Deadly Tears


I met Zephyrine the following day, carrying my gun around just in case something happened. I hid my worries, and pretended to act carefree.

"So you get any new details about my killer?" I ask

"It will happen in a week." She said

I froze, a week? I can't believe it. She noticed this.

"We'll find him." I didn't believe her if it was Zacarias, he was strong, and I remember he had
black hair, but it was short, but it had been years it could be long now.

"Do you know his name?"


"Do you know if his a demon?" Was my next question.

"He isn't human thats for sure." She said, then she grabbed her head, her eyes clouded and she started to fall, but I grabbed her before she hit the ground, unsure of what to do, a crowd of people stopped and stared.

'Real help.' I thought, as I slowly lowered her to the ground, finally she put her hands down and
looked at me somewhat embarassed.

"What happened?"

"I saw it again." She said


"More details on your death." She whispered, as there were still people around us, but they'd started to walk off. I didn't really want to know, but asked

"What happened?"

"Well to start off I dont think that guns gonna help you. He has amazing powers."

"Don't you know of someone that could actually help?"
She shook her head.

'Where are Angels when you need one?' I thought

"Are you sure we can stop my death?"

"I dont know I only tell people when they are going to die, I've never helped someone stop it before. Maybe by knowing it we can change the future."

I had my doubts, I'm not really strong, I can shoot well and hit my target, but she's not sure my gun will be useful. I need to contact someone for help, but who?

"You must know of someone who can help."

"Let me go talk to a few people, I'll see if I can find someone strong."


I walked through the forest, seeing a few other Banshees, we mostly kept to ourselves, but I wanted to help Claes, I don't know why but I had started to have a connection with him, we don't connect with humans, we either tell them of their deaths or just let the saddness go through us.
I finally found who I was looking for, she was the most wise, she had many connections, her name was Mary, she often took on an appearance of a older lady, unless she was going to tell someone of their death, she was the most beautiful of all us, she could change her appearance, as could I.
Mary heard me apporaching from behind, and turn around.

"Zephyr? What do you want?" She asked, she wasn't to kind.

"I need help."

"What do you need?"

"I know you have connections, there is someone hunting down my friend, I need help to stpo him."

"Your human friend?" The ways she said human, like they were filthy creatures

"Yes my human friend."

"You know better then to talk to humans, your job is to warn them, not befriend them." She scolded me.

"Please humans are just like us."

She considered this for a moment, then finally she said. "Its a humans nature to betray, when he betrays you, don't expect any of us to care."

"I won't." I said angrily "Now who do you know that can help?"

"Is a demon we are dealing with?"

"Yes I think so."

"Then you'll need a witch or an angel. They'd be of the most help. You can't always be sure of
witches though, and angels usually always have good intentions."

"Then do you know of an angel that would help?"

"Of course I know plenty."

"How do I contact them?" I asked

"I will contact the angel tonight. I will see if there is a witch that can help us with a spell to weaken the demon."

"Thank you so much!" I felt grateful, and now we may be able to defeat, who ever is hunting Claes.