Deadly Tears



Zephyr told me of the good news, I have to stop and wonder if this is all real, maybe this is a bad dream and I'm not going to die, but I have yet to wake up.

"Claes, don't worry, Mary will sort things out, we can trust her." Zephyr tells me
I shake my head to stop my thoughts.

"You want some to eat?" I ask "What type of food do banshee's eat?"

"Well we live in the woods, we usually eat berries and any animals we find."

"I'll make you some fish." I say, I like to cook, it takes my mind off things

After the food, Zephyrine leaves, and goes back to the woods, I offer to walk with her but she insist I stay home and take care of myself.
After she is gone, I can't help but feel like I'm being watched, I tell myself I'm just being paranoid, its nothing to worry about. Then I see the red eyes at my window, I start shaking unable to move, it is him, but then just like that they disappear. I close the blinds and and lock the doors, not that that'll be much use against a demon.
I pace the living room unsure of what to do with myself, I can't sleep knowing he's here, but maybe that was just a trick of my eyes, I didn't really see anything, things are getting to me.
Finally after hours of pacing and thinking, I manage to drift off to sleep.

The next moring Zephyr is back but with someone else, a female, with jet black hair and grey eyes.

"Hi, and who is this?" I ask

"She's -" Zephyr starts but the lady cuts her off.

"I'm Modestine." She says

"What an unusual name." I say without thinking

"Just call me Stine." She doesn't seem to care, but sees me still looking confused "I'm a witch," She continues

"Oh right."

"So whats after you?" She ask now interested.

"I think a demon."

"Oh what you do to piss him off?"

"I'd rather not talk about it." I say

"Then maybe I'd rather not help."

"Stine please, is it really important?" Zephyrine ask

"Yes it is. I like to know who I'm dealing with, or I'm not gonna waste my time."

I sighed "His name is Zacarias, there were angels after him, and instead of getting involved I left."

"Typical human." She sounded disgusted

"Don't blame him, he's just a human what else could he do?"

"You're right, he's weak."

"You know I'm right here." I said irritated

"So how are you gonna protect yourself." Modestine ask

"I have two guns."

She laughs, "That won't do much damage. I guess I can do something to strengthen it." She says "Let me see it."

I pull out my pistol and then go into my room for my shotgun, which I had also brought.

"The shotgun is much stronger, I'll work on that one first."

Modestine puts the shotgun on the coffee table and starts chanting incantations. I have no idea what she's saying but hope it works, while she's working I take Zephyrine aside.

"Is she the only one thats gonna help?"

"Mary knows of angels too, but its gonna take a while for them to get down here."

All of a sudden again Zephyrine grabbed her head and her eyes clouded, I grabbed her before she could fall and sat her on the couch, when she finally came to she just sat there unable to speak.

"Zephyrine? What did you see?"

She slowly looked at me, still not focusing, then life quickly replace the empty stare.


"What did you see?" I asked again

"Nothing, just more death, but it wasn't yours,"

"Is there someone else you need to talk to?" I asked remembering when she told me about my death

"No it'll be fine." She gave a small smile, but I could see the tears in her eyes.

"So why do you cry when someone is about to die?"

"Its sad, its as if we know those people personally, so it hurts." She said

"Oh I'm sorry."

"I'm used it, I've gone through it many times."

"How long does this person have?" I was curious, maybe I shouldn't be asking these questions.

"Till the end of the week." She said quickly, like she didn't want to talk about it.

Thats around the time I'll be killed.
Suddenly there was a knock at my door, I quickly went to open it, it was a man.

"Can I help you?"

"I found this at the front of your door." He handed me a note it read

'Gather your friends, they won't be much use when I'm through with you.'

I just stared at the words, so he is watching me. Then I remember the man standing infront of me.

"So you came to give me this note."

"No I'm Isha, Mary told me to help Zephyrine and her friend."

He seemed familiar. "You are the one that attacked Zacarias!" I said suddenly as the memory hit me

"Yes. We sent him back to Hell, but some how he got out again."

"So why didn't you come down sooner?"

"We didn't know where he was. He seems to have teamed up with some more demons."

"How many?"

"We don't know."

"Finally done." Modestine interrupted, I stared at her "Your shotgun." She said waving it at me like it was a toy