Status: Going to post more soon, hopefully you like them!

Life Through Cassidy's Eyes

Just a Friday

I woke up just like any other day I would wake up but this time, I couldn't stop smiling. My mom even questioned why I was so happy, and all that crossed my mind was Cam. I was driving down the city roads that were filled with joy. Everything I looked at was so up-lifting and all the people were smiling! Today was such a nice day and I just hoped that it would stay a nice day. I believed that today was going to be the best day of my life, until I reached Mustrone Academy.

I pull up in front of the school, say good-bye to my mom and walk pass the doors. I see Cam's girlfriend and her group of friends giggling like one of those laughing toy dolls. Seeing their happiness brought me pain that stabbed me in the back with a knife. I give the group a dirty look, roll my eyes and walk away.

"Oh look, it's the ugly slut that tried to steal my boyfriend away from me!" Her high-pitched voice shouted from the distance but screeched in my ears like nails going down a chalk board. I turn around not too pleased to see her face. "Why did you even move here? You don't bring any happiness here, you don't do anything, you don't bring any benefits! Seriously, if i was you, which I can't even imagine having a face like yours, I would move out of town. Like, across the world." Her friends start laughing with her like a pack of hyenas.

I ignore everything she says, turn around and walk away so I could avoid attacking her. I bottle up all my anger, and try to bring out the inner happiness because nothing can ruin this day.

"What? She's walking away from this? This just shows how weak you are, can't even stand up to your own battles. You just walk away thinking that you're so cool, don't you?" She mocks me with her annoying voice.

I fiercely turn around with all my power, grit my teeth, clench my fists and get ready to pounce on her with every little piece of energy I've got. I start to take a charge at her when I feel hands wrap around my shoulder. I turn around and see Scarlett standing there looking worried.

"Listen to me Cassidy and listen well. She is just trying to get inside your mind, she just wants to mess with you! Don't let her over-power you, don't listen to a single word she says. She just feeds off of your anger to make her happiness overwhelming. She isn't worth any of your time!" Scarlett gives me a comforting smile as she looks into my eyes.

"Really Cassidy, you're going to let you're ghostly looking friend, who's utterly disgusting , take your battle for you? It's better if I mess up your face because hitting your friend would mean animal abuse." The blonde says with such confident, while giving us a dirty look.

"Oh you did not just go there! Cassidy, hold my back pack! I'm about to mess up an ugly looking freak!" Scarlett rages and rolls up her sleeves with complete anger written all over her face!

"What's going on here?" Cam comes from behind the wall looking confused. The blonde looks at me, then Cam and gives a evil looking smirk. She starts running over towards Cam like a lost little girl searching for her mommy. She embraces Cam in her arms, and kisses him passionately. I can't help but look away in pain that stabbed me in the heart. Scarlett hugs me and starts leading me down the hall to get away from that clouded place.

"My name is Alex Fleming, and you better keep that in mind. It's going to pop up a lot in your life." Alex says in an evil witch tone.

I can't help but let my tears run down my face like Niagara Falls. Scarlett was there beside me the whole time trying to cheer me up. Scarlett succeeded into getting me to stop crying before 1st period started. I wipe away my tears helplessly, and try to calm down. Scarlett gets up and stands tall in front of a masculine figure.

Scarlett starts talking in a rude tone, maybe she is protecting me from someone. I look up and see Cam staring at me with the most precious puppy face in the world. I frown at him as more tears start to form uncontrollably. Cam pushes Scarlett out of the way, sits beside me and just embraces me into his arms.

His arms are tightly around me, making me feel safe and secure. I felt like it was meant to be this way, like I am suppose to be in his arms. His hug was so comforting, a hug like I've never had before! It was just special as I cried on his shoulder as he holds me tightly against his warm self.

He pulls me away and looks me in the eyes. He sees the tears in my eyes and his eyes start to tear up as well. He holds my head in his hands and uses his thumbs to wipe away my tears. He smiles slightly and I can't help but smile back.

"You don't have to worry about her anymore. I finished her off, she won't bother you any longer. So, don't keep the name Alex in your head." Cam sighs with relief.

"What do you mean 'finished her off'?" I ask in confusion.

"I broke up with her." Cam says with the biggest smile on his face. My face lightens up with joy and I hug him tightly. Just cherishing every single second I had in his arms. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that he actually broke up with her.

"Hey, our date is going to be at a school party tonight!" Cam says happily pulling himself away from the hug.

"But, I don't want to go to a school party." I say disappointed.

"Haha, jokes on you because I said that you have to go with whatever I choose, remember?" Cam says smirking happily.

"You suck.." I say hitting him in the chest, smiling.

I hear the bell ring and thoughts went rushing through my mind. I was going to be late for the first time. I get up quickly and rush to my class, hoping my teacher wouldn't notice. The first 2 periods flew by in no time and it was finally time for lunch. I walk into the cafeteria and see Alex giving me the stink eye. She starts storming over towards me with her eyes striking me with terror.

I feel arms wrap around me, and I knew who it was just by how comfortable, and secure I felt. I turn around and see Cams face smiling down at me. Right now, me and him are in the flirting stage. I'm not sure if I like him completely, or if he likes me completely. I see Alex turn around in all her might and walk away. I laugh inside because she got what she deserves.

"There is a football game Monday, it's our school against Hallington High. You've got to come and support me while I play. Just me though, not my team, but just me!" Cam says laughing.

"I will!" I smile.

I spent the lunch talking with Scarlett, Cam and Cam's football friends! My life was just getting better and better each second. School finally ends and I go home to do some research. I did some studying, and researched on the fanciest outfits that were in season. I took about an hour to get dressed for the party, hoping that it would be great.

I'm looking in the mirror, checking if everything is in order. I gussy up and decide to wear some make-up, even though I usually don't. I apply some natural make-up, because I am not really a fan but I've got to look my best. I hear something hit my window, I turn around to see Scarlett signaling to open my window. I open my window and stare at her waiting for her to say something.

"Are you going to say something?" I question Scarlett as she stares at me.

"Oh, it's just.. I've never seen you like that! Wow, you're gorgeous... makes me feel like an outcast. Anyways, you know you are getting all dressed up for Alex's party right?" Scarlett says.

"Wait.. what did you just say? Alex?" I ask worriedly.

"Yeah, she always plans a party like every 2 weeks. Well, have fun at her party." She shuts her window, and closes her curtains.

I get a little worried that Scarlett is mad at me for something. I hear knocking on the door and jump in excitement. I brush myself off and hop down the stairs. I grab the doorknob and twist it slightly. Party, here I come!
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sorry for the long update! :) hope you like it.