Deadly Tears


I could see him ripping the flesh off my body, torturing me slowly to death. I woke up and opened my eyes, thats when I felt it, another presence in the room.

"You're awake." I heard his voice after many years, it was Zacarias

"Zac." I said sitting up

"Its time for your death."

Before he could get to me I grabbed my shotgun and fired, he looked at me and laughed. Now I was more worried, Modestine had said it would be stronger. He hit me over the head and knocked me out.

When I came to I was in a dark room, no one was there. I wondered if Zephyrine knew what was happening, and if anyone could help before it was to late.
I didn't really want Zephyrine in this though, she'd been with me for a while and I didn't want to see her get hurt, I'd become attatched to her without realizing it.
I looked around the room for something to use as a weapon against Zac, but finding nothing.
Suddenly I had a wierd feeling in my body, I could feel power growing in my body, like I was stronger.

'Well now thats wierd.' I must be imagining it. I can't stay in this room, where I'll surely be tortured, I went to the door and kicked it in, of course making a lot of noise, but I can hopefully avoid the demons here.
I walked around being as quiet as possible, jumping at small sounds, thats when I heard Modestines voice, but in my head.

"What happened?"

"Zac has me." I thought back, hoping that I was doing whatever she did right

"We'll find you, I'm doing a tracker spell on you right now."

I silently waited untill she talked again. "Found you! I'll get us there in a minute,"

I waited for about two minutes and then I heard someone approaching, I quickly turned around and it was Zephyrine.

"I was so worried about you." She said giving me a hug and silently crying. I hugged her back hoping she'll stay safe.

"Of course I'm fine."

"Lets get out of here." Said Modestine

"Someone is gonna die, we won't get out of here easily." Said Zephyrine

I was ready to die, I can't do anything about it, as long as everyone else is fine.

"Oh by the way, I made you a little bit stronger," Modestine told me

'I guess that is what I felt'

"Also brought your shotgun." Said Isha handing it to me.

Then we heard a voice from behind.

"I was wondering when you would all find him. You make it so easy when you're together." Said Zacarias.

More demons were flowing into the room, we were out numbered.
Isha closes his eyes and I saw his lips moving I knew he was calling for more angels, we'd need more people to win.