Status: Going to post more soon, hopefully you like them!

Life Through Cassidy's Eyes

The Date

I open the door to see Cam leaning against the wall like the cool guy he is and he is giving me a seducing look. I roll my eyes and smack him on the arm.

"What was that for? Haha, for trying to seduce you?" Cam winks and goes back into the position he was in before.

"That, and you never told me that Alex was hosting the party! How come you never told me?" I say under my breath, looking up at him worried and confused.

"If I told you that it was Alex's party, you wouldn't want to come. I really want you to come, and it's a tradition for the football players to go to Alex's party because it's where we met. Sorry, I am really sorry that I didn't tell you that it was Alex's party." He says frowning and disappointed.

I grab his hands and he looks straight at me with his eyes shimmering in the light. I then let go of his hands and rest my arms on his shoulder while I grasp the back of his neck. I smile sweetly at him, and glance at his lips. "It's fine, I forgive you." We head out the door and we are on our way to Alex's place.

We walk up the stone pathway leading to a huge house light up with a bunch of colorful lights and the bass pounding through the walls. Cam looks at me nervous and presses the door bell slightly. The door starts to slowly open and Alex pops through the door.

"Welcome to the biggest... Wait, you brought her? Sorry, no sluts allowed, come on in Cam." Alex eye balls Cam as she gives me a dirty look. She grabs him by the shirt and pulls him closer to her. He smacks her hand off his shirt and straightens his shirt out. I turn away in jealousy, not being able to look. I grab my arm and lean against the wall looking down.

I feel a hand tightly grip my shoulders and pull me off the wall. I look up into Cam's eyes as he's hovering over me. He drags me towards him, so close I can feel his body heat. My eyes widen wondering what he's doing, and a second later I feel his lips against mine. I stand there motionless as he's deeply kissing me. I close my eyes and kiss back, placing my hands on the back of his neck.

I felt sparks rise up into the air, I heard fireworks go on in the background, I had shivers run up and down my spine. The moment was so magical, I forgot about reality, I forgot about Alex and her dumb party. I didn't want to let go, I didn't want him to let go of me! I wanted to be in his presence, in his arms, he made me feel like I was someone special.

The passionate kiss finally breaks apart and I open my eyes slowly as Cam puts his forehead against mine. I smile uncontrollably and glance over at Alex. Her mouth wide open, her jaw dropped to the floor, while her eyes scream death. I push Cam away and stare at Alex, worried that she was going to kill me.

"You know Cam, you've made a big mistake!" Alex rushes back inside and slams the door.

"We don't have to go here! So sorry about bringing you here in the first place.." Cam says guilty.

"It's fine! We can go to this special place that I absolutely love!" I grab his hand and drag him down the street with me.

"What place is it?" Cam asks.

"It's a surprise, you will probably know once you get there!" I say joyfully running down the street.

We finally reach the spot that I absolutely love since I have arrived. It was this delicious ice cream diner that had ice cream so creamy and thick! We stop in front of the ice cream shop and Cam is frozen. His eyes were like an open book to me, saying that he didn't like the place.

"Are you alright Cam? You look, horrible... We can go somewhere else if you'd like!" I try to cheer him up.

"No, it's fine! If you love this place then let's eat here!" Cam gently says.

"Then why does it seem like you hate this place? Or had some bad memories with it?" I ask.

"It's just.. Me and Alex used to come here everyday, it was our special spot. It does bring back a lot of memories, but I just gota to get over it. Come on, let's go inside." Cam says grabbing my hand leading me inside the ice cream shop.

My heart dropped while my stomach as twisting and turning. I felt horrible bringing him back here when he just broke up with Alex. I couldn't help but just stare at Cam as he's hiding his emotions, trying to be happy. Tears start to form in my eyes but I look upwards to stop them from falling. I felt like a douchebag, I felt like I've made a big mistake.

Cam heads up to the counter and I follow right behind him. He orders his ice cream, but when I see him I hear no words come out of his mouth. He smiles at the cashier but all I hear is a crying boy trying to get out. He may be smiling, but his eyes tell a whole other story.

"What kind of ice cream do you want?" Cam asks.

"Uh, not feeling hungry for ice cream anymore.." I frown, moving my foot in a circular motion on the floor.

We get out of the ice cream shop and walk around. It was sunset, and the sky blossomed with purple, pink and orange. It popped out at us like a 3D movie. We spent that whole time talking, about random and dumb stuff. We laughed, and just smiled the whole time.

"Why did you move here to Mustrone?" Cam asks out of curiousity.

"Well, my dad died in a car accident on his first day of his dream job. My dad was the only one that worked in the family because my mom had to take care of other things. Since he died, we had no money, so my mom decided to get a job. She got a job, but it was all the way here! So, we decided to move so she could be closer to her job and we could pay off our bills!" I give Cam a half smile and shrug.

"Wow, I am really sorry about your dad. I didn't mean to bring it up." Cam says shoving the last bit of ice cream into his mouth.

"It's fine, you didn't know that he died!" I smile at him, telling him that it was okay.

"It's getting late, I should probably walk you home!" Cam says.


We start to walk when I feel his hand brush mine. I look off into the distance acting like nothing happened, but I can't help blushing. His hand opens mine, and he grips it. His hand now tangled up with mine, walking down the street when the sun was setting. It was the most perfect moment I've had in my life.

We arrive at my house and Cam frowns. I start to open the door but Cam closes it. I turn around and place my back against the door. Cam's hands were beside me head and his body was a barrier over mine. I look up at his eyes that looked so beautiful in the sunlight. He closes his eyes and leans in as I feel his warm, soft lips up against mine.

He put the right amount of pressure on my lips, while I got my fingers wrapped up in his hair. Our lips moving as one, our bodies pressed together so tightly. I wrap my arms around his neck and go onto my tippy toes. The kiss breaks apart and we are left staring at each other romantically.

"This may be a bit early but, I love you... I love you Cassidy Larkspur."

"I... Love you too." We both smile.

I turn around and open the door, I looked at Cam for one last time and shut the door. I lean against the door and squeal. I look up, smiling uncontrollably. I bite my lip and run upstairs. I hop onto my bed, put my face deeply in my pillow and scream. I smile at my ceiling like the idiot I am, and I just pranced around my bedroom.

"Guessing you had fun, huh." I hear someone say from the distance. I go to my window and see Scarlett, arms folded out her open window.

"Yeah, I had lots of fun!" I smile.

"Don't talk to me like that, it's disgusting." Scarlett snorts.

"What are you talking about? What has gotten into you?" I say trying not to let anger get the best of me.

"What has gotten into me? Coming from the slut, stop acting like you don't know!" Scarlett screams.

I look at her utterly confused, not knowing a word she is saying. She used to be my best friend and now she's an enemy? What could I have done to make her this way? I thought of every little detail since I was here, and nothing I did badly came to mind.

"If you seriously don't remember, let me re-write it for you!" Scarlett says angrily.

She explains every little detail to me and I can't believe what my ears heard. My jaw dropped to the floor, still confused. My eyes wide open, hearing all the lies. All the lies that I have never even heard before. I couldnt believe it, I was going to get to the bottom of this and settle things out. I thought my life was great, up until this moment.
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It sucks.. All I can say, but if you stick with it.. Thank you! :)