Status: Currently, the main character of the short stories will have the name of Elizabeth or some sort of variation of that name for the time being.

Witches Hour

My Conversation with Satan

I don't know what in my right mind possessed me to do it. I knew it was against all laws of God but I did it anyway. The best of my curiosity got to me and it's true what they say; curiosity did indeed kill the cat.

I don't know how exactly did I get him to show up and I thought that one would have to go through some sort of ritual. I didn't do it that way. I just had this long sense of curiosity and maybe even bravery to have him in front of me so we could talk like two human beings. My mistake was thinking he could be human. Especially with an ‘e’ at the end.

I arrived at my studio apartment from work at 3am, witches hour. According to my grandmother in Mexico, this is the hour when he is worshipped. Not God, but he, or it. I still don't know for sure what he is.

I placed my keys down on my dinning table and set my bag there as well. Right when I was about to sit down and vainly deal with the stress that I was living with from work and my parents, I heard a knock on my door. I was instantly annoyed at the fact that someone was knocking on my door at 3am but went to open it nonetheless.

I opened it without thinking about checking the peephole first. I found no one standing outside and I became extra irritated at the world. Until I turned around and found a complete stranger in a red suit sitting on my couch. I jumped against the wall. "What the fuck?! Who are you?! How did you get in here?" I said, frantically trying to find something to use as a weapon for self defense.
He seemed to be tall, with light brown skin. He had short black hair and a mustache that reminded me of my father's. He seemed amused as he sat there with a smirk on his face. I, not being able to find anything to use as a weapon nor a phone near me, tensed up. I was ready to use my self defense skills if this guy tried anything on me. He took forever to respond.

Him: Well that's not how you greet people. But then again, you're the only one here.
He keeps the grin on his face.
Me: Who are you and what do you want?
Him: What makes you think I want something? I only came here to see what you wanted from me.

I became confused.

Me: What the...? Answer my question before I scream and wake up half the people in this apartment complex!
Him: Look here, Eliza. You don't tell me what to do. I'm being a nice guy at this moment and you don't want to see me when I'm anything but a nice guy so sit down and let's talk like you wanted.
Me: How do you know my name?

I started to feel my heart beating faster as a sense of panic began to flow through my veins. He started to laugh.

Him: Oh Eliza, how naive you are... To not even realize how powerful your thoughts are. How powerful your curiosity can get. You know that I feed on people's curiosity. I feed on people's weaknesses as I tempt them to do things they shouldn't. Your sense of curiosity is probably the most interesting I've encountered. I've heard your thoughts about me. You are so skeptical about church and its followers. You’ve always wonder how evil I could really be. You've wondered enough to even imagine how a conversation between us would go. Well, here I am now and so far, you are not following what you thought would happen.

That's when I realized it was him, Lucifer, Satan, the devil himself inside my apartment, on my couch. I became speechless and sat down on one of the dinning chairs before I lost my ability to stand. He continues talking.

Him: You’ve got quite a personality there. To want to meet with someone as powerful as me without the intention of asking for something in particular. The last time I met with a human, they wanted fame, fortune and were willing to give up their souls to live a life of luxury. And you, all you really want is to talk? When it could cost you your life...
Me: I’m not afraid.

I began to get tense again and sat up straight. I looked at him with a serious look on my face. I was ready to talk.

Him: I know you are not. But you know, it is against God’s rules to even be tempted by the thought of talking to me. I am the worse sin of all.
Me: Well, according to my relatives, I’m already going to hell for being gay so I guess I’m not too far off track.
Him: You know you don’t actually believe those church-loving, hypocritical idiots. God doesn’t hate the gays; He doesn’t even see it as wrong thing. He’s just all about love... ugh.

I started to question Satan’s use of the male pronoun on God and began to wonder about God’s gender.

Me: Is He really a--
Him: That’s for me to know and for you to ponder for the rest of your life.
Me: Dang, stop reading my mind, will ya? I just thought since He is God, and not human, He would not fit into any category, you know?
Him: Read your Bible.
Me: Humans wrote it, you know?
Him: Oh really? Tell me something I don’t know.
Me: God loves you.
Him: I suppose He told you this sometime today.

We both laughed.

Me: Can I ask you a question?
Him: Aren’t you already asking?
Me: I should have expected you to be full of sarcasm.

He laughed.

Him: Next question!
Me: Right. Why do you hate God so much?
Him: What makes you think I hate Him? Tell me before I read your mind.
Me: Well, um... you are Satan, the lord of darkness, the creator of all evil.
Him: I don’t hate Him. One can never hate their creator, just like you can never hate your parents. Even if they are not accepting of you. It’s His followers I’m not such a big fan of.
Me: Do continue.
Him: You know it pretty much. They go to church every Sunday, in hopes of being cleansed from their sins only to go back to their shitty homes and sin again. I’m always there to see it. Once they reach an age closer to death, they make an effort to stop in hopes of making it into God’s Kingdom after death. Not only do they go to church, but they also pray every night, day, meal, and then preach to youth not to do what they did when they know darn well, they are doing the same thing. I’ll admit though, I enjoy watching them fall, down to hell.

He laughed again. Louder this time.

Me: Well, you are pretty much the one causing them to sin.
Him: Incorrect. I simply tempt them. They have the will to either do or don’t and every single time, they do. Remember Adam and Eve?
Me: Eve was so stupid. Was she even real?
Him: Damn right she was! And stupid indeed to have given into my tempting charm. You can blame them for all human suffering, not me nor God.
Me: I don’t understand humanity.
Him: That’s because you think too much. You’re always so curious about things and when you get answers to your questions, you create more questions and dig yourself into a deeper hole. One of depression and despair for all mankind. Right now, you are probably digging the deepest yet and trust me, it won’t end well. Eventually, you won’t be able to get out.

I shook my head nervously and quickly stood up.

Me: No, you’re wrong. I won’t fall for that.

He stood up slowly and started walking towards the door. He opened it and before he walked out, he turned around to look at me.

Him: Eliza, you already did.

He walked out and the door slammed shut. My world went black.

Two days later, my landlord came into my apartment to find strange inscriptions on the wall, written with a black marker. He also found me under my bed, taken over by insanity. I’ve finally lost my mind.