Deadly Tears


I was walking through town listening to music through headphones when an attractive lady, with long blondeish-whiteish hair and blue almost clear eyes, stopped me, her head hung low, tears streaming down her face, I took out my headphones.

"Yes can I help you?"

"I have seen your death,"

A shiver ran threw me, what a sick joke.

"What the hell is wrong with you lady?"

"Please you must believe, and get help before he can kill you. You must stop it!"

I laughed not believing her "Alright and who is meant to kill me?"

"He has long dark hair, I can't see his name."

"How do you know?"

She looked down like she didn't wanna say, but finally looked up at me her blue eyes were amazing, if she weren't crazy, I'd definitely hit on her.

"I'm a Banshee, I can see peoples deaths before they happen." She confessed

I thought about that for a moment, sure I'd heard of Banshee's, but were they real? This lady seems to believe she's one. I believed in many other supernatural creatures, why not believe this lady is Banshee.

"What is your name?"


"Well Zephyrine, I'm Claes, will you help me find my killer?"

She gave me a wierd look. "I don't know how to help with that?"

"Well you can see what he or she looks like."

"You should go to the police." She said

"To report a crime that hasn't happened?"
She thought for a moment

"Fine I'll help you find your killer."

I thought about this, how does this work? Do we just go around town looking at strangers, and how am I meant to deal with the fact that I might die, if I don't kill the killer in time? It hasn't really sunk in yet.

"Well first things first, I buy a gun."

I had shot a gun many times, and I was good with aim.

Zephyrine told me she'd meet with me tomorrow, and we'd talk more about it.
I walked back to my small apartment and sat down with my new gun, and thats when things started connecting in my brain. I'm going to die, for the first time in my life I actually felt scared. Was this some sick joke? How do I know if I believe her? I've seen ghost, and demons before I try to avoid them, and stay on their good side. Thats when I remember Zacarias, he was demon I had met, most demons I know are about destorying peoples lives, but Zac had been nicer than most, but something had happened, Angels had come to get him and not wanting to get involved I left, I was pretty sure Zac had it out for me, but it had been years.
I was just a human there was nothing I could do, but I regret abandoning him, when I should've tried something. Could he still be alive?