Too Much

Life's end

I stand at the door trying to unlock it but i cant get my hand to stop shaking. Finally i manage to get the key in. I hear the lock click softly. I gentally close the door behind me and head straigh for my room. I sit at my desk and take out a clean white sheet of paper; i start to write my finaly words.


I really hate that i have to tell you this but i must. The accident that killed mom could have been prevented. She wasnt the one driving drink that night, i was. When mom went out with her friends i knew that i was going to have to pick her up. It had been a hard day so after school i slipped into the liquor cabinet, and had a few drinks. I only felt a little buzzed when i went to pick mom up. i figured it would be okay for e to drive. After i got mom and iwas heading back home i started to feel dizzy. All i remember is seeing a bright light. It is my fault mom is dead. I'm so sorry daddy.

I can't handle this pain i have been dealing with or this feeling of guilt. I shouldnt be here so i no longer will be. Please explain this to Sarah when she is older. tell her that i love her so much.

I'm so sorry. Goodbye. I love you
Morgn Marie Petterson"

I folded the note carefully and layed it in plan sight on the desk.
I took a handful of my sleeping pills and lay down on my bed. I felt myself slowly slip away. I finally felt at peace. I closed my eyes andsmileda little knowing this when the end.