The Little Boy who lived alone

A very "little" world.

Every day, the young boy went for a walk. He was alone when he walked. Actually, he was always alone. He lived in a little cottage in a little field. The little field was covered with little yellow flowers. On the way back from his walk, the young boy would pick some little flowers to put in a little vase in his little cottage.

The young boy was pale. He didn't get a lot of sunlight. He normally had enough time to just have a big walk around his home before the brightest and warmest part of the day was gone. So, he took the chance for sunlight to his advantage.

Every day, the young pale boy ran across the field. Today, he took a right turn at the end of the field. He didn't do that often. He had never gone some ways, but one day, he planned to go exploring. But not today. He followed the path, and soon was at the stream just past the field. It was the brightest, deepest, most beautiful blue you could ever imagine. He walked on the small bridge over the stream. The young boy stopped to admire the pure blue of the water.

He fell under it's spell. He stood there for what seemed like hours, lost in deep thoughts almost as deep as how the water looked. In reality, the young pale boy was only on the bridge for a few minutes. His deep thoughts were interrupted by a fish jumping out of the water. With this distraction, the boy shook his head, and walked off the bridge. He followed the dirt path again. He noticed a tree was beginning to grow. They were a little off the ground, merely small bumps on the ground.

The sound of the stream became softer and softer as he slowly shuffled away. By the time the stream could not be heard, the young pale boy was standing on soft specks of sand mixed in with the grass. The grass began to vanish, as more and more sand took it's place as the boy walked along. Within a minute, he was on a beach. He looked around, then pulled his back pack off. It was filled with all the things a young boy could need at the beach.

The backpack was very small. It was as big as a cd player. It was so white it looked like someone had bathed it in a pool of bleach (he may have done just that). The boy looked at the bag with a look of accomplishment and began to unpack it. First, he pulled out a towel. He tugged and tossed, pushed and prodded. But it was stuck. Half of his towel was still in his small, very white bag. He puffed and wheezed while he pulled to get it out. He was almost at the shore as he pulled , the towel still partially stuck in the bag which was at where all the grass disappeared. He gave the towel two last huge gut-busting tugs. The young boy toppled over as the huge towel flew towards him and he landed in the water.

He shrugged and laughed. He jumped up, walked back with the damp towel and spread it out along the sand. The young pale boy then pulled out sunglasses, a sandwich, a drink of juice and a book entitled "How to live life". He lay down on the towel and began reading. He sipped his juice box as he read the first chapter. While on the 2nd chapter, his cheeks felt very warm. The third chapter had a lot of metaphors, which made him hungry, so he chomped on the sandwich. Once the young pale boy fininished chapter 3, he put a bookmark on page 45, picked up his juice box, his crusts (he didn't like the crusts) and the large towel. He wrapped them up into his very small and possibly bleached bad and walked home. He picked up 3 bright yellow flowers to put into his small vase in his small cottage.

The sun was almost ready to hit the hay, so the boy who was pale but now slightly read on his cheeks got ready for bed.
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So, i hope you realize why he went to the beach. If not, you'll work it out in the next chapter. I hope you liked it. The repetition may get a "little" annoying, but i think it does something to the flow of the chapter.