh, suckish.